358 research outputs found

    Executive Information Systems Milestone Works: A Preliminary Investigation

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    Since David Nash (1977) first articulated the concept of an “executive information system (EIS)” in 1977, EIS has emerged as an important area in information systems. Similar to the work done studying transaction processing systems (TPS), decision support systems (DSS) and expert systems (ES), the study of EIS has progressed to the point where it is possible to pull back and take a broader look at the field. The purpose of this study is to examine the emergence and development of EIS

    A microprocessor controlled digital filter

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    A Survey of Transdisciplinary Business Research Forums

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    The purpose of this study is to identify journal outlets which may be more favorable to publishing the research findings resulting from transdisciplinary research. Findings from this study can be used to: (1) help researchers target outlets for their research, (2) help researchers find transdisciplinary research upon which to base their own literature review, (3) help researchers identify other people who may be doing similar types of transdisciplinary research, and (4) help educators and practitioners identify research forums which are likely to present transdisciplinary findings which represent upcoming trends in business

    Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee: Management for Alfalfa Pollination in South Dakota

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    The alfalfa leaf-cutter bee, Megachile rotundata (Fabricius), was introduced into South D a k o t a from Utah in 1962 for alfalfa pollination testing. This leaf-cutting bee, because of its pollen collecting activmes, has shown considerable promise as a means of increasing yields of alfalfa seed. A native of Eurasia, it was introduced into eastern United States in the mid-thirties and by 1958 had moved across the country into Oregon. There is some indication that the alfalfa leaf-cutter bee may have become established in isolated locations in South Dakota during this initial cross-country movement

    Lessons Learned from Migrating to an Online Electronic Business Management Course

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    This article describes the lessons learned while migrating an Electronic Business Management course from traditional face-toface delivery to online delivery across a six and a half year time frame. The course under review teaches students how to develop and construct a working information-based online business using free versions of online resources. Over 220 students completed this course as a traditional face-to-face class and over 300 students have completed this course as an online class. Student performance and satisfaction remained mostly consistent across delivery methods. Reflections include lessons learned and suggestions to aid in developing a course for online delivery. Course evaluations remained stable during the migration of the course to an online environment. The Electronic Business Management course migration was considered successful

    Primary production in wild and cultivated cranberries

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    Cranberries grow in many Wisconsin sphagnum bogs. One of the two species, the large cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon Alt., is among the few American fruit crops in cultivation. Most of the cultivated cranberries have been derived by selection from wild, and more recently from cultivated clones. Like the large cranberry, the small cranberry, Vaccinium oxycoccos L., is native to Wisconsin bogs and it, too, provides wildlife food, though it has not been selected for cultivation. This study examined the primary productivity of wild and cultivated cranberries (Wahlstrom 1979)
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