3 research outputs found

    [Disagreement of Scholars' Views on The Biography of Imam Al-Shatibi] Perselisihan Pandangan Ulama Tentang Biografi Imam Al-Shatibi

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    This article aims to discuss about the differences between scholar's views on Imam al-Shatibi. These differences are divided into four parts: the origin of names, titles, sight defects, and migration to Egypt. These differences have led to misunderstanding among people about the real facts on Imam al-Shatibi. One of the factors that lead to this misunderstanding is attributed to some of the members of the al - Qur'an and al - Qiraat who are ignorant of this matter. This study will also present the answers to the differences so as to provide a complete explanation for this problem. This study is a qualitative study. Therefore, the findings are based on the documentation and investigation that has been analyzed using the text and content analysis methods. The findings suggest that the origin of the name of Imam al-Shatibi is closely related to heredity, language and marriage factors. The differences over his title were derived from several factors in the field of writing. The dispute over sight defects involves a period of time, while his migration factor to Egypt is not merely due to the pilgrimage.Keywords: Imam al-Shatibi, Qiraat Science, Qurra Biography, Imam Qiraat   Artikel ini bertujuan membincangkan tentang perselisihan pandangan ulama tentang Imam al-Shatibi. Perselisihan tersebut dibahagikan kepada empat bahagian, iaitu asal usul nama, gelaran, kecacatan penglihatan, dan penghijrahan ke Mesir. Perselisihan ini telah menimbulkan salah faham dalam kalangan masyarakat tentang perkara sebenar berkenaan Imam al-Shatibi. Antara faktor berlaku salah faham adalah berpunca daripada sebahagian ahli al-Quran dan al-Qiraat sendiri yang tidak arif tentang perkara tersebut. Kajian juga akan mengemukakan jawapan kepada perselisihan terbabit seterusnya memberi penjelasan yang tuntas bagi permasalahan ini. Kajian ini adalah merupakan kajian kualitatif. Dapatan kajian adalah bersumberkan dokumentasi dan persejarahan yang dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis teks dan kandungan. Hasil kajian mendapati asal usul nama Imam al-Shatibi ini berkait rapat dengan faktor keturunan, bahasa dan perkahwinan. Perselisihan tentang gelaran beliau pula didapati berpunca daripada beberapa faktor antaranya dalam bidang penulisan. Perselisihan berkenaan kecacatan penglihatan adalah melibatkan tempoh umur, manakala faktor penghijrahan beliau ke Mesir bukan semata-mata kerana ingin menunaikan haji.   Kata kunci: Imam al-Shatibi, Ilmu Qiraat, Biografi Qurra, Imam Qiraat &nbsp

    The Letter Ba', Jim and Sin in The Word بجس And Its Meanings in The Quran

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    In the Qur'an, there are some words that are mentioned only in one place and not in other verses. One of the words is انبَجَسَتْ. This word is derived from the word بَجَسَ. The general public knows the meaning of the word, but what about the meaning of each letter that is the structure of its construction. Its position which is mentioned only once in the Qur’an also raises question marks and requires detailed study. Thus, this study aims to reveal the meaning of each letter in addition to its pronunciation only once compared to other words. A qualitative approach was chosen and a document analysis design was used to obtain the data. The collected data were analyzed using inductive methods involving its meaning in Arabic, as well as its nature and makhraj from the point of view of Quranic scholars. The results show that each letter has its own meaning that is different from each other. Therefore, this study contributes and contains great implications on strengthening the I’jaz al-Quran in terms of the meaning of the letters. Di dalam al-Quran, ada beberapa perkataan yang hanya disebut pada satu tempat sahaja dan tiada dalam ayat lain. Salah satu daripada perkataan tersebut ialah انبَجَسَتْ. Perkataan ini berasal daripada kalimah بَجَسَ. Umum mengetahui maksud perkataan tersebut, tetapi bagaimana pula dengan maksud setiap huruf yang menjadi struktur binaannya. Kedudukannya yang hanya sekali sahaja disebut di dalam al-Quran juga menimbulkan tanda tanya dan memerlukan kajian terperinci. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyingkap maksud setiap huruf tersebut di samping penyebutannya yang sekali sahaja berbanding perkataan lain. Pendekatan kualitatif telah dipilih dan reka bentuk analisis dokumen digunakan untuk mendapatkan data. Data terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan metode induktif melibatkan maksudnya dalam Bahasa Arab, juga sifat dan makhrajnya dari sudut ahli al-Quran. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahawa setiap huruf mempunyai maksud tersendiri yang berbeza antara satu sama lain. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini memberikan sumbangan dan mengandungi implikasi yang besar pada menguatkan I’jaz al-Quran dari sudut maksud huruf

    Sebab Huruf Ba' Mempunyai Satu Titik di Bawah: Satu Sorotan [Reasons of Why the Letter Ba’ Has One Below Dot: A Review]

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    Mashaf Uthmani mempunyai beberapa aliran dalam pemilihan penandaan titik pada huruf Hija’iyyah. Perbezaan aliran ini secara tidak langsung menimbulkan kekeliruan dalam kalangan masyarakat yang kurang mengetahui berkenaan perbezaan penandaan titik huruf di dalam mashaf. Daripada huruf Hija’iyyah tersebut, huruf Ba’ menjadi fokus kajian berdasarkan susunan yang lebih terdahulu berbanding empat huruf lain dalam kategorinya. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan maklumat yang lebih terperinci dan tepat agar tidak berlaku kesamaran dalam kalangan masyarakat. Ini merupakan kajian kualitatif. Dapatan kajian adalah bersumberkan dokumentasi dan persejarahan yang dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis teks dan kandungan. Hasil kajian mendapati sebab huruf Ba’ diberikan satu titik sahaja di bahagian bawah adalah kerana tiga faktor daripada empat faktor keseluruhan. Kesimpulannya, huruf Ba’ didapati mempunyai keunikan tersendiri berbanding huruf Hija’iyyah yang lain di sisi aliran-aliran penandaan mashaf. The Ottoman Mashaf has several streams in the selection of point markings on the Hija’iyyah letters. These differences in flow indirectly cause confusion among the people who do not know about the differences in the marking of letter dots in the mashaf. From the letters Hija'iyyah, the letter Ba’ became the focus of the study based on the earlier order compared to the other four letters in the category. This study aims to obtain more detailed and accurate information so that there is no ambiguity in the community. This is a qualitative study. The findings of the study are sourced from documentation and history that are analyzed using text and content analysis methods. The results of the study found that the reason the letter Ba’ was given only one dot at the bottom was because of three factors out of a total of four factors. In conclusion, the letter Ba’ was found to have its own uniqueness compared to other Hija'iyyah letters in terms of mashaf marking trends.The Ottoman Mashaf has several streams in the selection of point markings on the Hija’iyyah letters. These differences in flow indirectly cause confusion among the people who do not know about the differences in the marking of letter dots in the mashaf. From the letters Hija'iyyah, the letter Ba’ became the focus of the study based on the earlier order compared to the other four letters in the category. This study aims to obtain more detailed and accurate information so that there is no ambiguity in the community. This is a qualitative study. The findings of the study are sourced from documentation and history that are analyzed using text and content analysis methods. The results of the study found that the reason the letter Ba’ was given only one dot at the bottom was because of three factors out of a total of four factors. In conclusion, the letter Ba’ was found to have its own uniqueness compared to other Hija'iyyah letters in terms of mashaf marking trends