14 research outputs found

    Pengetahuan dan Kebutuhan Pelayanan Informasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di Beberapa Kota Besar di Jawa

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    Adolescent is the candidate of fertile age couple that will create a family. Knowledge, attitude and behavior of their reproduction at the present will influence the family forms in the future. Adolescent as the candidate of fertile life. The phase of adolescent is signed by the maturity of reproduction instruments. The appear of sexual supporting and curiosity to this age phase needs guidance so can be controlled an does not make a problem that can harm the life of their reproduction next time. The purpose of this study was to observe the level of knowledge, attitude and emotion of adolescent and the health sevices need of adolescent reproduction at some big towns in Indonesia such as, Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. The sample of this study was 786 students of SMU, SLTP and children who did not get school in the age of 14 until 18 years old. The data was gathered with the questionaire and discussion of directed group. The data analysis was done by compare test with score description on the average and standard cross sectional, percentage and synthetic. The result obtained that showed the adolescent's knowledge about the aspect of reproduction mature sign and infected diseases still about 52-56% whoanswered the questioner correctly and maturity of adolescent's emotion was relative low. The adolescent who was actively be boy and gilrfriends at this study amount 41.1% and begin to be boy and girlfriend amount about 13-14 years old. The way of giving health information of reproduction that is expected by the adolescent namely discussion, hot line service (phone), conseling through the letter and medium such as booklet, leafleat, brochure and poster. The pepople that are expected giving information service to the adolescent is their friend of the same age, teacher, profesional institution, parents and doctor/midwife. The expected material is moral values, law, religion, adolescent development, adolescent intercourse, the health sexual behavior and drugs

    Profil Penderita Diabetes Melitus yang Berobat ke Pengobat Tradisional di DKI Jakarta, di YOGYAKARTA, dan Surabaya

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    A study on diabetes melitus was conducted in DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, and Surabaya in 1998/1999. The respondents were the patients who went to the Traditional Healers (Dukun Rarnuan and Sinshe), at least twice. Data collection was conducted through interview using questionnaire and also in depth interview to the respondents and Traditional Healers. The symptoms of diabetes melitus based on WHO standard such as: excessive thirst, polyuria, pruritus, and otherwise unexplained weight loss. The results showed that most of the respondent's age were 50 years old, male, graduated from highschool. And 48.7% of respondent's income were ranging between Rp 176,000.00 up to Rp 500,000.00. Generally, respondents visited the Traditional Healers by their own car or motorcycle. Most of them did not believe that diabetes melitus was caused either by black magic or curse of God. However 79,8% of the respondents hoped to be recovered from their illness immediately. The greater part of the respondents visited the Traditional Healers as suggested by their friend's. While 73%> of respondent's illness were diagnosed by health personnel. The major symptoms of diabetes melitus were parasthesia, urinate more frequently at night, thirsty, losing weight, and feeling weak. However about 58.1% respondents visited the Traditional Healers and the health personnel for three years and 47.8% visited them just for one year or less. The reasons for visiting Traditional Healers were due to cheaper, sevices closer to their homes, more confidence in traditional healers, side effects of modern treatment, and low effectiveness of modern treatment

    Aspek-aspek Ekologi dan Sosial dalam Penanggulangan "Emerging Infectious Diseases"

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    Ecological and social fators play very important roles in the control of emerging infectious diseases, beside case management, surveillance and laboratory examinations. The ecological factors include physical environmental factors such as altitude, latitude, climate, season, temperature, humidity, water, air, food and land; as well as biological environmental factors such as flora, fauna, agent, vector, host and biological agents used for vector control. The social factors include: education, economic status, behaviour, attitude, habit, religion, culture, population migration and density. Intervention to ecological and social factors could be done as preventive measures. We should learn from the failures as well as successes in the control of infectious diseases which gave considerations on ecological and social factors. For new diseases, studies should also be conducted to know what kinds of ecological and social factors have important roles in the control of these diseases

    Faktor Determinan Pemberian Air Susu Ibu Tidak Eksklusif (Analisis Lanjut Sdki 1994)

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    The Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) showed that the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among infants age under 4 month was 53.7 percent in 1991 and 47.3 percent in 1994. In the Outer Jawa Bali region 56.2 percent infants and in Jawa Bali region 41.4 percent infant were not exclusively breastfed (OR =1.81 CI 1.35-2.44). In the rural areas 54.2 percent infants and in urban area 48.2percent infants were not exclusively breastfed (OR=1.27 CI 0.96-1.69). The other potential factors: mothers education and occupation, social activities, infant care and exposure to mass media especially printed media — showed non significant influence on mothers practice for exclusive breasfeeding. Non exclusive breastfeeding was most prevalent among mothers not exposed to electronic media (radio or TV) (57.9 percent) than mothers exposed to electronic media (50.8 percent) (OR=1.32 CI 1.00-1.78)

    Pola Pengetahuan Sikap dan Perilaku Karyawati dalam Fungsi Pemeliharaan Anak Didaerah Industri Jabotabek

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    Pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku karyawati di Jabotabek pada umumnya cukup baik dalam menjalankan fungsi keluarga khususnya dalam fungsi reproduksi dan memelihara anak. Pendapat tentang anak pada umumnya sebagai harapan di hari kemudian, persiapan penyediaan makanan dan keperluan anak cukup baik, karena sebagian besar dilakukan sendiri oleh responden. Banyak responden yang menginginkan setuju adanya fasilitas TPA di Perusahaannya. Sebagian besar tidak setuju anak diasuh oleh pembantu. Informasi tentang pemeliharaan anak pada umumnya diperoleh dari kombinasi melalui media cetak, media elektronik, tenaga kesehatan dan keluarga. lnformasi tentang pemeliharaan dari mass media (radio, koran dll) dan tenaga kesehatan masih kurang, karena keterbatasan waktu dan kesempatan.Pandangan tentang anak dan memelihara anak pada umumnya cukup kondusif untuk berjalannya fungsi keluarga terutama fungsi reproduksi dan memelihara anak. Dengan semakin banyaknya wanita bekerja maka diperlukan mengembangkan program pengadaan TPA untuk wilayah Jabotabek. Karena masih kurangnya informasi dan pengetahuan yang diterima karyawati mengenai reproduksi dan kesehatan anak maka perlu diberikan penyuluhan. Bisa diupayakan oleh Perusahaan atau kerjasama dengan Puskesmas setempat, dan dilakukan di Perusahaan bisa secara berkala. Karena fungsi anak itu penting sebagai harapan orang tua di masa mendatang dan sebagai generasi penerus bangsa

    Pengetahuan, Cara Mendapatkan Kepandaian, Cara Menentukan Penyakit Dan Pengalaman Praktik Pengobat Tradisional (Battra)

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    A study that focused on the knowledge. ways of gaining knowledge, diagnostic ability, and practical experience of traditional healers was conducted in DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, and Surabaya. Data were collected through in-depth interview with traditional healers in the study areas. The study revealed that the traditional healers gained their knowledge from sudden revelation, their predecessors, dreams, praying, self-learning and various training and courses. In general, ways in determining the patients illness included holding and touching the patients hands, looking at their auras, concentrating hard, and listening to what the patients say they feel. Time taken to treat the patients ranged from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the diseases. sometimes it could take up to 1.5 hours of treatment. Medication given to the patients was usually made from natural ingredients such as fruits, flowers, leaves, and bars. Diseases that were hard to cure were the effects of accidents, mental illness, and stroke, while those that were often cured included arthritic rheumatism, hypertension. diabetes mellitus, ulcers, uric acid, liver disorders, tumor, asthma, impotency (or decreasing libido), and cancer. The patients will recover if they follow the guidance from the traditional healers. Payment for consultancy was voluntary. It can be concluded that traditional healers can go hand in hand with medical doctors and modern medication to overcome patients illnesses

    Pengamatan Terhadap Sejumlah Serangga Pada Jajanan Di Wilayah Jakarta Utara, 1997

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    Telah dilakukan pengamatan terhadap sejumlah serangga yang hinggap pada jajanan di wilayah Jakarta Utara, dari Bulan Desember 1996 s.d. Pebruari 1997. Kegiatan pengamatan ini merupakan bagian kegiatan penelitian tentang tempat pengelolaan dan penyajian makanan (TPPM) di Jakarta Utara. Tujuan pengamatan adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi umum tentang jenis makanan dan frekuensi kontak antara serangga beserta lingkungannya dengan penjaja jajanan yang dikonsumsi pelajar di daerah pengamatan. Pengamatan dilakukan secara langsung pada penjaja jajanan dengan sasaran jenis makanan, keberadaan vektor mekanis, terjadinya kontak dengan jajanan, alat pengusir vektor dan lingkungannya. Wilayah sampling 4 kecamatan dari 7 kecamatan yang ada. Sample diambil secara random, meliputi Kecamatan Koja, Tanjung Priok, Pademangan, dan Kecamatan Pulau Seribu. Penjaja jajanan yang diamati sebanyak 93 orang yang tersebar pada 18 kelurahan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar penjaja jajanan menutupi makanannya (63,4%), vektor mekanis yang banyak tampak dari jenis lalat, Miiscidae, dan Colliporidae (63,4%), sedangkan semut (10,7%) dan kecoa (Blattidae) tidak tampak. Selama pengamatan jenis lalat melakukan kontak dengan jajanan di 16 tempat (17,2%). Hanya 32 (34,4%) penjaja yang menetap dekat dengan sumber penyakit/pencemaran.Sebagian besar penjaja makanan menutup makanan dan jauh dari sumber pencemaran/penyakit. Dengan demikian, hanya sedikit lalat mampu hinggap pada jajanan. Jadi, pencemaran jajanan yang dapat menimbulkan infeksi diperankan oleh faktor-faktor selain vektor mekanis