72 research outputs found

    Factores determinantes del éxito en la carrera de enfermeras actuantes en tecnología de reproducción asistida

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    Objetivo: examinar la relación entre éxito en la carrera y ambiente de trabajo con enfermeras actuantes en tecnología de reproducción asistida (TRA), e identificar factores que afectan su éxito en la carrera. Método: estudio transversal realizado en 53 centros de fertilidad de 26 provincias en la China Continental. Datos recolectados utilizando cuestionario de datos demográficos, un Cuestionario de Competencias de TRA para Enfermeras Especializadas, la Career-Success Scale (Escala de éxito profesional) y la Nursing Work Environment Scale (Escala del entorno de trabajo de enfermería). Se aplicó estadística inferencial y descriptiva. Resultados: 597 enfermeras actuantes en TRA participaron en nuestra encuesta, entregando 555 cuestionarios válidos. Los puntajes generales promedio de éxito en la carrera y ambiente de trabajo fueron 3,75 (desviación estándar, [DE]=1,01) y 3,42 (DE=0,77) respectivamente. Se observó fuerte correlación positiva entre éxito en la carrera y ambiente de trabajo (r=0,742; p<0,01). La regresión múltiple mostró que la concurrencia a conferencias académicas, atención psicológica, desarrollo profesional, apoyo y cuidado, salario y bienestar constituyeron factores significantes con influencia en el éxito en la carrera. Conclusión: la concurrencia a conferencias académicas, atención psicológica y ambiente de trabajo guardan relación positiva con el éxito en la carrera. Los gestores deberían considerar formas de abordar tales factores.Objetivo: examinar a relação entre o sucesso profissional e o ambiente de trabalho de enfermeiros da área de tecnologia de reprodução assistida e identificar os fatores que afetaram tal sucesso. Método: estudo transversal conduzido em 53 centros de fertilidade em 26 províncias da China Continental. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário demográfico, um questionário sobre competências de enfermagem especializada em tecnologias de reprodução assistida, da Career-Success Scale (Escala de Sucesso Profissional) e da Nursing Work Environment Scale (Escala do Ambiente de Trabalho na Enfermagem). Aplicaram-se análises de estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: participaram do estudo 597 enfermeiros da área de tecnologia de reprodução assistida, e 555 questionários válidos foram coletados. As pontuações globais médias para o sucesso profissional e o ambiente de trabalho foram 3,75 [desvio padrão (DP) = 1,01] e 3,42 (DP = 0,77), respectivamente. Verificou-se forte correlação positiva entre o sucesso profissional e o ambiente de trabalho (r = 0,742; p < 0,01). A análise de regressão múltipla mostrou que a participação em eventos acadêmicos, a assistência psicológica, o desenvolvimento profissional, o apoio e os cuidados, e o salário e o bem-estar foram fatores que influenciaram significativamente o sucesso profissional. Conclusão: a participação em eventos acadêmicos, a assistência psicológica e o ambiente de trabalho mostraram correlação positiva com o sucesso profissional. Os gestores deveriam considerar formas de abordar esses fatores.Objective: to examine the relationship between career success and work environment of nurses who practice in assisted reproductive technology and to identify factors that affect career success. Method: a cross-sectional study conducted in 53 fertility centres in 26 provinces in mainland China. Data were collected using a demographic data questionnaire, a specialised nursing competence questionnaire, the Career-Success Scale, and the Nursing Work Environment Scale. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. Results: 597 assisted reproductive technology nurses participated in our survey, and 555 valid questionnaires were collected. Theoverall mean scores for career success and work environment were 3.75 [standard deviation (SD) = 1.01] and 3.42 (SD = 0.77) respectively. There was a strong positive correlation between career success and work environment (r = 0.742, p < 0.01). Multiple regression showed that attending academic conferences, psychological care, professional development, support and care, salary, and welfare were significant factors that influence career success. Conclusion: attending academic conferences, psychological care, and work environment are positively related to career success. Administrators should consider ways to address these factors

    Research on an online self-organizing radial basis function neural network

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    A new growing and pruning algorithm is proposed for radial basis function (RBF) neural network structure design in this paper, which is named as self-organizing RBF (SORBF). The structure of the RBF neural network is introduced in this paper first, and then the growing and pruning algorithm is used to design the structure of the RBF neural network automatically. The growing and pruning approach is based on the radius of the receptive field of the RBF nodes. Meanwhile, the parameters adjusting algorithms are proposed for the whole RBF neural network. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through functions approximation and dynamic system identification. Then, the method is used to capture the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) concentration in a wastewater treatment system. Experimental results show that the proposed method is efficient for network structure optimization, and it achieves better performance than some of the existing algorithms

    Palmitoleate Induces Hepatic Steatosis but Suppresses Liver Inflammatory Response in Mice

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    The interaction between fat deposition and inflammation during obesity contributes to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The present study examined the effects of palmitoleate, a monounsaturated fatty acid (16∶1n7), on liver metabolic and inflammatory responses, and investigated the mechanisms by which palmitoleate increases hepatocyte fatty acid synthase (FAS) expression. Male wild-type C57BL/6J mice were supplemented with palmitoleate and subjected to the assays to analyze hepatic steatosis and liver inflammatory response. Additionally, mouse primary hepatocytes were treated with palmitoleate and used to analyze fat deposition, the inflammatory response, and sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP1c) activation. Compared with controls, palmitoleate supplementation increased the circulating levels of palmitoleate and improved systemic insulin sensitivity. Locally, hepatic fat deposition and SREBP1c and FAS expression were significantly increased in palmitoleate-supplemented mice. These pro-lipogenic events were accompanied by improvement of liver insulin signaling. In addition, palmitoleate supplementation reduced the numbers of macrophages/Kupffer cells in livers of the treated mice. Consistently, supplementation of palmitoleate decreased the phosphorylation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB, p65) and the expression of proinflammatory cytokines. These results were recapitulated in primary mouse hepatocytes. In terms of regulating FAS expression, treatment of palmitoleate increased the transcription activity of SREBP1c and enhanced the binding of SREBP1c to FAS promoter. Palmitoleate also decreased the phosphorylation of NF-κB p65 and the expression of proinflammatory cytokines in cultured macrophages. Together, these results suggest that palmitoleate acts through dissociating liver inflammatory response from hepatic steatosis to play a unique role in NAFLD

    A Computational Approach to the Prediction of the Floating Condition of ROPAX Vessel after Firewater Accumulation in Firefighting Operation

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    A reliable estimation of the floating condition of a roll on/roll off cargo (ROPAX) vessel after the accumulation of firewater on the vehicle deck is extremely important for making correct decisions on evacuation and abandonment. Thus, for the seafarer working on a ROPAX vessel, there is a demand for a time-dependent prediction of the floating condition of the vessel after the firewater accumulation. For this purpose, a new iterative computational approach, based on quasi-static theory, is presented. The approach is examined through the records observed in an accident of the M/V Dashun. The results show that the approach has good accuracy and feasibility provided that the actual heeling angle and cargo shift during the accident are carefully monitored

    Bulk Grain Cargo Hold Condensation Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    In order to assess whether condensation will occur on the shipside of a bulk grain cargo hold during transportation at sea, this paper has established a ventilation model for the bulk cargo hold of the ship, and optimized the model according to the characteristics of the solid bulk grain stowed on a moving ship at sea. The temperature field, micro-airflow field and relative humidity field of the bulk grain in a cargo hold are simulated by using fluent software (v.2020). Incorporating the impact of grain moisture exchange, the Equilibrium Relative Humidity (ERH) method is introduced alongside the Dew Point (DP) method to determine the condensation on the shipside of the cargo hold. The results of simulation are in agreement with the practical observation results obtained from an actual ship with a heavy cargo damage claim. Conclusively, this paper finds that the risk of the condensation on the shipside of a bulk grain cargo hold always exists if the inner part of the shipside is directly in contact with the grain. Meanwhile, when the grain temperature near the shipside decreases, the moisture in the cargo hold will migrate to the shipside due to the temperature gradient. Furthermore, the longer the voyage, the more obvious the migration of moisture from the central part of the bulk grain to the shipside, and the greater the risk of condensation

    The Effect of Preharvest UV Light Irradiation on Berries Quality: A Review

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    As a non-toxic, pollution-free, non-residual toxicity, safe, and effective physical method, UV light irradiation can extend the shelf life of fruits, improve the quality of fruits, and conform to the current trend of consumers to pursue green, healthy, and natural food. However, most UV treatments are performed in the postharvest stage. Due to the weak resistance of fresh fruits to mechanical damage, after harvest, UV light treatment of fruits needs to flip the fruits to obtain the full effect of an effective dose, which will inevitably cause different degrees of damage to the skin of the fruits. The research shows that the beneficial effects obtained by UV light treatment are systematic, and the fruits treated by UV light before harvest can obtain similar effects to those treated after harvest. This paper reviewed the effects of preharvest UV light treatment on fruit quality. The effects of preharvest UV light treatment on fruit appearance, flavor, and disease resistance were considered. We conclude that the application of UV light before harvest is of positive significance for the improvement of fruit quality and the extension of shelf life. However, researchers and growers must still correlate the UV light treatment dose with plant response in actual production. Data recording and dose-cultivar-response curve drawing can provide essential guidance for future research and production

    The Effect of Preharvest UV Light Irradiation on Berries Quality: A Review

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    As a non-toxic, pollution-free, non-residual toxicity, safe, and effective physical method, UV light irradiation can extend the shelf life of fruits, improve the quality of fruits, and conform to the current trend of consumers to pursue green, healthy, and natural food. However, most UV treatments are performed in the postharvest stage. Due to the weak resistance of fresh fruits to mechanical damage, after harvest, UV light treatment of fruits needs to flip the fruits to obtain the full effect of an effective dose, which will inevitably cause different degrees of damage to the skin of the fruits. The research shows that the beneficial effects obtained by UV light treatment are systematic, and the fruits treated by UV light before harvest can obtain similar effects to those treated after harvest. This paper reviewed the effects of preharvest UV light treatment on fruit quality. The effects of preharvest UV light treatment on fruit appearance, flavor, and disease resistance were considered. We conclude that the application of UV light before harvest is of positive significance for the improvement of fruit quality and the extension of shelf life. However, researchers and growers must still correlate the UV light treatment dose with plant response in actual production. Data recording and dose-cultivar-response curve drawing can provide essential guidance for future research and production