218 research outputs found

    Inflation Targeting under Imperfect Credibility Based on the Aggregate Rational Inflation-Targeting Model for Bank Indonesia (ARIMBI): Lessons from the Indonesian Experience

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    Credibility is one of the central issues in conducting monetary policy. It is necessary in order to anchor the economic agents’ expectation on the central bank’s inflation target. A central bank which is capable of managing the public’s expectation of inflation in a proper manner would able to implement monetary policy more effectively and efficiently. This paper attempts to assess the role of credibility in the implementation of the inflation targeting framework in Indonesia. It illustrates how credibility may play an important role in the evolution of the Indonesian monetary policy. Knowing the degree of credibility would be beneficial for Bank Indonesia (BI) in understanding how policy instruments can be adjusted to achieve a long-term inflation target.

    Resource-aware ECG analysis on mobile devices

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    Karakteristik Sea Keeping Kapal Angkut Ikan 60 GT di Sebaran Wilayah Perikanan Perairan Indonesia

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    Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) telah menetapkan lokasi pembangunan Sentra Kelautan dan Perikanan Terpadu (SKPT) di pulau-pulau kecil dan kawasan perbatasan. Ini sesuai Keputusan Menteri (Kepmen) No.51 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Lokasi Pembangunan Sentra Kelautan dan Perikanan Terpadu di Pulau-Pulau Kecil dan Kawasan Perbatasan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan jaringan konektivitas hasil tangkapan ikan nelayan untuk dikelola mulai pendaratan, penyimpanan hingga pemasarannya. Selama ini hasil tangkapan ikan dari nelayan hanya dipasarkan pada area terbatas yang dikarenakan sarana transportasi kapal pengangkut ke area pemasaran besar yang belum memadai, misalnya kapasitas kapal angkut yang kecil juga kendala cuaca selama pelayaran sulit diatasi. Desain kapal angkut ikan ikan 60 GT, ruang muat ikan dilengkapi sistem pendingin, dapat difungsikan sebagai kapal kolektor bagi nelayan yang tersebar pada area SKPT untuk mengangkut ikan ke area pemasaran. Pada kajian ini dilakukan analisa terhadap kemampuan olah gerak (seakeeping) hasil desain kapal angkut ikan 60 GT dalam menghadapi gelombang perairan Wilayah Indonesia. Hasil kajian ini sangat diperlukan pihak operator atau kapten kapal dalam mengenal kemampuan olah gerak kapal yang dioperasikan dalam menghadapi gelombang selama berlayar dan dapat selamat dan tepat waktu sampai tujuan yang direncanakan

    Leakage Current Assessment Using Correlation Coefficient and Principal Component Analysis on the Eight-Month Naturally Coastal Contaminated Outdoor Porcelain Insulator

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    This manuscript presents the experimental results of eight months naturally coastal contaminated outdoor porcelain insulator. The conducted experiments were leakage current and applied high voltage measurements, in the hermetically sealed chamber, where temperature, humidity, pressure and applied voltage could be adjusted and measured simultaneously. The leakage current waveforms were analyzed using FFT and the relation to other parameters were analyzed using correlation coefficient and principal component analysis. On high humidity, the leakage current waveforms tended to approach pure sinusoides, and the amplitudes tended to rise. Based on the correlation coefficient, the relative humidity influenced to leakage current amplitudes and phase angle as 0.60 and -0.68 respectively. Whereas, using PCA, the humidity close to power factor, and the phase angle close to THD and applied voltage. However, the phase angle opposites to the humidity. The extracted for 2 and 3 components are 74.5% and 85.3% respectively

    Comparison of Eight Month Coastal Polluted Porcelain and Epoxy Resin Outdoor Insulators

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    This study  presents the experimental results of eight months naturally coastal polluted outdoor porcelain  and  epoxy resin  insulators. The experiments were leakage current and applied high voltage measurements used a two-channel storage  digital  oscilloscope,  in  the  hermetically  sealed  chamber,  where temperature,  humidity ,  pressure  and  applied  voltage  could  be  adjusted  and measured simultaneously. The leakage current waveforms were analyzed using FFT  and  the  relation  to  environmental  parameters  were  analyzed  using correlation  matrix  of  multivariate  statistical  tools.  It  was  also  conducted  SEM and EDAX tests. Base  on  the  correlation  coefficient  matrix, the humidity  contributed  to  leakage current  amplitude  and  phase  angle  on  the  porcelain  insulator   were  very significant,  with  the  correlation  coefficient  were  0.60  and  -0.68  respectively. Whereas,  on  polluted  epoxy  resin  insulator,  the  humidity  did  not  influence  to leakage  current  and  phase  angle  considerably.  Generally,  the  surface  became rougher than  the new one. The most three  chemical elements in pollutants  were chlorine, silicon and ferrum
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