738 research outputs found

    Technical documentation for SUMO2 v. 3.2.1

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    SUMO2 simulates the vegetation succession and biomass increment for several vegetation types on the basis of five competing functional types (grasses and herbs, dwarf shrubs, shrubs and two tree species) and three organs (roots, wood, leaves). The functional types compete for light, nitrogen and phosphorus. The biomass increment is influenced depended on the functional type by moisture availability temperature and management including grazin

    MOVE : MOdel for terrestrial VEgetation version 4.0

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    The model MOVE4 predicts the probability of occurrence for over 900 plant species based on the Ellenberg indicator values for acidity, moisture, nutrient availability and salinity, the geophysical region and the vegetation type. The model was developed as a follow up of MOVE3.2. Although extensively tested and applied, the principles and the tests of the model were never laid down. This report fills this gap and contains the principles of MOVE4 and the internal tests that were carried out. The tests show that the model gives reasonable results predicting the probability of occurrence of plant species, but that there is room for improvement

    Surgical Management of Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction

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    Management of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction can be a controversial topic. Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is a progressive deformity of the foot and ankle and can be very debilitating if not properly treated. The key to successful outcomes begins with a prompt diagnosis and staging of the deformity. Often the early stages of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction can be conservatively managed and progression can be halted before significant deformity ensues. Those that require surgical intervention can be treated with soft tissue balancing and osseous reconstruction. The focus of this chapter is to review the surgical options available for correction of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction

    The nature of qualitative construction partnering research

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    This paper investigates the nature of qualitative construction partnering research, by reviewing academic peer reviewed papers about this topic. Results show that most papers focus on multi-player, inter-organizational relationships in supply chains that collaborate in new building projects. Intra-organizational relationships collaborating in existing projects are underexposed. Also, four methodological gaps are identified. 1) Insight in the process of data analysis is underexposed. 2) Reflection on the role of the researcher(s) in the research process is underexposed. 3) The individual level of analysis is underexposed. 4) The way in which the results are generalized remain somewhat opaque, especially reflections on internal generalization is underexposed. All identified gaps have in common that specific time and place dependent details that may have influenced understanding of studied individuals are underexposed. This may explain why construction partnering research is experienced by some authors as stylized and abstracted from working practice. The identified gaps are translated into recommendations for further study. Applying the recommendations, will lead to a research discourse that represent the characteristics of ordinary working practice and the process of studying that working practice. More focus on local time and place dependent factors of the studied individuals as well as the process of studying it, inevitably leads to encountering (and becoming more aware of) personal, subjective and unexplainable decisions and behavior. By applying the recommendations, this paper attempts to contribute to further development of academic research on this topic and increase effectiveness of partnering in the construction sector

    First two unrelated cases of isolated sedoheptulokinase deficiency: A benign disorder?

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    We present the first two reported unrelated patients with an isolated sedoheptulokinase (SHPK) deficiency. The first patient presented with neonatal cholestasis, hypoglycemia, and anemia, while the second patient presented with congenital arthrogryposis multiplex, multiple contractures, and dysmorphisms. Both patients had elevated excretion of erythritol and sedoheptulose, and each had a homozygous nonsense mutation in SHPK. SHPK is an enzyme that phosphorylates sedoheptulose to sedoheptulose-7-phosphate, which is an important intermediate of the pentose phosphate pathway. It is questionable whether SHPK deficiency is a causal factor for the clinical phenotypes of our patients. This study illustrates the necessity of extensive functional and clinical workup for interpreting a novel variant, including nonsense variants

    Wordt de natuur wel de goede maat genomen?

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    Reactie op het artikel van ten Brink [et al.], Landschap 18(2001)1, over "De natuur de maat genomen in vier graadmeters", met een nawoord van deze auteur

    Naar een beheerplan voor Eilandspolder-Oost als Natura2000-gebied : van top-down invoeren naar bouwen aan sociaal draagvlak?

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    Halverwege de 20e eeuw kwamen zwaardere landbouwmachines, nieuwe meststoffen en minder, maar grotere boeren in de Eilandspolder. En daarmee ontstond de behoefte aan ontsluiting, verkaveling, paden, dammen en bruggen. Maar de natuur en het open veenweidelandschap kwamen in het gedrang en claimden hun rechten. De Eilandspolder was al in 1979 tot Vogelrichtlijngebied uitgeroepen en in 1992 werd de Eilandspolder-Oost ook onder de Habitatrichtlijn gebracht. Het hele gebied werd Natura2000- gebied en de natuurwaarden en de agrarische belangen kwamen scherp tegenover elkaar te staan. Natuurliefhebbers en omwonenden waren inmiddels flink ongerust geworden over de ingrijpende plannen. Zij vonden elkaar in de Stichting Open Polders, maar ze mist de specialistische ecologische kennis die nodig is om een inbreng te kunnen leveren in de discussies rond dit nieuwe beheerplan voor het Natura2000-gebied. Wetenschapswinkel in Wageningen en de onderzoekers van Alterra bereid waren de ecologische eisen van de doelen te beschrijven, die bepalend zijn voor inrichting en beheer en die als basis en richtlijnen kunnen dienen voor het beheerplan. Hiermee kan ook worden nagegaan wat we gezien de instandhoudingsdoelen straks in het beheerplan terug moeten vinden. Gesprekken zijn gevoerd met terreinbeheerders die betrokken zijn bij het beheer van het gebied, waaronder het voorgenomen baggerpla

    Trade-offs in the value capture of architectural firms

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    Architectural firms often have difficulty generating profit from their services as they pursue not only commercial but also professional goals. These goals frequently conflict and have to be balanced during the process of value creation and value capture. So far, literature has focused on the interaction between the perceived use value for the customer and the fee that is paid to the firm. To better understand how professional service firms realize their organizational targets, professional value needs to be included. In this study, in-depth interviews with the architects and clients of nine housing projects provide insight into the content and process of value capture by architectural firms. The data reveal strategies by which architects tried to maximize the capture of professional value at the expense of profit or sometimes even their clients’ perceived use value. These trade-offs in value capture confirm the importance of professional value when studying value creation and capture in a professional service context. This paper provides an understanding of how architectural firms struggle to balance competing goals and highlights the importance of well-managed value capture