11 research outputs found

    Current issue in corporate waqf in Malaysia

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    Corporate waqf is still new for the contemporary Islamic studies in Malaysia. There are limited resources and guidance to explain about corporate waqf. The purposes of this study are to explore the issues, concept and development of corporate waqf. Current structure for corporate waqf also being explored as part of case studies. This paper provides several perspectives and suggestions to this issue. The methodology for this study is secondary data approach by using the data analysis from the related journal and paper. The subject for this study is Selangor Muamalat. This paper come out with the concept and development of the contemporary waqf focused on corporate waqf and there are five current issues identified in the contemporary waqf. Next, seven proposed action plans are suggested to cover the issues. Lastly, the structure of Selangor Muamalat is analyses by focusing on the management structure, financial and operational framework and the Shariah consideration towards Selangor Muamalat structure

    Peranan Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) akibat Pandemik COVID-19

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    The Johor State Islamic Religious Council (MAIJ) was established on 1925 under the authority of Part IV, Chapter XV, Board of Regulations for the Rule of the King. There are initial functions and main functions for MAIJ. MAIJ's initial function was to manage religious affairs, provide advice on the King's customs, provide lessons / education to the King's relatives and manage the welfare of the Muslim community. Meanwhile, its main function is to manage and administer the Group of Zakat & Fitrah Fund (Kumpulan Wang Zakat & Fitrah) and distribute the fund according to asnaf, manage and administer the Fund / Baitulmal Property and the Wakaf Fund as a Wakaf Trustee. This article aims to analyze the types of assistance and contributions due to Covid-19 pandemic during the Movement Control Order (MCO) on 18 March 2020 to 31 March 2020 organized by the Johor Islamic Religious Council. This study is a qualitative study with content analysis design. The results show that the Johor Islamic Religious Council provides assistance to people in need with a set amount along with the number of recipients to be in line with the budget. This study lists the types of donations along with the amount of aid money as a reference for recipients during the period of the Movement Control Order (MCO

    Improved thresholding and quantization techniques for image compression

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    In recent decades, digital images have become increasingly important. With many modern applications use image graphics extensively, it tends to burden both the storage and transmission process. Despite the technological advances in storage and transmission, the demands placed on storage and bandwidth capacities still exceeded its availability. Moreover, the compression process involves eliminating some data that degrades the image quality. Therefore, to overcome this problem, an improved thresholding and quantization techniques for image compression is proposed. Firstly, the generated wavelet coefficients obtained from the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) process are thresholded by the proposed Standard Deviation-Based Wavelet Coefficients Threshold Estimation Algorithm. The proposed algorithm estimates the best threshold value at each detail subbands. This algorithm exploits the huge number of near-zero coefficients exist in detail subbands. For different images, the distribution of wavelet coefficients at each subband are substantially different. So, by calculating the standard deviation value of each subband, a better threshold value can be obtained. Next, the retained wavelet coefficients are subjected to the next proposed Minimizing Median Quantization Error Algorithm. The proposed algorithm utilizes the high occurrence of zero coefficient obtained by the previous thresholding process by re-allocating the zero and non-zero coefficients in different groups for quantization. Then, quantization error minimization mechanism is employed by calculating the median quantization error at each quantization interval class. The results are then compared to the existing algorithms and it is found that the proposed compression algorithm shows double increase in compression ratio performance, produces higher image quality with PSNR value above 40dB and ensures a better bit saving with smooth control at bit rate higher than 4 bpp. Thus, the proposed algorithm provides an alternative technique to compress the digital image

    Analysis of Da’if & Mawdu’ Hadith in the Book of Ta’lim Al-Muta’allim by Shaykh Al-Zarnuji

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    Ta’lim al-Muta’allim’s book by Sheikh al-Zarnuji is a turath book containing ethics and manners of learning and teaching between teachers and students. This book is famous and distributed in the Archipelago especially in Malaysia and Indonesia. It is also widely used in pesantran or pondok nowaday. Sheikh al-Zarnuji used hadiths of prophet Muhammad s.a.w as the main source and hujjah in Ta’lim al-Muta’allim’s book. He also included some other categories of hadith including da’if and mawdu’ hadiths. The issue is Ta’lim al-Muta’llim’s book contains many da’if and mawdu’ hadiths and have been referred by Muslim. This study is very important to understand the method and rule of practicing of da’if and mawdu’ hadiths. Hence, this study aimed to analyse da’if and mawdu’ hadiths contained in Ta’lim al-Muta’llim’s book. The methodology of this hadith is qualitative method by using content analysis approach toward Ta’lim al-Muta’llim’s book. Thus, the finding for the analysis of 40 hadiths in this book found that only 30% hadith can be used for fada’il al-amal if fulfilled the conditions by the ulama’s. Hence, thematic analysis is important to be done in order to ensure the quantity of da’if and mawdu’ hadiths in this book and also to ensure the da’if hadith can be practiced only for fada’il al-amal matter

    Analisis terhadap model-model penilaian laman sesawang Islam berbentuk dakwah di Malaysia

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    Dakwah melalui teknologi maklumat telah lama berlangsung di Malaysia. Pelbagai usaha telah dilaksanakan oleh pelbagai agensi mahupun individu untuk menyebarkan ajaran Islam kepada masyarakat. Dakwah boleh dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pelbagai pendekatan termasuk penggunaan teknologi maklumat. Keberkesanan dakwah dalam menggunakan teknologi maklumat telah terbukti dengan melihat kepada pembangunan laman sesawang Islam yang banyak di dalam Internet. Berdasarkan perkembangan yang pesat ini, pembangunan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi telah memberi kesan kepada proses penerimaan ilmu pengetahuan dan pengambilan maklumat. Penyebaran maklumat yang salah dan tidak boleh dipercayai juga menyumbang kepada permasalahan seperti isu fitnah yang berleluasa seharusnya dititikberatkan dalam kalangan masyarakat untuk menilai sesuatu ilmu yang diambil daripada Internet. Dalam konteks laman sesawang Islam telah wujud pelbagai bentuk laman sesawang yang menjurus kepada penyebaran ajaran Islam. Namun, bagaimana masyarakat menerima sesuatu maklumat berdasarkan ilmu yang dimuatnaik di dalam laman sesawang tersebut dari segi kebolehpercayaan maklumat dan kredibiliti penulis? Dan bagaimana penilaian yang dibuat sebelum mengambil atau menyebarkan kepada orang lain? Oleh itu, kajian ini memfokuskan kepada penganalisisan model-model penilaian laman sesawang Islam bagi mengenalpasti ciri-ciri dan kriteria dalam menilai sesebuah laman sesawang Islam. Semoga kajian ini memberi manfaat kepada pengguna Internet untuk menilai sesebuah laman sesawang atau perkakasan Internet yang lain

    [The Criteria of Hadith Mawdu’ in the Book of Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Da’ifah wa al-Mawdu’ah by al-Albani] Kriteria Hadith Mawdu’ dalam Kitab Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Da’ifah wa al-Mawdu’ah oleh al-Albani

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    Imam al-Albani is a contemporary hadith scholar who has produced many great works like book of Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Da’ifah wa al-Mawdu’ah which contains hadiths da’if and mawdu’. The position of hadith in the book caused controversy among hadith scholars because the status of hadith sahih by other scholars were considered da'if by al-Albani and hadiths that did not reach the martabat mawdu 'were considered as mawdu' by him and vice versa. So that, many hadith scholars evaluate al-Albani as a scholar who easily devised new methods of hadith. Therefore, this study aims to look at the criteria used by al-Albani in falsifying a hadith in his book. The methodology of this study is qualitative through the method of content analysis focusing on the book of Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Da’ifah wa al-Mawdu’ah. This study finds that the criteria of hadith mawdu ’by al-Albani in the book of Silsilah uses the approach of criticizing sanad and matan; with the criteria of sanad which are (1) the confession of the narrator of the hadith, (2) the existence of qarinah which is almost the same as the confession, (3) the narrator is known as a liar among the scholars, (4) the hadith is narrated mawquf and (5) the narrator is majhul. While in the matan criteria are (1) weakness in the pronunciation (sound) of the hadith text, (2) the strange meaning of the hadith, (3) contrary to the dalil syar'i, and the mind, (4) related to the priority of the mind, (5) contains abominations, isra'iliyyat and bid'ah, (6) not found in the main hadith book and (7) exaggerates the reward or punishment for light deeds. This study found that al-Albani did not make an innovation in the criteria of hadith mawdu' except for a few criteria but in practice it makes a difference with others. Imam al-Albani merupakan ulama hadith kontemporari yang banyak melahirkan karya-karya agung yang menarik seperti kitab Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Da’ifah wa al-Mawdu’ah yang mengandungi hadith-hadith da’if dan mawdu’. Kedudukan hukum hadith dalam kitab tersebut menimbulkan kontroversi dalam kalangan ulama hadith kerana hadith-hadith yang dihukumkan sahih oleh ulama lain dianggap da’if oleh al-Albani dan hadith-hadith yang tidak sampai ke darjat mawdu’ dihukumkan mawdu’ oleh beliau begitu juga sebaliknya sehingga ramai ulama hadith menilai al-Albani sebagai ulama yang mudah membuat kaedah baru dalam ilmu hadith. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kriteria yang digunakan oleh al-Albani dalam memalsukan sesebuah hadith dalam kitabnya. Metodologi kajian ini adalah berbentuk kualitatif melalui kaedah analisis kandungan kitab Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Da’ifah wa al-Mawdu’ah. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa kriteria hadith mawdu’ oleh al-Albani dalam kitab Silsilah menggunakan pendekatan mengkritik sanad dan matan; dengan kriteria sanad iaitu (1) pengakuan pemalsu hadith, (2) wujud qarinah yang hampir sama dengan pengakuan, (3) perawi terkenal sebagai pendusta dalam kalangan ulama, (4) hadith diriwayatkan secara mawquf dan (5) perawi majhul. Manakala dalam kriteria matan adalah (1) kelemahan pada lafaz (bunyi) teks hadith, (2) makna hadith yang pelik, (3) bertentangan dengan dalil syar’i, dan akal fikiran, (4) berkaitan dengan keutamaan akal, (5) mengandungi kekejian, isra’iliyyat dan bid’ah, (6) tidak terdapat dalam kitab hadith induk dan (7) melebihkan pahala atau seksa terhadap amalan yang ringan. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa al-Albani tidak melakukan suatu pembaharuan dalam kriteria hadith mawdu’ melainkan beberapa kriteria sahaja namun dalam secara praktikknya menimbulkan perbezaan dengan yang lain

    The implementation of hadith studies for visually impaired people in Malaysia: issues and challenges

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    Hadith is the second source in Islam after Quran. The role of hadith is very important in Islam especially in explaining and justifying the contents of Quran. The study of hadith for visually impaired people is very important and necessary in the special education system. There are some challenges that need to be considered in preserving the study of hadith for visually impaired people. These challenges must be faced together in order to create an equality of hadith educational opportunities toward visually impaired people regardless of their shortcomings. However, the exposures of hadith study occur only on a small scale while hadith also plays an important role in Muslim daily life. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to explain the issues and challenges faced by visually impaired people in implementing hadith studies. The qualitative approach is used in this research by using document analysis method from books, articles, journals, internet etc. The early finding shows that the hadith study for visually impaired people in Malaysia facing great issues and challenges. These challenges exist in several aspects including the lack of instructional resources, the weakness of educational institutions and the lack of teaching aid. Hence, this research is able to identify the issues and challenges faced by visually impaired people to pursuit hadith and guiding them to learn and love the Prophet SAW and his Sunnah

    Persediaan Menghadapi Pandemik Berikutnya: Penyelesaian Menurut Islam: Preparing for the Next Pandemic: Solutions According to Islam

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    Pengurusan pandemik merupakan perkara yang amat mencabar bagi semua pihak. Ketidakpastian yang teruk berlaku mengenai penyesuaian terhadap wabak itu, menyebabkan lebih banyak nyawa tidak dapat diselamatkan. Organisasi kesihatan terus bergerak untuk mendapatkan dan menyampaikan maklumat mengenai pandemik ke seluruh pelusuk dunia terutama kepada populasi yang berisiko. Namun literasi berkaitan maklumat pandemik daripada literatur Islam masih terhad. Kajian ini bersifat kualitatif, dengan menganalisis literatur untuk mengetahui pendekatan Islam dalam menghadapi pandemik. Kajian kami menyamaratakan strategi Islam dalam menangani wabak penyakit maut sebelum, semasa, dan selepas wabak. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa strategi Islam dalam menangani wabak penyakit maut adalah dengan menjauhi perbuatan maksiat, persiapan rohani yang mantap. Selain itu, tindakan penguatkuasaan SOP yang ketat kepada masyarakat semasa pandemik bagi memastikan penularan wabak tersebut dapat dikawal. Islam menawarkan pendekatan gabungan penjagaan rohani, jasmani, emosi, dan intelek dalam menghadapi pandemik penyakit yang membawa maut. Kami mencadangkan garis panduan berkaitan wabak dalam bentuk holistik untuk penyelidikan masa depan. Pandemic management is a challenging matter for all parties. Severe uncertainty prevailed regarding adaptation to the epidemic, leaving more lives unsalvageable. Health organizations continue to move to obtain and communicate information about the pandemic to all corners of the world, especially to at-risk populations. However, literacy related to pandemic information from Islamic literature is still limited. This study is qualitative, by analyzing the literature to find out the Islamic approach in facing the pandemic. Our study generalizes Islamic strategies in dealing with deadly disease outbreaks before, during, and after the outbreak. This study found that the Islamic strategy in dealing with deadly disease outbreaks is to stay away from immoral acts, a solid spiritual preparation. In addition, strict SOP enforcement actions to the community during the pandemic to ensure the spread of the epidemic can be controlled. Islam offers a combined approach of spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual care in the face of deadly disease pandemics. We suggest epidemic-related guidelines in a holistic form for future research

    The Book of Nasa’ih Al-‘Ibad and Tanqih Al-Qaul by Shaykh Nawawi Al-Banteni: A Comparative Study on The Method Syarh Hadit

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    Shaykh Nawawi al-Banteni is a famous scholar who has produced many scientific works in the archipelago. Among his works is the book Nasa'ih al-'Ibad which is exegesis from the book al¬Munabbahat 'Ala al-'Isti'dad Li Yaum al-Ma'ad by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani and the book Tanqih al-Qaul which is exeges from the book Lubab al-Hadith by Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti. Both of these works are a reference in several pesantrens in Indonesia and are also widely taught in certain suraus, halakah and mosques. However, the in -depth study of the method of syarh the hadith of the book is rarely noticed by the users of the book. Therefore, it is important to explain the method of syarh hadith found in these two books in order to know its status and also to measure the extent of the author's knowledge in the knowledge of hadith. This study intends to explore the method of syarh hadith by Shaykh Nawawi in the book Nasa’ih al-‘Ibad and Tanqih al-Qaul. The purpose of this study is to analyze the method of syarh hadith used by Shaykh Nawawi and reveal the extent of his knowledge and status as a scholar of hadith through the books of Nasa'ih al-‘Ibad and Tanqih al-Qaul. The methodology of this study is qualitative through the method of content analysis by focusing on the books of Nasa’ih al¬‘Ibad and Tanqih al-Qaul. This study found that there are similarities and differences in the methodology of exegesis hadith in the books of Nasa’ih al-‘Ibad and Tanqih al-Qaul by Shaykh Nawawi al-Banteni. In addition, he also has good ability and knowledge in the knowledge of hadith