3,075 research outputs found

    Giardiavirus internal ribosome entry site has an apparently unique mechanism of initiating translation.

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    Giardiavirus (GLV) utilizes an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) for translation initiation in the early branching eukaryote Giardia lamblia. Unlike most of the viral IRESs among higher eukaryotes, which localize primarily within the 5'-untranslated region (UTR), the GLV IRES comprises 253 nts of 5'UTR and the initial 264 nts in the open-reading-frame (ORF). To test if GLV IRES also functions in higher eukaryotic systems, we examined it in rabbit reticulocyte lysate (RRL) and found that it functions much less efficiently than the IRES from the Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) or Cricket paralysis virus (CrPV). In contrast, both EMCV-IRES and CrPV-IRESs were inactive in transfected Giardia cells. Structure-function analysis indicated that only the stem-loop U5 from the 5'UTR and the stem-loop I plus the downstream box (Dbox) from the ORF of GLV IRES are required for limited IRES function in RRL. Edeine, a translation initiation inhibitor, did not significantly affect the function of GLV IRES in either RRL or Giardia, indicating that a pre-initiation complex is not required for GLV IRES-mediated translation initiation. However, the small ribosomal subunit purified from Giardia did not bind to GLV IRES, indicating that additional protein factors may be necessary. A member of the helicase family IBP1 and two known viral IRES binding proteins La autoantigen and SRp20 have been identified in Giardia that bind to GLV IRES in vitro. These three proteins could be involved in facilitating small ribosome recruitment for initiating translation

    Implement a Circuit System for Brain Wave Application in Power Switch Controlled Circuit

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    Since there are more and more people with increasing age in todayrsquos society, seniorsrsquo lifestyle has been becoming more and more important, especially those with particular physical disabilities. Moreover, urbanization causing narrowing space prevents elderly and those with physical disabilities to use plugs at the corner of any certain environment. In order to effectively solve this problem, we combine RF wireless transferring system and physiological signals from brain wave induced by vision potential to edit a remote controller at their disposal. This implementation not only helps seniors and physio disabilities to control domestic electric appliances but also environmental friendly. The power USAge comparison in the following context proves this application is actually power efficient

    The Effect Of Market Structure On Mutual Fund Performance In Taiwan

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    This paper illustrates the relationship between industry concentration and performance in Taiwan’s mutual fund industry. Our research mainly focuses on the relation between a fund’s average performance and market structure. Typically, a fund’s manager who faces price uncertainty will dedicate his efforts to determine the scale and compositions of portfolio to achieve a better performance in the near future. Since mutual funds are price takers, the empirical results for this industry may go beyond the scope of the SCP paradigm.   This study focuses on the open-end equity mutual fund in the Taiwan market, which can be viewed as one representative of emerging markets. Employing three measures of market structure, we find that the higher degree of market concentration always associates with poor performance, which contradicts the structure-conduct-performance (SCP) hypothesis. More interestingly, when market shares of mutual funds have been considered, our empirical results show a U-shape structure-performance relation for mutual funds. When a fund’s market share becomes larger, the negative influence on fund performance of market concentration will get stronger. Similarly, the smaller a fund’s market share the stronger negative impact on fund performance of market concentration, suggesting that mutual funds endowed with too weak or too strong market power can erode their performance. More importantly, these results offer a new thinking toward the mutual fund industry’s organization policy for authorities; that is, maintaining a high competitive environment and encouraging mutual funds to keep moderate and efficient scale is a better way to achieve superior fund performance

    The Structural Basis of Localizing Polo-Like Kinase to the Flagellum Attachment Zone in Trypanosoma brucei

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    The polo-like kinase in the deep branching eukaryote Trypanosoma brucei (TbPlk) has many unique features. Unlike all the other polo-like kinases known to associate with the nucleus and controlling both mitosis and cytokinesis, TbPlk localizes to the flagellum attachment zone (FAZ) and regulates only cytokinesis in T. brucei. TbPlk was, however, previously found capable of complementing all the multiple Plk (Cdc5) functions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, indicating that it has acquired all the functions of Cdc5. In the present study, Cdc5 tagged with an enhanced yellow fluorescence protein (EYFP) localized exclusively in the FAZ of T. brucei, suggesting that the unusual localization and limited function of TbPlk are probably attributed to the particular environment in T. brucei cells. Structural basis for the FAZ localization of TbPlk was further investigated with TbPlk and TbPlk mutants tagged with EYFP and expressed in T. brucei. The results indicated that a kinase-inactive mutant N169A and a TbPlk mutant with the entire kinase domain (KD) deleted both localized to the FAZ. Substantial association with FAZ was also maintained when one of the two polo-boxes (PB1 or 2) or the linker region between them was deleted from TbPlk. But a deletion of both polo-boxes led to a complete exclusion of the protein from FAZ. All the deletion mutants retained the kinase activity, further indicating that the TbPlk kinase function does not play a role for FAZ localization. The two polo boxes in TbPlk are most likely instrumental in localizing the protein to FAZ through potential interactions with certain FAZ structural component(s). A putative cryptic bipartite nuclear targeting signal was identified in TbPlk, which was capable of directing TbPlk into the nucleus when either the kinase activity was lost or the PB1 was deleted from the protein

    snoRNA, a Novel Precursor of microRNA in Giardia lamblia

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    An Argonaute homolog and a functional Dicer have been identified in the ancient eukaryote Giardia lamblia, which apparently lacks the ability to perform RNA interference (RNAi). The Giardia Argonaute plays an essential role in growth and is capable of binding specifically to the m7G-cap, suggesting a potential involvement in microRNA (miRNA)-mediated translational repression. To test such a possibility, small RNAs were isolated from Giardia trophozoites, cloned, and sequenced. A 26-nucleotide (nt) small RNA (miR2) was identified as a product of Dicer-processed snoRNA GlsR17 and localized to the cytoplasm by fluorescence in situ hybridization, whereas GlsR17 was found primarily in the nucleolus of only one of the two nuclei in Giardia. Three other small RNAs were also identified as products of snoRNAs, suggesting that the latter could be novel precursors of miRNAs in Giardia. Putative miR2 target sites were identified at the 3′-untranslated regions (UTR) of 22 variant surface protein mRNAs using the miRanda program. In vivo expression of Renilla luciferase mRNA containing six identical miR2 target sites in the 3′-UTR was reduced by 40% when co-transfected with synthetic miR2, while the level of luciferase mRNA remained unaffected. Thus, miR2 likely affects translation but not mRNA stability. This repression, however, was not observed when Argonaute was knocked down in Giardia using a ribozyme-antisense RNA. Instead, an enhancement of luciferase expression was observed, suggesting a loss of endogenous miR2-mediated repression when this protein is depleted. Additionally, the level of miR2 was significantly reduced when Dicer was knocked down. In all, the evidence indicates the presence of a snoRNA-derived miRNA-mediated translational repression in Giardia

    Mechanism Design of Fashion Virtual Enterprise under Monitoring Strategy

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    An Attention-Guided Deep Regression Model for Landmark Detection in Cephalograms

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    Cephalometric tracing method is usually used in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. In this paper, we propose a deep learning based framework to automatically detect anatomical landmarks in cephalometric X-ray images. We train the deep encoder-decoder for landmark detection, and combine global landmark configuration with local high-resolution feature responses. The proposed frame-work is based on 2-stage u-net, regressing the multi-channel heatmaps for land-mark detection. In this framework, we embed attention mechanism with global stage heatmaps, guiding the local stage inferring, to regress the local heatmap patches in a high resolution. Besides, the Expansive Exploration strategy improves robustness while inferring, expanding the searching scope without increasing model complexity. We have evaluated our framework in the most widely-used public dataset of landmark detection in cephalometric X-ray images. With less computation and manually tuning, our framework achieves state-of-the-art results
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