6 research outputs found

    The effect of the update of the European standard EN 50129

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    The railway signalling is a system used to control the traffic on the Railway and thereby prevent accidents. The railway signalling in Sweden is a safe system and not a single train passenger has died as a result of an accident since year 2010. However, as railway signalling has been developed nationally and has not always been compatible with each other, a problem has arisen when trains travel between countries. To enable a more compatible signalling system a standardized and digitized system called European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is now implemented in Europe. Trafikverket (TRV) is responsible for the implementation of ERTMS in Sweden and a ERTMS-programme is established. ERTMS is expected to med implemented in Sweden by 2035. To maintain a safe railway system in Sweden, the implementation of ERTMS need to be at least as safe as the current system. This can be ensured by following different requirements stated in standards regarding safety. The European standard EN 50129, "Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for signalling", is one of these standards. EN 50129 is updated from an old version to a new version. The purpose of this master thesis is to identify and analyse the effect of the update of the European standard EN 50129 on the implementation process of ERTMS. In addition, this study aims to suggest which actions need to be done at ERTMS-programme to implement the new version of the standard. To investigate this a qualitative method is used which involves a literature study, an analysis of the differences in the standard and semi-structured interviews with persons working at TRV. Theory about safety, safety management and the concept of Safety-I and Safety-II is used in order to analyse and discuss the safety management at ERTMS-programme regarding the update of EN 50129. The results in this study show that the new version contains some new requirements that need to be implemented in the safety work within the ERTMS-programme, for example IT-security and human factors. Furthermore, the new version also contains additional explanations of subjects which can be helpful in the daily safety work. However, the study also shows that the new version involve already known requirements to a great extent. Therefore, regarding these part, the effect of the update is small. The suggested necessary actions are partly about implement the identified new requirements but also about implementing a more proactive safety approach and share the knowledge about the new version

    The effect of the update of the European standard EN 50129

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    The railway signalling is a system used to control the traffic on the Railway and thereby prevent accidents. The railway signalling in Sweden is a safe system and not a single train passenger has died as a result of an accident since year 2010. However, as railway signalling has been developed nationally and has not always been compatible with each other, a problem has arisen when trains travel between countries. To enable a more compatible signalling system a standardized and digitized system called European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is now implemented in Europe. Trafikverket (TRV) is responsible for the implementation of ERTMS in Sweden and a ERTMS-programme is established. ERTMS is expected to med implemented in Sweden by 2035. To maintain a safe railway system in Sweden, the implementation of ERTMS need to be at least as safe as the current system. This can be ensured by following different requirements stated in standards regarding safety. The European standard EN 50129, "Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for signalling", is one of these standards. EN 50129 is updated from an old version to a new version. The purpose of this master thesis is to identify and analyse the effect of the update of the European standard EN 50129 on the implementation process of ERTMS. In addition, this study aims to suggest which actions need to be done at ERTMS-programme to implement the new version of the standard. To investigate this a qualitative method is used which involves a literature study, an analysis of the differences in the standard and semi-structured interviews with persons working at TRV. Theory about safety, safety management and the concept of Safety-I and Safety-II is used in order to analyse and discuss the safety management at ERTMS-programme regarding the update of EN 50129. The results in this study show that the new version contains some new requirements that need to be implemented in the safety work within the ERTMS-programme, for example IT-security and human factors. Furthermore, the new version also contains additional explanations of subjects which can be helpful in the daily safety work. However, the study also shows that the new version involve already known requirements to a great extent. Therefore, regarding these part, the effect of the update is small. The suggested necessary actions are partly about implement the identified new requirements but also about implementing a more proactive safety approach and share the knowledge about the new version

    Extern employer branding inom energibranschen : En stuide om hur företag, ur ett genusperspektiv, arbetar för att attrahera ingenjörsstudenter

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    Energibranschen är en mansdominerad bransch som står inför många utmaningar, både gällande omställning av energisystemet samt framtidens kompetensförsörjning. Detta medför att branschen efterfrågar ett breddat perspektiv av olika kompetenser och vill locka fler, framförallt kvinnor, till branschen. Ingenjör är ett av de vanligaste förekommande yrkena inom energibranschen och där andelen kvinnor tenderar att vara som minst. Syftet med studien är således att ur ett genusperspektiv undersöka hur företag inom energibranschen arbetar med extern employer branding för att attrahera ingenjörsstudenter. Studien bygger på sammanlagt nio intervjuer med personer från de valda fallföretagen Vattenfall, E.ON och Fortum, som är tre av de största företagen i branschen. För att bredda perspektivet av företagens arbete med extern employer branding har de tre personerna som intervjuats på respektive företag haft olika befattningar. Studiens resultat visar på att alla företagen i någon grad arbetar ur ett genusperspektiv med extern employer branding för att attrahera ingenjörsstudenter. Dock finns det både likheter och skillnader i hur de arbetar mot studenter samt graden av genusperspektiv i deras employer branding aktiviteter. Konstaterbart är att det finns en del genusmedvetenhet i företagens externa employer branding aktiviteter, där det i vissa sammanhang finns en uttalad strategi medan det i andra sammanhang saknas

    Extern employer branding inom energibranschen : En stuide om hur företag, ur ett genusperspektiv, arbetar för att attrahera ingenjörsstudenter

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    Energibranschen är en mansdominerad bransch som står inför många utmaningar, både gällande omställning av energisystemet samt framtidens kompetensförsörjning. Detta medför att branschen efterfrågar ett breddat perspektiv av olika kompetenser och vill locka fler, framförallt kvinnor, till branschen. Ingenjör är ett av de vanligaste förekommande yrkena inom energibranschen och där andelen kvinnor tenderar att vara som minst. Syftet med studien är således att ur ett genusperspektiv undersöka hur företag inom energibranschen arbetar med extern employer branding för att attrahera ingenjörsstudenter. Studien bygger på sammanlagt nio intervjuer med personer från de valda fallföretagen Vattenfall, E.ON och Fortum, som är tre av de största företagen i branschen. För att bredda perspektivet av företagens arbete med extern employer branding har de tre personerna som intervjuats på respektive företag haft olika befattningar. Studiens resultat visar på att alla företagen i någon grad arbetar ur ett genusperspektiv med extern employer branding för att attrahera ingenjörsstudenter. Dock finns det både likheter och skillnader i hur de arbetar mot studenter samt graden av genusperspektiv i deras employer branding aktiviteter. Konstaterbart är att det finns en del genusmedvetenhet i företagens externa employer branding aktiviteter, där det i vissa sammanhang finns en uttalad strategi medan det i andra sammanhang saknas

    Electric vehicle charging in parking lots of multi-family houses

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    This bachelor thesis examines the possibility for electric vehicle charging in parking lots of multi-family houses. A case study is performed on two different housing areas located in Uppsala,Sweden. The capacity of the electric cables supplying the housing areas with power and the installation costs for the charging points is studied. The thesis is written in collaboration with Uppsalahem, which owns and maintains the housing areas. The areas have different parking possibilities. The investigated alternatives for charging are modifying internal  combustion engine pre-heating stations to charging points and building new charging points. The investigation is performed using a model made in MATLAB. The results show that for the first housing area, Sala Hage, it is possible to supply the parking lots, 60 in total, belonging to the area with charging points with the power of 2.3 kW or 11 kW. For installing 22 kW chargers, the capacity of the cable is sufficient for only 30 parking lots. For the other housing area Kastanjen, the required capacity of the cable for installing charging points on the 60 parking lots in the garage is 106.6 kW for the charging power 2.3 kW, 266.3 kW for the power 11 kW, and 460.2 kW for the power 22 kW. A sensitivity analysis on the results of the MATLAB model is made by changing the input parameters. The cost for upgrading the 43 parking lots in Sala Hage from the already installed internal combustion engine pre-heating stations to charging points is 292 400 SEK. To install 60 new charging points, the cost would be 4 920 000 SEK, a cost which is valid for both the housing areas

    Electric vehicle charging in parking lots of multi-family houses

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    This bachelor thesis examines the possibility for electric vehicle charging in parking lots of multi-family houses. A case study is performed on two different housing areas located in Uppsala,Sweden. The capacity of the electric cables supplying the housing areas with power and the installation costs for the charging points is studied. The thesis is written in collaboration with Uppsalahem, which owns and maintains the housing areas. The areas have different parking possibilities. The investigated alternatives for charging are modifying internal  combustion engine pre-heating stations to charging points and building new charging points. The investigation is performed using a model made in MATLAB. The results show that for the first housing area, Sala Hage, it is possible to supply the parking lots, 60 in total, belonging to the area with charging points with the power of 2.3 kW or 11 kW. For installing 22 kW chargers, the capacity of the cable is sufficient for only 30 parking lots. For the other housing area Kastanjen, the required capacity of the cable for installing charging points on the 60 parking lots in the garage is 106.6 kW for the charging power 2.3 kW, 266.3 kW for the power 11 kW, and 460.2 kW for the power 22 kW. A sensitivity analysis on the results of the MATLAB model is made by changing the input parameters. The cost for upgrading the 43 parking lots in Sala Hage from the already installed internal combustion engine pre-heating stations to charging points is 292 400 SEK. To install 60 new charging points, the cost would be 4 920 000 SEK, a cost which is valid for both the housing areas