2,452 research outputs found

    Identifying Constraints, Mechanisms, and Resources in Harmonized International Food Safety System between the Asia Pacific Region and U.S

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    AbstractGlobalization and free trade have opened up world food market among countries at different stages of development. A harmonized international food safety system is very important for countries to build capacity and address food safety problems from a global perspective. This paper has developed a fundamental understanding of the key constraints to a harmonized food system, the mechanisms used to solve food safety problems, and the resources available based on Asia Pacific region and U.S comparison from such views as food safety culture and demographics, food safety research, food safety system and international trade, food safety outreach, education and training. A roadmap is proposed to develop and institute harmonized international food safety mechanism among developed and developing countries. Findings from this paper will assist in developing public policy; identify quality control issues, developing training needs and program implementation for government, firms and consumers

    Investigating casino event management integration: The case of East and South Asia casinos

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the gap of event management in East and South Asia’s casinos throughout the information provided by casinos on their websites. Main objective is to identify the differences and similarities of event holding in East and South Asia’s casinos and suggest future directions for casino managers and event organizers. Four research questions were developed to provide ourselves a goal, as well as to further our understanding of our investigation. There are two steps to structure our study. First is to evaluate the performance of 138 casino’s websites, which were obtained from worldcasinodirectory. com by using a website evaluation tool that we have constructed. In the second step, we conduct a content analysis for the website so we can identify what kind of events are organized in the area on our samples. The data of the content analysis provides a comparison of events in our sampling, such as the event’s size, type, and frequency of holding an event. We believe that our research would contribute to event organizers and large scale corporations to give them an insight on the overall efficiency of websites, as well as the frequency of events around East and South Asian casinos

    Modulation of nucleosome-binding activity of FACT by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation

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    Chromatin-modifying factors play key roles in transcription, DNA replication and DNA repair. Post-translational modification of these proteins is largely responsible for regulating their activity. The FACT (facilitates chromatin transcription) complex, a heterodimer of hSpt16 and SSRP1, is a chromatin structure modulator whose involvement in transcription and DNA replication has been reported. Here we show that nucleosome binding activity of FACT complex is regulated by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. hSpt16, the large subunit of FACT, is poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) resulting from physical interaction between these two proteins. The level of hSpt16 poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is elevated after genotoxic treatment and coincides with the activation of PARP-1. The enhanced hSpt16 poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation level correlates with the dissociation of FACT from chromatin in response to DNA damage. Our findings suggest that poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of hSpt16 by PARP-1 play regulatory roles for FACT-mediated chromatin remodeling

    Morphologic and mechanical adaptive variations in Saiga tatarica calcaneus: A model for interpreting the bone functional adaptation of wild artiodactyl in captivity

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    Background and Aim: Captivity alters the locomotor behavior of wild artiodactyls and affects the mechanical loading of the calcaneus; however, the resulting adaptive changes in calcaneus morphology have not been sufficiently studied to date. This study aimed to investigate the morphological and mechanical adaptive variations in the calcaneus of Saiga tatarica to understand further the functional adaptation of the calcaneus in wild artiodactyl to captivity. Materials and Methods: Paired calcanei from autopsy samples of six captive wild artiodactyls (S. tatarica) and six domesticated artiodactyls (Ovis aries) were divided into skeletally immature and mature groups using X-ray evaluation of growth plate closure. High-resolution microcomputed tomography revealed a calcaneal diaphyseal cross-section. The mechanical and nanomorphological characteristics of the trabecular bone were determined by atomic force microscopy. Results: The percent cortical bone area (%CA), cortical thickness ratio (CTR), and Young’s modulus (E) differed between species in the immature groups but not in the mature groups. S. tatarica had significantly higher growth rates for %CA, CTR, and E in the mid-shaft than O. aries (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The calcaneus morphology of S. tatarica converges with that of domesticated O. aries during ontogeny. These results indicate that the calcaneus of wild artiodactyls can undergo potentially transitional changes during the short-term adaptation to captivity. The above parameters can be preliminarily identified as morphological signs of functional bone adaptation in artiodactyls

    Inhibiting Delta-6 Desaturase Activity Suppresses Tumor Growth in Mice

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    Recent studies have shown that a tumor-supportive microenvironment is characterized by high levels of pro-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic eicosanoids derived from omega-6 (n−6) arachidonic acid (AA). Although the metabolic pathways (COX, LOX, and P450) that generate these n−6 AA eicosanoids have been targeted, the role of endogenous AA production in tumorigenesis remains unexplored. Delta-6 desaturase (D6D) is the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for the synthesis of n−6 AA and increased D6D activity can lead to enhanced n−6 AA production. Here, we show that D6D activity is upregulated during melanoma and lung tumor growth and that suppressing D6D activity, either by RNAi knockdown or a specific D6D inhibitor, dramatically reduces tumor growth. Accordingly, the content of AA and AA-derived tumor-promoting metabolites is significantly decreased. Angiogenesis and inflammatory status are also reduced. These results identify D6D as a key factor for tumor growth and as a potential target for cancer therapy and prevention

    Multimodal Neuroimaging Predictors for Cognitive Performance Using Structured Sparse Learning

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    poster abstractRegression models have been widely studied to investigate whether multimodal neuroimaging measures can be used as effective biomarkers for predicting cognitive outcomes in the study of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Most existing models overlook the interrelated structures either within neuroimaging measures or between cognitive outcomes, and thus may have limited power to yield optimal solutions. To address this issue, we propose to incorporate an L21 norm and/or a group L21 norm (G21 norm) in the regression models. Using ADNI-1 and ADNI-GO/2 data, we apply these models to examining the ability of structural MRI and AV-45 PET scans for predicting cognitive measures including ADAS and RAVLT scores. We focus our analyses on the participants with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a prodromal stage of AD, in order to identify useful patterns for early detection. Compared with traditional linear and ridge regression methods, these new models not only demonstrate superior and more stable predictive performances, but also identify a small set of imaging markers that are biologically meaningful

    Attacking practical quantum key distribution system with wavelength dependent beam splitter and multi-wavelength sources

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    Unconditional security of quantum key distribution protocol can be guaranteed by the basic property of quantum mechanics. Unfortunately, the practical quantum key distribution system always have some imperfections, and the practical system may be attacked if the imperfection can be controlled by the eavesdropper Eve. Applying the fatal security loophole introduced by the imperfect beam splitter's wavelength dependent optical property, we propose wavelength-dependent attacking model, which can be applied to almost all practical quantum key distribution systems with the passive state modulation and photon state detection after the practical beam splitter. Utilizing our attacking model, we experimentally demonstrate the attacking system based on practical polarization encoding quantum key distribution system with almost 100% success probability. Our result demonstrate that all practical devices require tightened security inspection for avoiding side channel attacks in practical quantum key distribution experimental realizations

    Superconducting Diode Effect and Large Magnetochiral Anisotropy in Td_d-MoTe2_2 Thin Film

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    In the absence of time-reversal invariance, metals without inversion symmetry may exhibit nonreciprocal charge transport -- a magnetochiral anisotropy that manifests as unequal electrical resistance for opposite current flow directions. If superconductivity also sets in, the charge transmission may become dissipationless in one direction while remaining dissipative in the opposite, thereby realizing a superconducting diode. Through both direct-current and alternating-current measurements, we study the nonreciprocal effects in thin films of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor Td_d-MoTe\textsubscript{2} with disorders. We observe nonreciprocal superconducting critical currents with a diode efficiency close to 20\%~, and a large magnetochiral anisotropy coefficient up to \SI{5.9e8}{\per\tesla\per\ampere}, under weak out-of-plane magnetic field in the millitesla range. The great enhancement of rectification efficiency under out-of-plane magnetic field is likely abscribed to the vortex ratchet effect, which naturally appears in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor with disorders. Intriguingly, unlike the finding in Rashba systems, the strongest in-plane nonreciprocal effect does not occur when the field is perpendicular to the current flow direction. We develop a phenomenological theory to demonstrate that this peculiar behavior can be attributed to the asymmetric structure of spin-orbit coupling in Td_d-MoTe\textsubscript{2}. Our study highlights how the crystallographic symmetry critically impacts the nonreciprocal transport, and would further advance the research for designing the superconducting diode with the best performance.Comment: 7 pages, 5figure

    Investigating casino event management integration: The case of East and South Asia casinos

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the gap of event management in East and South Asia’s casinos throughout the information provided by casinos on their websites. Main objective is to identify the differences and similarities of event holding in East and South Asia’s casinos and suggest future directions for casino managers and event organizers. Four research questions were developed to provide ourselves a goal, as well as to further our understanding of our investigation. There are two steps to structure our study. First is to evaluate the performance of 138 casino’s websites, which were obtained from worldcasinodirectory. com by using a website evaluation tool that we have constructed. In the second step, we conduct a content analysis for the website so we can identify what kind of events are organized in the area on our samples. The data of the content analysis provides a comparison of events in our sampling, such as the event’s size, type, and frequency of holding an event. We believe that our research would contribute to event organizers and large scale corporations to give them an insight on the overall efficiency of websites, as well as the frequency of events around East and South Asian casinos
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