944 research outputs found

    U.S. LARP Magnet program

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    Progress and plans for the U.S. LARP R&D work are summarized. Results to date for work on materials and model magnets are presented in more detail

    A biomechanical analysis of three blocking footwork patterns in volleyball players

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    Direct wind slim quadrupoles for an LHC upgrade

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    Slim quadrupoles, located inside ATLAS and CMS, have recently been discussed as a new option for an upgrade to the LHC luminosity. Locations inside the experiments where such magnets might be located have been identified. This paper outlines how such magnets could be made using the “direct wind” technology at BNL

    Rastros da lógica neoliberal na educação pública gaúcha: : uma análise foucaultiana das mídias sociais

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    O artigo tem o propósito de discutir de que forma as mídias sociais produzem a relação entre a educação pública gaúcha e as parcerias com o setor privado, bem como rastrear quais são os impactos dessa relação para a área da Educação. Os materiais examinados consistem em reportagens de jornais publicadas entre os anos de 2019 e 2020. As bases teóricas advêm de autores como Dardot e Laval (2016), Masschelein e Simons (2017) e Ball (2014). A análise mostrou que os textos mencionam uma crise financeira no solo gaúcho, evidenciando a necessidade das parcerias do setor público com o privado. Além disso, apontou para um modelo empresarial assumido como guia de ação do Governo do Estado, colaborando com a expansão da lógica mercadológica. Outra reverberação foi o uso recorrente dos contratos jurídicos na esfera educacional. A investigação conclui que a iniciativa privada precisa do Estado para expandir seus negócios, garantindo sua lucratividade mediante a exploração da esfera pública.

    Suspension and dissolution of municipal councils under section 139 of the Constitution

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    Section 139(1) of the constitution grants a provincial executive broad powers to intervene "[w]hen a municipality cannot or does not fulfil an executive obligation in terms of the Constitution or legislation". Until recently, provinces have been reticent in using their section 139 powers. Indeed, the problems of provincial government gave them little opportunity to take on those of the municipalities within their jurisdictions. But things have changed drastically since the 2004 elections. With the increasing emphasis on the importance of providing all citizens with basic services, the inadequacies of municipalities have become very evident and provinces have been unable to avoid their constitutional responsibility to support municipalities. Accordingly, section 139 has been used more than eight times since April 2004

    Field quality in the twin aperture D2 dipoles for LHC under asymmetric excitation

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    Twin aperture D2 magnets are one of the several types of dipoles to be built by BNL for the interaction regions of LHC. To minimize the number of dipole correctors required in the interaction regions, D2 will also be used as part of the steering system. Consequently, the operating fields in the two apertures may differ by up to ~10at 7 TeV operation and ~33at injection in order to compensate for the strengths of the correctors that would otherwise be required. Such asymmetric excitation of the two apertures may induce undesirable field harmonics. The saturation behavior of various harmonics is studied using POISSON and OPERA-2D. It is shown that the changes in harmonics resulting from the anticipated asymmetry are within tolerable limits. (2 refs)

    Protecting the vulnerable from 'property grabbing': the reality of administering small estates

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    This article seeks to examine the system of administering small intestate estates and to evaluate the effectiveness of that system in protecting the inheritance of rightful beneficiaries. Alerted by increasing anecdotes of intestate property being unlawfully appropriated, the authors undertook research at four service points at Magistrate's Courts in the Cape Town area where small intestate estates are administered. The authors evaluate the procedures in use and identify weaknesses that may be contributing to 'property grabbing'. Aware that most property grabbing takes place outside of legal institutions, this article argues that loop-holes in the current process nevertheless add to the risks of rightful beneficiaries and makes suggestions as to how strengthening the infrastructure of the administration of estates system may provide for more effective protection for those needing to use the service in the future