17 research outputs found

    Francuska książka popularnonaukowa w repertuarze polskich oficyn wydawniczych przełomu XIX i XX wieku

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    Autorka w swojej pracy omawia przekład na język polski francuskich książek popularnonaukowych dla dzieci i młodzieży na przełomie wieku XIX i XX. Ponadto badaczka opisuje również utwory, które odniosły we Francji sukces, ale nie były znane polskiemu czytelnikowi.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00. Praca powstała w ramach realizacji projektu pn. Przemiany współczesnej książki popularnonaukowej dla dzieci i młodzieży (na przykładzie francuskiej oferty wydawniczej) finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji numer DEC-2013/11/D/HS2/04543

    Campylobacter jejuni dsb gene expression is regulated by iron in a Fur-dependent manner and by a translational coupling mechanism

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many bacterial extracytoplasmic proteins are stabilized by intramolecular disulfide bridges that are formed post-translationally between their cysteine residues. This protein modification plays an important role in bacterial pathogenesis, and is facilitated by the Dsb (disulfide bond) family of the redox proteins. These proteins function in two parallel pathways in the periplasmic space: an oxidation pathway and an isomerization pathway. The Dsb oxidative pathway in <it>Campylobacter jejuni </it>is more complex than the one in the laboratory <it>E. coli </it>K-12 strain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the <it>C. jejuni </it>81-176 genome, the <it>dsb </it>genes of the oxidative pathway are arranged in three transcriptional units: <it>dsbA2</it>-<it>dsbB</it>-<it>astA, dsbA1 </it>and <it>dba</it>-<it>dsbI</it>. Their transcription responds to an environmental stimulus - iron availability - and is regulated in a Fur-dependent manner. Fur involvement in <it>dsb </it>gene regulation was proven by a reporter gene study in a <it>C. jejuni </it>wild type strain and its isogenic <it>fur </it>mutant. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) confirmed that analyzed genes are members of the Fur regulon but each of them is regulated by a disparate mechanism, and both the iron-free and the iron-complexed Fur are able to bind <it>in vitro </it>to the <it>C. jejuni </it>promoter regions. This study led to identification of a new iron- and Fur-regulated promoter that drives <it>dsbA1 </it>gene expression in an indirect way. Moreover, the present work documents that synthesis of DsbI oxidoreductase is controlled by the mechanism of translational coupling. The importance of a secondary <it>dba-dsbI </it>mRNA structure for <it>dsbI </it>mRNA translation was verified by estimating individual <it>dsbI </it>gene expression from its own promoter.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present work shows that iron concentration is a significant factor in <it>dsb </it>gene transcription. These results support the concept that iron concentration - also through its influence on <it>dsb </it>gene expression - might control the abundance of extracytoplasmic proteins during different stages of infection. Our work further shows that synthesis of the DsbI membrane oxidoreductase is controlled by a translational coupling mechanism. The <it>dba </it>expression is not only essential for the translation of the downstream <it>dsbI </it>gene, but also Dba protein that is produced might regulate the activity and/or stability of DsbI.</p

    Chandra Survey of Radio-quiet, High-redshift Quasars

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    We observed 17 optically-selected, radio-quiet high-redshift quasars with the Chandra Observatory ACIS, and detected 16 of them. The quasars have redshift between 3.70 and 6.28 and include the highest redshift quasars known. When compared to low-redshift quasars observed with ROSAT, these high redshift quasars are significantly more X-ray quiet. We also find that the X-ray spectral index of the high redshift objects is flatter than the average at lower redshift. These trends confirm the predictions of models where the accretion flow is described by a cold, optically-thick accretion disk surrounded by a hot, optically thin corona, provided the viscosity parameter alpha >= 0.02. The high redshift quasars have supermassive black holes with masses ~10^{10} M_{sun}, and are accreting material at ~0.1 the Eddington limit. We detect 10 X-ray photons from the z=6.28 quasar SDS 1030+0524, which may have a Gunn-Peterson trough and be near the redshift of reionization of the intergalactic medium. The X-ray data place an upper limit on the optical depth of the intergalactic medium tau(IGM) < 10^6, compared to the lower limit from the spectrum of Lyalpha and Lybeta, which implies tau(IGM) > 20.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Development of Gallimard Jeunesse’s Non-fiction Collections ‘Découvertes’ : a Long-term Editorial Strategy

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    The main objective of this study is to reconstruct the long-term strategy of Gallimard Jeunesse, a major French publisher of books for children and youth, which has consisted of a constant planning, restructuring and revitalisation of more than a dozen collections and series published under the label of ‘Découvertes’ from 1983 until today. The history of this wide-ranging project – one of the largest publishing project of the last decades – provides a picture of the evolution of the publication model of contemporary non-fiction books for children. We will therefore focus on the size of the analysed collections, the evolution of their editorial form and texts – for example, the presence and function of illustrations and/or auxiliary parts of the books – as well as the age of their readers, the relationship between translations and French production, and international and inter-institutional co-publishing ventures. Presenting the most interesting and innovative examples of typographic and graphic solutions implemented by the publisher will also provide important information, as these solutions have been widely imitated

    Le documentaire pour la jeunesse en Pologne avant et après 1989 : terminologie et critique

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    Le but de l’article est de préciser la place des documentaires dans la critique des livres pour enfants en Pologne de 1945 à nos jours. On commencera par poser la question de la terminologie, pour déboucher sur une présentation de l’état des recherches sur le documentaire qui permettra de montrer les opinions les plus fréquentes sur le rôle des documentaires formulées avant et après 1989 (donc avant et après la chute du régime communiste)

    Nowe polskie czasopisma bibliologiczne i bibliotekoznawcze w świetle aktualnych ministerialnych wytycznych oceny i punktacji czasopism naukowych

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    NEW POLISH BIBLIOLOGICAL AND LIBRARIAN PERIODICALS IN THE LIGHT OF THE CURRENT MINISTERIAL GUIDELINES CONCERNING THE EVALUATION AND SCORING OF SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALSBoth the academic community and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education are interested in Polish scientific periodicals, their condition, value and methods of assessment. The need for assessment of scientific periodicals is commonly accepted; what is criticised is the way in which they are assessed, in particular the use of parametric methods. Representatives of exact sciences and natural sciences widely believe that the best measure of quality of a publication is the so-called ISI Master Journal List. Representatives of the humanities do not entirely share this view.Since 1998 the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has been publishing A list of selected periodicals with scores..., which is a component of a parametric assessment of publications of Polish academic institutions, affecting their classification and amount of subsidies. In addition, it is to be an indicator of prestige and a guarantee of high quality of publications.The author discusses the procedure for creating the ministerial lists of periodicals and the criteria used in the assessment of periodicals, pointing to those solutions that may raise justified objections.The list of scored periodicals for 2011&ndash;2012 includes fourteen periodicals dealing with library science and scientific information. The author examines their profile and the process of adaptation to the ministerial requirements of three of these periodicals: &bdquo;Toruńskie Studia Bibliologiczne,&rdquo; &bdquo;Rocznik Bibliologiczno-Prasoznawczy&rdquo; and &ldquo;Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi.&rdquo;NEW POLISH BIBLIOLOGICAL AND LIBRARIAN PERIODICALS IN THE LIGHT OF THE CURRENT MINISTERIAL GUIDELINES CONCERNING THE EVALUATION AND SCORING OF SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALSBoth the academic community and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education are interested in Polish scientific periodicals, their condition, value and methods of assessment. The need for assessment of scientific periodicals is commonly accepted; what is criticised is the way in which they are assessed, in particular the use of parametric methods. Representatives of exact sciences and natural sciences widely believe that the best measure of quality of a publication is the so-called ISI Master Journal List. Representatives of the humanities do not entirely share this view.Since 1998 the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has been publishing A list of selected periodicals with scores..., which is a component of a parametric assessment of publications of Polish academic institutions, affecting their classification and amount of subsidies. In addition, it is to be an indicator of prestige and a guarantee of high quality of publications.The author discusses the procedure for creating the ministerial lists of periodicals and the criteria used in the assessment of periodicals, pointing to those solutions that may raise justified objections.The list of scored periodicals for 2011&ndash;2012 includes fourteen periodicals dealing with library science and scientific information. The author examines their profile and the process of adaptation to the ministerial requirements of three of these periodicals: &bdquo;Toruńskie Studia Bibliologiczne,&rdquo; &bdquo;Rocznik Bibliologiczno-Prasoznawczy&rdquo; and &ldquo;Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi.&rdquo

    Public and academic libraries in France

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    Recent research in the field of libraries’ usability in France (those concerning entire population as well as various social groups including students) shows clearly that the role of contemporary library is changing. It may result from the demographic, social and cultural transitions (including university expansion, growing number of students, necessity of life-long learning process, frequent migration), dynamic development and growing popularity of modern communicative techniques. Research shows that although information resources of libraries often failed to compete with the Internet, the number of users and the time their spend in the library still increases. It may be influenced by the library offer (often far beyond the standard services), and the library area (suitable for working, studying, relaxing, meetings). There appears to be the need for cooperation among different types of libraries in order to create a new and wider range of services. Within this concept and as a result of present social needs public and academic libraries started in France. Their aim is to associate and balance all functions of contemporary academic library such as cultural (including entertainment and aesthetic), informative, educational and, more and more importantly, social function. The aim of this paper is to present organisational solution applied in such institutions, assessment of quality of services for a local community and students (based on selected aspects).Bieżące badania w zakresie użytkowania bibliotek we Francji (zarówno odnoszące się do całej populacji, jak i do poszczególnych grup społecznych, w tym studentów) wyraźnie wskazują na zmieniającą się rolę współczesnej biblioteki. Wynika to m.in. ze zmian demograficzno-społecznych oraz kulturowych (w tym ekspansji uniwersytetów, wzrostu liczby studentów, konieczności ciągłego dokształcania, częstych migracji ludności itp.), a także z dynamicznego rozwoju i wzrostu popularności nowoczesnych technik komunikacyjnych. Badania pokazują, że chociaż zasoby informacyjne bibliotek często przegrywają konkurencję z Internetem, to liczba użytkowników i czas pobytu w bibliotece zwiększają się. Wpływa na to: oferta usługowa biblioteki (często znacznie wykraczająca poza dotychczasowy kanon tradycyjnych usług bibliotecznych) oraz jej przestrzeń, traktowana na wiele sposobów (jako miejsce pracy, nauki, odpoczynku, spotkań). W tym kontekście rysuje się konieczność współpracy bibliotek różnych typów zmierzająca do stworzenia nowych form obsługi użytkowników i proponowania im szerszego zakresu usług. Na gruncie tej idei i w wyniku aktualnych potrzeb społecznych wyrosły we Francji tzw. biblioteki publiczno-uniwersyteckie, których celem jest łączenie i równowaga wszystkich funkcji współczesnej biblioteki, począwszy od kulturalnej (w tym rozrywkowej i estetycznej), poprzez informacyjną i edukacyjną, a skończywszy na coraz ważniejszej – socjalizacyjnej. Celem referatu jest przedstawienie rozwiązań organizacyjnych stosowanych w tego typu placówkach, a także próba oceny ich działalności w zakresie obsługi bibliotecznej społeczności lokalnej i studentów (na podstawie wybranych aspektów)

    Książka popularnonaukowa dla dzieci i młodzieży w oczach krytyków — rekonesans badawczy

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    &nbsp;POPULAR SCIENCE BOOK FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS IN THE EYES OF CRITICS &mdash; A RESEARCH RECONNAISSANCEThe aim of the article is to determine the position of popular science books for children and young people in Polish literary criticism and book studies, and to specify the terminology used by scholars. Opinions about such books have been formulated by theorists and practitioners of children&rsquo;s books since the 19th century, with the criteria of their assessment changing in accordance with the current literary fashions and trends in pedagogy. Critics&rsquo; interest in such works was strong until the end of the 19th century, when books for children were expected mainly to serve utilitarian purposes. The phenomenon intensified especially in the era of positivism; among the most enthusiastic advocates of popular science books were Adolf Dygasiński and the co-editor of Bluszcz Maria Ilnicka. The stature of popular science books is also evidenced by the fact that their titles often appeared in recommended bibliographies at the time. A later change in the perception of the tasks of literature for the youngest readers diminished the critics&rsquo; interest in such works. In addition, there was a growing rift between literary criticism and pedagogical-library criticism. In communist Poland the perception of popular science books was also affected by the promotion of works not suited to the expectations and needs of the readers. Today, the stature of popular science books rises with their market success and innovative projects in the area. That is why there are numerous reviews of such works in professional journals Guliwer, Nowe Książki, Świat Książki Dziecięcej etc. and websites Mądre książki, 10 książek: na start do nauki etc. as well as studies devoted to the history and evolution in the content and editorial form of such publications, and their usefulness in the teaching and self-education of young readers.&nbsp;POPULAR SCIENCE BOOK FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS IN THE EYES OF CRITICS &mdash; A RESEARCH RECONNAISSANCEThe aim of the article is to determine the position of popular science books for children and young people in Polish literary criticism and book studies, and to specify the terminology used by scholars. Opinions about such books have been formulated by theorists and practitioners of children&rsquo;s books since the 19th century, with the criteria of their assessment changing in accordance with the current literary fashions and trends in pedagogy. Critics&rsquo; interest in such works was strong until the end of the 19th century, when books for children were expected mainly to serve utilitarian purposes. The phenomenon intensified especially in the era of positivism; among the most enthusiastic advocates of popular science books were Adolf Dygasiński and the co-editor of Bluszcz Maria Ilnicka. The stature of popular science books is also evidenced by the fact that their titles often appeared in recommended bibliographies at the time. A later change in the perception of the tasks of literature for the youngest readers diminished the critics&rsquo; interest in such works. In addition, there was a growing rift between literary criticism and pedagogical-library criticism. In communist Poland the perception of popular science books was also affected by the promotion of works not suited to the expectations and needs of the readers. Today, the stature of popular science books rises with their market success and innovative projects in the area. That is why there are numerous reviews of such works in professional journals Guliwer, Nowe Książki, Świat Książki Dziecięcej etc. and websites Mądre książki, 10 książek: na start do nauki etc. as well as studies devoted to the history and evolution in the content and editorial form of such publications, and their usefulness in the teaching and self-education of young readers

    Recenzja: Dictionnaire encyclopédique du livre. T. 1–3 + Index. Paris 2002–2011

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    An outline history of the encyclopaedias for children and youth in Poland until 1989

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    The aim of the paper is to depict the history of editions and the subsequent stages in the formation of the editorial form of encyclopaedias for children and youth from the first half of the eighteenth century through to 1989 yearsCelem tego artykułu jest zarysowanie historii edycji i kolejnych etapów w kształtowaniu się obecnej formy edytorskiej encyklopedii dla dzieci i młodzieży począwszy od 1. połowy XVIII wieku, a skończywszy na 1989 roku.Praca powstała w ramach realizacji projektu pn. Przemiany współczesnej książki popularno-naukowej dla dzieci i młodzieży (na przykładzie francuskiej oferty wydawniczej) finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki, decyzja nr DEC-2013/11/D/HS2/04543