22 research outputs found

    Sôbre a ocorrência de um órgão cupuliforme, com bordos pelíferos, no colo dos «Seedlings» de Eucalyptus

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    With this paper the author concludes a series of studies he began in 1941; the work deals with a cupuliform organ, with hairy margins, located in the junction of radicle and hypocotyl of seedlings of 105 species of Eucalyptus. It was found out that in the embryo the organ looks like a ring placed on the end of the hypocotyl; for this reason one my led to consider the organ at this stage as merely a thickening of the radicle's end; however the radicle can be seen as it comes out from the center of the organ in discussion. Shape, size the diameter of the "mouth" of the organ as well as its hairs vary with the species under consideration. As far the anatomy of the organ is concerned it shows a cortical parenchyme covered on both faces, by the same epidermis with covers the hypocotyl; this epidermis extends itself till the radicle. The hairs are generated in the margin of the organ. The ecological significancy of the dome-like organ is rather obvious. It permits to the seedling to get into close contact with the soil long before the radicle becomes enough large to carry on its own functions. By this way there is no lack of continuity in the physiology of the nutrition which is of a great importance to the seedlings since the seeds from Eucalyptus are exalbuminous. Since the cupuliform organ constantly appears in the seedlings of the 105 species studied by the author, one can safely establish ic as a characteristic of the genus Eucalyptus occurring only at the seedling stage. Further studies are now being conducted to verify whether the cupuliform organ occurs in other genera of the Myrtaceae family or not.1 - Os estudos sôbre o órgão cupuliforme datam de 1941, ocasião em que observávamos os "seedlings" de Eucalyptus tereticornis e Eucalyptus citriodora, com o propósito de colher material para estudos anatômicos comparativos das citadas espécies (1). 2 - Examinámos, a seguir, "seedlings" de outras espécies de Eucalyptus, comprovando em tôdas a existência do órgão cupuliforme. 3 -BRIOSI e WARMING, ambos mencionados por HABER-LANDT (4), assinalaram a presença de longos pêlos absorventes, no limite entre radícula e caulículo, respectivamente de plantas aquáticas e de Eucalyptus e outras Myrtaceae, sem contudo se reportarem à existência de qualquer órgão na região considerada. 4 - Revendo a bibliografia especializada, entre as quais a "A Critical Revision of the Genus Eucalyptus" de Maiden (6) e a "Eucalyptographia" do Baron Ferd. von Mueller (7), nenhuma referência encontrámos a respeito de qualquer órgão ou de pêlos absorventes, na região do colo dos "seedlings" de Eucalyptus. 5 - As sementes das 105 espécies constantes dêste trabalho foram obtidas no Serviço Florestal da Cia. Paulista de Estradas de Ferro, em Rio Claro, por nímia gentileza dos Drs. Edmundo Sampaio e Ruben Foot Guimarães, respectivamente Chefe e Encarregado da Secção de Genética do Serviço Florestal. 6 - As sementes foram postas num substrato de esfagno ou "musgo branco", reduzido a pó, coberto com papel de filtro e recebendo apenas água destilada, quer durante a germinação, quer durante o período de crescimento dos seedlings". 7 - Cientificámo-nos que no embrião o órgão cupuliforme já se encontra diferenciado, apresentando-se, nesse estágio, como um anel, disposto à volta do colo, em cujo centro se pode ver a ponta cônica da radícula. 8 - Os pêlos absorventes vão surgindo nos bordos do anel, à medida que este se expande, durante o processo de crescimento dos "seedlings". 9 - A forma, o tamanho, o diâmetro da bôca do órgão cupuliforme, bem como a quantidade e o comprimento dos pêlos absorventes dos seus bordos variam segundo as espécies estudadas. 10 - Do ponto de vista anatômico, a estrutura do órgão é simples. Consta de um parênquima cortical, revestido pela mesma epiderme que recobre a radícula e que se continua pelo caulículo. Os pêlos absorventes, que nascem nos bordos, são semelhantes aos que se produzem na zona pelífera da radícula. 11 - A importância ecológica do órgão é óbvia, uma vez que as sementes de Eucalyptus, sendo exalbuminadas, os "seedlings" devem, o quanto antes, adaptar-se prontamente ao solo, para evitar a solução de continuidade no processo fisiológico da nutrição

    Alterações morfológicas e citológicas do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L, var. Bourbon (B. Rodr.) Choussy) cultivado em solução nutritiva decorrentes das deficiências e excessos dos macronutrientes

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    The present work was carried out in order to study: (1) the symptoms of deficiency and excess of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, S, Mg) in the coffee plant (Coffea arabica L. var. Mundo novo); (2) the modifications induced by those treatments in the hystological make up of the leaves; (3) the effects of deficiency and excess on the growth and in the chemical composition of the plants. Young coffee plants were grown in nutrient solution, three treatments being used, namely: complete solution (HOAGLAND & ARNON, 1950), deficient solution, in which a giVen element was omitted, and solution with 3 times the concentration of the element under study. The main conclusions can be summaryzed as follows. 1. SYMPTOMS. Clear cut symptoms of malnutrition were observed in the treatments: -N, -P, +P, -Ca, -Mg, -S and +S; the signals - and + stared respectively for deficient and excess level. 2. HISTOLOGICAL EFFECTS. The most definite alterations took place in the treatments +P, -Mg and +S. Usually the characteristics of the chloroplasts were affected: loss of the green color and coalescence into irregular bodies

    Correlação entre caracteres de Sechium edule Sw. considerada à luz da ontogênia

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    Observações preliminares sôbre a longevidade dos "Seedlings" de feijoeiro - Phaseolus vulgaris : em função das reservas cotiledonares

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    According previous studies about longevity in maize by ACCORSI e ADÂMOLI DE BARROS, (1961) the authors presents in this paper the results of work on longevity of seedlings of beans. Seeds were separated in three groups according their weight, as followings: small 80-120 mg; medium 130-140 mg and big 150-200 mg. The sowing of the seeds was made in pure sand and the seedlings were distributed in distil. water and in complete solution of Arnon and Hoagland. Each treatment was made in two replications with eight seedlings by treatment. At present time the following conclusions can be related: 1.°) - Eight days after germination, the cotiledones of all the seedlings started to fell down, fourteen days after, all cotiledones had fell down. 2.°) - Fifteen days after germination, the seedlings in nutritive solution showed better development than those in distil. water. Table I e II gives results. 3.°) - All seedlings in distil. water showed symptoms of N, Ca, Fe deficiencies. 4.°) - Twenty nine days after germination the seedlings in distil. water manifested exhaust trace, by falling of the leaves and death of some plants although the aplicai buds keep green. 5.°) - After thirty-one days the plants in nutritives solution was in better condition than those in distil. water, although some alteration aboved mentioned was observed. The causes of this alteration are being studied. 6.°) - In many plants in complet solution the seminal leaves showed clorosis initial and some with necrosis, although apical buds keeps in ativity. 7.°) - Symptoms of clorosis and necrosis in diferents stages were observed in all leaflet; these symptoms were more strong in the groups of little seed and medium seeds