21 research outputs found

    Politik Australia Dalam Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (Fctc) Pada Pemerintahan Julia Gillard (2010-2013)

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    This research will focus on the Australian Policy in the implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in the era of the Prime Minister Julia Gillard. The FCTC which provides a framework for international cooperation to address the global health crisis caused by tobacco,The period time used in this research is within 2010 until 2013 that is period Julia Gillard served as Prime Minister of Australian. This study used a qualitative research method that the source data is taken from books, journals, newspapers, the internet, and previous research. Perspectives and levels of analysis used in this study is that the individual as the main actor. By using a perspective behavioralism, the theory of decision making in foreign policy analysis by James N. Rosenau, will describe the direction of the object of analysis. The result of this research is the implementation of the Australian tobacco control policy relevant treaty obligations undertaken by Parties to the WHO FCTC, with finds out the things which causes Australian tobacco control policy under the of the Prime Minister Julia Gillard to be aggressive in world, like Julia Gillard success makes the Tobacco Plain Packaging lawsis the first policy in the history of the world. Although major tobacco companies refuse the Tobacco Plain Packaging policy, Julia Gillard is committed to implement measures of the Australian tobacco control policy to be progressive have been made by the states and territories of Australia.Keywords : Australian Tobacco control Policy, FCTC, Behavioralis

    Uji Kinerja Prototipe Alat Pembersih Gabah

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    Separation of paddy from empty grains and unexpected materials is one step in post harvest handlings done usually after cutting. This step is acquired to have the high quality of paddy. Separation that conventionally done by farmers, in general, is inefficient and can pose difficulties such us: high losses, high energy need, time consuming and depend on weather. Application of separation machine is needed as an alternatif to overcome to those difficulties. The purpose of this test is to determine the capacity and efficiency of work time required. The research was done in some steps: design of the equipment, manufacturing, testing and finally, data analysis. The test was conducted in 3 levels of wind mover: 850 rpm, 1070 rpm and 1300 rpm. Observation was focused on the percentage of empty grain, duration of separation and work capacity. From the results, it can be concluded that the best wind mover for separation was 1070 rpm. It could separate filled and empty grain effectively at 96,06%. The average of work capacity of the equipment was 127,07 kg/hour

    Alat Optimasi Suhu Dan Kelembaban Untuk Inkubasi Fermentasi Dan Pengeringan Pasca Fermentasi

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    Fermentation optimizer aids have been common around us in both laboratories and home industries. However, these aids only served as incubator and sometimes cannot optimize the fermentation process due to the increasing humidity in a closed box. Nevertheless, adding holes to the box will not lead to a better result since unwanted bacterias come into the box. Therefore, a fermentation optimizer aids has been realized with two separate functions, namely fermentation incubator and post-fermentation dryer. This kit works in the temperature ranging from 35 degree C – 120 degree C, and equipped with two exhaust fans to minimize the humidity in both fermentation and dryermodes. The SHT11 was utilized to measure the temperature and relative humidity. A ceramic heater was used to warm up the air inside the box as desired by users. As the user interface, keypad and character LCD were used. ArduinoMega2560 serves as the main controller of the whole system. Compared to the conventional fermentation process, this kit works 9 hours faster and the fermentation objects are perfectly fermented

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer sebagai Dasar Pengenalan Teknologi Informasi pada Guru Taman Kanak-kanak di Kota Semarang

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    Pengabdian IPTEK diadakan dengan latar belakang bahwa pada dasarnya penggunaan komputer dalam proses belajar, akan melahirkan suasana yang menyenangkan bagi anak. Gambar-gambar dan suara yang muncul juga membuatanak tidak cepat bosan, sehingga dapat merangsang anak mengetahui lebih jauh lagi. Sisi baiknya, anak menjadi lebih tekun dan terpicu untuk belajar berkonsentrasi Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut telah dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam proses belajar mengajar pengenalan teknologi informasi melalui pengalaman langsung yaitu pelatihan-penerapan dan evaluasi dalam pembelajaran komputer di TK. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian menunjukan bahwa pengenalan teknologi informasi pada guru TK, dapat membantu guru dalam pembelajaran yang merangsang pertumbuhan otak, merangsang imajinsi, kreatifitas, memperbaiki pengenalan huruf alpabet dan meningkatkan kemampuan verbal anak. Berdasarkan kegiatan tersebut diatas dapat disimpulkan pembelajaran berbasis komputer sebaga pengenalan teknologi informasi pada guru TK adalah pemberian dasar teknologi informasi (komputer) agar guru-guru TK mampu mengantisipasi kemajuan pada era informasi yang mulai diimplementasikan pada dunia pendidikan

    Physical Properties of Sweet Potato (Native Gisting Tanggamus and Jati Agung Lampung Selatan on Two Storage Method

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    The objective of this research was to observe the physical properties of two native of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) stored at two different conditions: temperature of 30 -32 °C with RH 58 – 70 % and temperature of 25 – 26 °C with RH 80 - 95 %. The two native of sweet potatoes used as sample were Gisting, harvested at 6 - 7 months, and Marga, harvested at 3 - 4 months. Parameters measured periodically during 8-week storage are weight loss, water content, number and length of prune, and the total soluble solid. The results showed that the storage temperature and RH are relatively stable during observation. During storage at temperature of 25 - 26 oC and RH 85 – 90 %, the weight loss was minimized and the total soluble solid increated sligtly for both native sweet potatoes. The decreasing water content during storage is not significantly different between Gisting and Marga. The increasing in number and length of prune was followed by the gain of weight loss. Gisting has longer storage time compared to Marga based on the standard of weight loss