4 research outputs found

    Concordancia entre glicemia central y glucometría en pacientes con nutrición enteral o parenteral continuas en una unidad de cuidado intensivo de adultos

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    Introducción: Los pacientes con nutrición artificial requieren monitoreo de los niveles de glucosa plasmática para tomar decisiones terapéuticas adecuadas. Estos pueden obtenerse entre 45 a 120 minutos por vía venosa y entre 15 a 30 segundos por vía capilar. La diferencia entre los niveles de glucosa capilar y plasmática en el paciente crítico puede variar entre el 8% y el 20%, de acuerdo a parámetros internacionales. La glucometría en el paciente crítico se utiliza en Colombia como una medida confiable, no obstante, algunos autores no la recomiendan de manera rutinaria por su alta variabilidad con respecto a la glicemia central. Actualmente no hay estudios en los que se evalúe esa relación en pacientes que reciben nutrición enteral o parenteral continua en el contexto de cuidados críticos. Objetivo: Estimar la concordancia y la diferencia relativa de la media absoluta (MARD) entre la glucometría y la glicemia central en pacientes críticos con soporte nutricional continuo. Métodos: Estudio de concordancia prospectivo por método de Bland-Altman y coeficiente de correlación concordancia (CCC). Ámbito: Unidad de cuidados intensivos de adultos de la ciudad de Chía. Reclutamiento entre marzo y septiembre de 2017. Resultados: Cincuenta y seis pacientes ingresaron al estudio de los que 23(41,1%) eran hombres; cincuenta (89,3%) recibieron nutrición enteral. Se obtuvieron 196 pares de muestras totales de glicemia central y glucometría, de las que 140 fueron después de iniciar nutrición. La MARD fue 8,55% (RIQ 11,24%). El CCC fue más alto en ayuno 0,96 (IC 95% 0,94-0,98) que el postprandial 0,84 (IC 95% 0,77-0,88). La media y desviación estándar de la diferencia glicemia-glucometría al momento cero (ayuno) fue similar a la de todos los pares de muestras (7,7 y 7,3 mg/dL). La recta de la regresión (Passing y Bablok) para todas los pares de muestras mostró un valor de la interceptación de 3,186 (IC 95% -8,000 y 12,267) (sesgo sistemático de la glucometría de 3,186 mg/dL con valores entre 8 mg/dL por abajo y 12 mg/dL por arriba de la glicemia). Esta correlación no se observó en el ayuno, donde la recta de regresión mostró un valor de interceptación de -20,686 (IC 95% -30,538 y -3,635). En los 140 pares de muestras de la glucometría y la glicemia postprandial, la recta de la regresión mostró un sesgo sistemático de la glucometría con respecto a la glicemia de 0,397 mg/dL, con valores entre 16 mg/dL por abajo y 11 mg/dL por arriba. Conclusión: Hay una buena, pero no suficientemente precisa concordancia entre glicemia y glucometría en pacientes críticos con nutrición artificial. No se sugiere el uso rutinario de glucometría como única medida en UCI. Considerando las cargas para el paciente de múltiples punciones para la glicemia central, se sugiere la implementación de dispositivos de monitorización continua que permitan detectar los episodios y la duración de hipoglicemia.Introduction: Patients with artificial nutrition require monitoring of the plasma glucose levels in order to take the correct therapeutic decisions. These results may be obtained between 45 to 120 minutes by venous monitoring, and 15 to 30 seconds via capillaries. The difference between capillar and plasma glucose in a critically ill patient may fluctuate between 8% and 20% according to international parameters. Glucose readings by glucometry in a critical patient is used in Colombia as a reliable metric, although some authors recommend against its routine practice due to the high variability with respect to central glycemia. Currently, there are no studies in which that relationship is evaluated among patients receiving enteral nutrition or continuous parenteral in the context of critical care. Objective: To estimate the concordance between glucometry and central glycemia in critical patients with continuous nutritional support, and the relative difference in the absolute mean (MARD) <10%. The rapid measurement of blood glucose in critically ill patients must be accurate, to make appropriate therapeutic decisions. Glucometry in these patients is used in Colombia as a reliable measure. Some authors do not routinely recommend its use due to its high variability with central glycemia. Currently, there are no studies available in which this relationship was evaluated in patients receiving continuous enteral or parenteral nutrition. Methods: Study of prospective concordance using the Bland-Altman method and the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC). Fifty-six patients participated in the study, of which 23 (41.1%) were men. Fifty (88.9%) received enteral nutrition. We obtained a total of 196 pairs of samples of central glycemia and glucometry, of which 140 had been applied after starting nutrition. The median of the MARD was 8.55%. CCC was higher in 0.96 during fasting (IC95% 0.94-0.98) than in the postprandial 0.84 (IC95% 0.77-0.88). The mean and standard deviation of the glycemia-glucometry difference at time zero (in fasting) was similar to that of all the pairs of samples (7.7 and 7.3 mg / dL). The regression line (Passing & Bablok) for all paired samples had an interception of 3.186 (95% CI -8.000 and 12.267) with a systematic bias for glucometry of 3.186 mg/dL with glycemia values between 8 mg/dL and 12 mg/dL. This correlation was not observed during fasting, where the regression line showed an interception of -20.686 (95% CI -30.538 and -3.635). In the 140 paired samples of the glucometry and postprandial glycemia data, the regression line had a systematic bias of glucometry with respect to glycemia of 0.397 mg/dL, with values between 16 mg/dL and 11 mg/dL. Conclusion: There is a good but not sufficiently precise agreement between glycemia and glucometry in critical patients receiving an artificial nutrition. The routine use of glucometry as the only metric in ICU is therefore not recommended. Considering the stress load on patients with multiple punctures for readings of central glycemia, the implementation of continuous monitoring devices that allow the detection of episodes as well as duration of hypoglycemia is warranted.Clínica Universidad de la Saban

    Acute liver failure complication of brucellosis infection: a case report and review of the literature

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    Abstract Background Brucellosis is one of the most widespread zoonoses worldwide. It can affect any organ system, particularly the gastrointestinal system, but there is no report of acute liver failure as a brucellosis complication. Case presentation We present a case of acute liver failure secondary to brucellosis infection. A 75-year-old Hispanic man presented to a University Hospital in Chía, Colombia, with a complaint of 15 days of fatigue, weakness, decreased appetite, epigastric abdominal pain, jaundice, and 10 kg weight loss. On examination in an emergency room, abdomen palpation was normal with hepatosplenomegaly and the results of a liver function test were elevated. The diagnosis of brucellosis was confirmed by epidemiological contact and positive Rose Bengal agglutination with negative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay immunoglobulin M for Brucella. He was then treated with doxycycline plus trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, with a favorable clinical outcome. Conclusions The clinical presentation of brucellosis can be very imprecise because it can affect any organ system; however, there is no report of acute liver failure as a brucellosis complication. This is the first reported case in the Colombian literature of acute liver failure due to brucellosis. We found this case to be of interest because it could be taken into account for diagnosis in future appearances and we described adequate treatment and actions to be taken at presentation