9,684 research outputs found

    A comprehensive Maximum Likelihood analysis of the structural properties of faint Milky Way satellites

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    We derive the structural parameters of the recently discovered very low luminosity Milky Way satellites through a Maximum Likelihood algorithm applied to SDSS data. For each satellite, even when only a few tens of stars are available down to the SDSS flux limit, the algorithm yields robust estimates and errors for the centroid, position angle, ellipticity, exponential half-light radius and number of member stars. This latter parameter is then used in conjunction with stellar population models of the satellites to derive their absolute magnitudes and stellar masses, accounting for `CMD shot-noise'. We find that faint systems are somewhat more elliptical than initially found and ascribe that to the previous use of smoothed maps which can be dominated by the smoothing kernel. As a result, the faintest half of the Milky Way dwarf galaxies (M_V>-7.5) is significantly (4-sigma) flatter (e=0.47+/-0.03) than its brightest half (M_V<-7.5, e=0.32+/-0.02). From our best models, we also investigate whether the seemingly distorted shape of the satellites, often taken to be a sign of tidal distortion, can be quantified. We find that, except for tentative evidence of distortion in CVnI and UMaII, these can be completely accounted for by Poisson scatter in the sparsely sampled systems. We consider three scenarios that could explain the rather elongated shape of faint satellites: rotation supported systems, stars following the shape of more triaxial dark matter subhalos, or elongation due to tidal interaction with the Milky Way. Although none of these is entirely satisfactory, the last one appears the least problematic, but warrants much deeper observations to track evidence of such tidal interaction.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, ApJ in press; some typos corrected, magnitude of BooII corrected (thanks go to Shane Walsh for spotting the erroneous original value

    Extended Star Formation and Molecular Gas in the Tidal Arms near NGC3077

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    We report the detection of ongoing star formation in the prominent tidal arms near NGC 3077 (member of the M 81 triplet). In total, 36 faint compact HII regions were identified, covering an area of ~4x6 kpc^2. Most of the HII regions are found at HI column densities above 1x10^21 cm^-2 (on scales of 200 pc), well within the range of threshold columns measured in normal galaxies. The HII luminosity function resembles the ones derived for other low-mass dwarf galaxies in the same group; we derive a total star formation rate of 2.6x10^-3 M_sun/yr in the tidal feature. We also present new high-resolution imaging of the molecular gas distribution in the tidal arm using CO observations obtained with the OVRO interferometer. We recover about one sixth of the CO flux (or M_H2~2x10^6 M_sun, assuming a Galactic conversion factor) originally detected in the IRAM 30m single dish observations, indicating the presence of a diffuse molecular gas component in the tidal arm. The brightest CO peak in the interferometer map (comprising half of the detected CO flux) is coincident with one of the brightest HII regions in the feature. Assuming a constant star formation rate since the creation of the tidal feature (presumably ~3x10^8 years ago), a total mass of ~7x10^5 M_sun has been transformed from gas into stars. Over this period, the star formation in the tidal arm has resulted in an additional enrichment of Delta(Z)>0.002. The reservoir of atomic and molecular gas in the tidal arm is ~3x10^8 M_sun, allowing star formation to continue at its present rate for a Hubble time. Such wide-spread, low-level star formation would be difficult to image around more distant galaxies but may be detectable through intervening absorption in quasar spectra.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa
