785 research outputs found

    Distributed H

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    This paper considers a distributed H∞ sampled-data filtering problem in sensor networks with stochastically switching topologies. It is assumed that the topology switching is triggered by a Markov chain. The output measurement at each sensor is first sampled and then transmitted to the corresponding filters via a communication network. Considering the effect of a transmission delay, a distributed filter structure for each sensor is given based on the sampled data from itself and its neighbor sensor nodes. As a consequence, the distributed H∞ sampled-data filtering in sensor networks under Markovian switching topologies is transformed into H∞ mean-square stability problem of a Markovian jump error system with an interval time-varying delay. By using Lyapunov Krasovskii functional and reciprocally convex approach, a new bounded real lemma (BRL) is derived, which guarantees the mean-square stability of the error system with a desired H∞ performance. Based on this BRL, the topology-dependent H∞ sampled-data filters are obtained. An illustrative example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Region-Enhanced Feature Learning for Scene Semantic Segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation in complex scenes not only relies on local object appearance but also on object locations and the surrounding environment. Nonetheless, it is difficult to model long-range context in the format of pairwise point correlations due to its huge computational cost for large-scale point clouds. In this paper, we propose to use regions as the intermediate representation of point clouds instead of fine-grained points or voxels to reduce the computational burden. We introduce a novel Region-Enhanced Feature Learning network (REFL-Net) that leverages region correlations to enhance the features of ambiguous points. We design a Region-based Feature Enhancement module (RFE) which consists of a Semantic-Spatial Region Extraction (SSRE) stage and a Region Dependency Modeling (RDM) stage. In the SSRE stage, we group the input points into a set of regions according to the point distances in both semantic and spatial space. In the RDM part, we explore region-wise semantic and spatial relationships via a self-attention block on region features and fuse point features with the region features to obtain more discriminative representations. Our proposed RFE module is a plug-and-play module that can be integrated with common semantic segmentation backbones. We conduct extensive experiments on ScanNetv2 and S3DIS datasets, and evaluate our RFE module with different segmentation backbones. Our REFL-Net achieves 1.8% mIoU gain on ScanNetv2 and 1.0% mIoU gain on S3DIS respectively with negligible computational cost compared to the backbone networks. Both quantitative and qualitative results show the powerful long-range context modeling ability and strong generalization ability of our REFL-Net

    A survey on the development status and application prospects of knowledge graph in smart grids

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    With the advent of the electric power big data era, semantic interoperability and interconnection of power data have received extensive attention. Knowledge graph technology is a new method describing the complex relationships between concepts and entities in the objective world, which is widely concerned because of its robust knowledge inference ability. Especially with the proliferation of measurement devices and exponential growth of electric power data empowers, electric power knowledge graph provides new opportunities to solve the contradictions between the massive power resources and the continuously increasing demands for intelligent applications. In an attempt to fulfil the potential of knowledge graph and deal with the various challenges faced, as well as to obtain insights to achieve business applications of smart grids, this work first presents a holistic study of knowledge-driven intelligent application integration. Specifically, a detailed overview of electric power knowledge mining is provided. Then, the overview of the knowledge graph in smart grids is introduced. Moreover, the architecture of the big knowledge graph platform for smart grids and critical technologies are described. Furthermore, this paper comprehensively elaborates on the application prospects leveraged by knowledge graph oriented to smart grids, power consumer service, decision-making in dispatching, and operation and maintenance of power equipment. Finally, issues and challenges are summarised.Comment: IET Generation, Transmission & Distributio

    Global gross primary productivity and water use efficiency changes under drought stress

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    Drought can affect the structure, composition and function of terrestrial ecosystems, yet drought impacts and post-drought recovery potentials of different land cover types have not been extensively studied at a global scale. We evaluated drought impacts on gross primary productivity (GPP), evapotranspiration (ET), and water use efficiency (WUE) of different global terrestrial ecosystems, as well as the drought-resilience of each ecosystem type during the period of 2000 to 2011. Using GPP as biome vitality indicator against drought stress, we developed a model to examine ecosystem resilience represented by the length of recovery days (LRD). LRD presented an evident gradient of high (\u3e60 days) in mid-latitude region and low (\u3c60 days) in low (tropical area) and high (boreal area) latitude regions. As average GPP increased, the LRD showed a significantly decreasing trend, indicating readiness to recover after drought, across various land cover types (R 2 = 0.68, p \u3c 0.0001). Moreover, zonal analysis revealed that the most dramatic reduction of the drought-induced GPP was found in the mid-latitude region of the Northern Hemisphere (48% reduction), followed by the low-latitude region of the Southern Hemisphere (13% reduction). In contrast, a slightly enhanced GPP (10%) was evident in the tropical region under drought impact. Additionally, the highest drought-induced reduction of ET was found in the Mediterranean area, followed by Africa. Water use efficiency, however, showed a pattern of decreasing in the Northern Hemisphere and increasing in the Southern Hemisphere. Drought induced reductions of WUE ranged from 0.96% to 27.67% in most of the land cover types, while the increases of WUE found in Evergreen Broadleaf Forest and savanna were about 7.09% and 9.88%, respectively. These increases of GPP and WUE detected during drought periods could either be due to water-stress induced responses or data uncertainties, which require further investigation

    Influence of catwalk design parameters on the galloping of constructing main cables in long-span suspension bridges

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    A main cable of a long-span suspension bridge is semi-surrounded by a catwalk during construction. Thus, design parameters of a catwalk may have influences on the galloping stability of a main cable during construction. To study the influence of catwalk design parameters on the galloping of steepled main cables, two main foci have been conducted. Firstly, the aerodynamic coefficients of the catwalk with actual design parameters are obtained by numerical simulation based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and the numerical results are compared with those of the previous wind tunnel test. Several typical main cables with different cross sections of a long-span suspension bridge during construction are selected, and their Den Hartog coefficients are obtained based on the numerical simulation considering the aerodynamic influences of the catwalks. Then four typical working conditions of a main cable which have great potential to occur galloping are selected based on the galloping analyze, and their aerodynamic coefficients considering the influence of the catwalk with different design parameters are obtained. The influence of the catwalk design parameters on galloping of the main cables is analyzed based on the Den Hartog criterion. Results indicate that catwalk design parameters have evident influences on aerodynamic coefficients and galloping of the main cables. The parameters of the catwalk which are favorable for suppressing the galloping of the main cables are determined, which establish a good guideline for the galloping-resistant design of the catwalk-main cable system on suspension bridges
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