284,451 research outputs found

    Large amplitude drop shape oscillations

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    An experimental study of large amplitude drop shape oscillation was conducted in immiscible liquids systems and with levitated free liquid drops in air. In liquid-liquid systems the results indicate the existence of familiar characteristics of nonlinear phenomena. The resonance frequency of the fundamental quadrupole mode of stationary, low viscosity Silicone oil drops acoustically levitated in water falls to noticeably low values as the amplitude of oscillation is increased. A typical, experimentally determined relative frequency decrease of a 0.5 cubic centimeters drop would be about 10% when the maximum deformed shape is characterized by a major to minor axial ratio of 1.9. On the other hand, no change in the fundamental mode frequency could be detected for 1 mm drops levitated in air. The experimental data for the decay constant of the quadrupole mode of drops immersed in a liquid host indicate a slight increase for larger oscillation amplitudes. A qualitative investigation of the internal fluid flows for such drops revealed the existence of steady internal circulation within drops oscillating in the fundamental and higher modes. The flow field configuration in the outer host liquid is also significantly altered when the drop oscillation amplitude becomes large

    System for monitoring physical characteristics of fluids

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    An apparatus and method are described for measuring physical characteristics of fluid, by placing a drop of the fluid in a batch of a second fluid and passing acoustic waves through the bath. The applied frequency of the acoustic waves is varied, to determine the precise value of a frequency at which the drop undergoes resonant oscillations. The resonant frequency indicates the interfacial tension of the drop in the bath, and the interfacial tension can indicate physical properties of the fluid in the drop

    A neural network based spatial light scattering instrument for hazardous airborne fiber detection

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    This paper was published in Applied Optics and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited. Copyright OSA (www.osa.org/pubs/osajournals.org)A laser light scattering instrument has been designed to facilitate the real-time detection of potentially hazardous respirable fibers, such as asbestos, within an ambient environment. The instrument captures data relating to the spatial distribution of light scattered by individual particles in flow using a dedicated multi-element photodiode detector array. These data are subsequently processed using an artificial neural network which has previously been trained to recognise those features or patterns within the light scattering distribution which may be characteristic of the specific particle types being sought, such as for example, crocidolite or chrysotile asbestos fibers. Each particle is thus classified into one of a limited set of classes based upon its light scattering properties, and from the accumulated data a particle concentration figure for each class may be produced and updated at regular intervals. Particle analysis rates in excess of 103 per second within a sample volume flow-rate of 1 litre per minute are achievable, offering the possibility of detecting fiber concentrations at the recommended maximum exposure limit of 0.1 fibers/ml within a sampling period of a few seconds.Peer reviewe

    A simple interpretation of quantum mirages

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    In an interesting new experiment the electronic structure of a magnetic atom adsorbed on the surface of Cu(111), observed by STM, was projected into a remote location on the same surface. The purpose of the present paper is to interpret this experiment with a model Hamiltonian, using ellipses of the size of the experimental ones, containing about 2300 atoms. The charge distribution for the different wavefunctions is analyzed, in particular, for those with energy close to the Fermi energy of copper Ef. Some of them show two symmetric maxima located on the principal axis of the ellipse but not necessarily at the foci. If a Co atom is adsorbed at the site where the wavefunction with energy EFE_F has a maximum and the interaction is small, the main effect of the adsorbed atom will be to split this particular wavefunction in two. The total charge density will remain the same but the local density of states will present a dip at Ef at any site where the charge density is large enough. We relate the presence of this dip to the observation of quantum mirages. Our interpretation suggests that other sites, apart from the foci of the ellipses, can be used for projecting atomic images and also indicates the conditions for other non magnetic adsorbates to produce mirages.Comment: 3 pages, 3 Fig

    Plancherel-Rotach asymptotic expansion for some polynomials from indeterminate moment problems

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    We study the Plancherel--Rotach asymptotics of four families of orthogonal polynomials, the Chen--Ismail polynomials, the Berg-Letessier-Valent polynomials, the Conrad--Flajolet polynomials I and II. All these polynomials arise in indeterminate moment problems and three of them are birth and death process polynomials with cubic or quartic rates. We employ a difference equation asymptotic technique due to Z. Wang and R. Wong. Our analysis leads to a conjecture about large degree behavior of polynomials orthogonal with respect to solutions of indeterminate moment problems.Comment: 34 pages, typos corrected and references update

    Acoustic bubble removal method

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    A method is described for removing bubbles from a liquid bath such as a bath of molten glass to be used for optical elements. Larger bubbles are first removed by applying acoustic energy resonant to a bath dimension to drive the larger bubbles toward a pressure well where the bubbles can coalesce and then be more easily removed. Thereafter, submillimeter bubbles are removed by applying acoustic energy of frequencies resonant to the small bubbles to oscillate them and thereby stir liquid immediately about the bubbles to facilitate their breakup and absorption into the liquid

    Application of NASTRAN for stress analysis of left ventricle of the heart

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    Knowing the stress and strain distributions in the left ventricular wall of the heart is a prerequisite for the determination of the muscle elasticity and contractility in the process of assessing the functional status of the heart. NASTRAN was applied for the calculation of these stresses and strains and to help in verifying the results obtained by the computer program FEAMPS which was specifically designed for the plane-strain finite-element analysis of the left ventricular cross sections. Adopted for the analysis are the true shape and dimensions of the cross sections reconstructed from multiplanar X-ray views of a left ventricle which was surgically isolated from a dog's heart but metabolically supported to sustain its beating. A preprocessor was prepared to accommodate both FEAMPS and NASTRAN, and it has also facilitated the application of both the triangular element and isoparameteric quadrilateral element versions of NASTRAN. The stresses in several crucial regions of the left ventricular wall calculated by these two independently developed computer programs are found to be in good agreement. Such confirmation of the results is essential in the development of a method which assesses the heart performance

    De Sitter Bounces

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    By analytically continuing recently-found instantons, we construct time-dependent solutions of Einstein-Maxwell de Sitter gravity which smoothly bounce between two de Sitter phases. These deformations of de Sitter space undergo several stages in their time evolution. Four and five-dimensional de Sitter bounces can be lifted to non-singular time-dependent solutions of M-theory.Comment: Latex, 18 pages, 5 figure
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