2,474 research outputs found

    Exercise rehabilitation for recovery from critical illness (Protocol)

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    Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK. As part of an ongoing research education programme.This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: The objective of this systematic review is to assess the effectiveness of exercise rehabilitation programmes, initiated after ICU discharge, on improving functional exercise capacity and quality of life in adult ICU survivors who have been mechanically ventilated for more than 24 hours. We will compare an exercise intervention to any other intervention or a control or 'usual care' programme. Exercise includes any structured or taught programmes. Respiratory or inspiratory muscle training is excluded due to it being initiated within the ICU environment, for example with weaning from a ventilator, and not as post-discharge rehabilitation as required for this review.sch_phyAngus 1997 Angus, DC. Understanding the incidence and long-term outcomes of ARDS. In: Gullo, A editor(s). Anaesthesia, pain, intensive care and emergency medicine: a scientific report. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer, 1997:289-98. Angus 2003 Angus DC, Carlet J, Brussels Roundtable 2002 Participants. Surviving intensive care: a report from the 2002 Brussels Roundtable. Intensive Care Medicine 2003;29(3):368-77. [PUBMED: 12536269 ] Baumgartner 1999 Baumgartner WA,Walinsky PL, Salazar JD, Tseng EE, Brock MV, Doty JR, et al.Assessing the impact of cerebral injury after cardiac surgery: will determining the mechanism reduce the injury?. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1999;67(6):1871-3. [PUBMED: 10391329] Brown 1990 Brown AB, McCartney N, Sale DG. Positive adaptation to weightlifting in the elderly. Journal of Applied Physiology 1990;69(5): 1725-33. [PUBMED: 2272965] Burtin 2009 Burtin C, Clerckx B, Robbeets C, Ferdinande P, Langer D, Troosters T, et al.Early exercise in critically ill patients enhances short-term functional recovery. Critical Care Medicine 2009;37(9): 2499-505. [PUBMED: 19623052] Chaboyer 2003 Chaboyer W, Grace J. Following the path of ICU survivors: a quality improvement activity. Nursing in Critical Care 2003;8(4): 149-55. [PUBMED: 12940690] Eddleston 2000 Eddleston J, White P, Guthrie E. Survival, morbidity, and quality of life after discharge from intensive care. Critical Care Medicine 2000; 28(7):2293-9. [PUBMED: 10921555] Elliott 2006 Elliott D, McKinley S, Alison J, Aitken L, King M. Study protocol: Home-based rehabilitation for survivors of a critical illness. Critical Care 2006;10(3):R90. [PUBMED: 16792792 ] Fiatarone 1994 Fiatarone MA, O'Neill EF, Ryan ND, Clements KM, Solares GR, Nelson ME, et al.Exercise training and nutritional supplementation for physical frailty in very elderly people. New England Journal of Medicine 1994;330(25):1769-75. 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[PUBMED: 3535411] Guyatt 2008 Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Kunz R, Vist GE, Falck-Ytter Y, Schunemann HJ, et al.What is quality of evidence- and why is it important to clinicians?. BMJ 2008;336:995-8. [PUBMED: 18456631] Higgins 2008 Higgins JPT, Green S, editors. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.0.1 [updated September 2008]. Available from www.cochrane-handbook.org: The Cochrane Collaboration, 2008. Iversen 2003 Iversen MD, Fossel AH, Katz JN. Enhancing function in older adults with chronic low back pain: a pilot study of endurance training. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003;84 (9):1324-31. [PUBMED: 13680569] Jolliffe 2001 Jolliffe J, Rees K, Taylor RRS, Thompson DR, Oldridge N, Ebrahim S. Exercise-based rehabilitation for coronary heart disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2001, Issue 1. [DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001800.] King 1998 King J, Crowe J. Mobilisation practices in Canadian critical care units. Physiotherapy Canada 1998;50(3):206-11. [MEDLINE: 0346574] Kouidi 2002 Kouidi E. Exercise training in dialysis patients: why, when, and how?. Artificial Organs 2002;26(12):1009-13. [PUBMED: 12460377] Krishnan 2002 Krishnan KR, Delong M, Kraemer H, Carney R, Spiegel D, Gordon C, et al.Comorbidity of depression with other medical diseases in the elderly. Biological Psychiatry 2002;52(6):559-88. [PUBMED: 12361669] Lavie 2009 Lavie CJ, Thomas RJ, Squires RW, Allison TG, Milani RV. Exercise training and cardiac rehabilitation in primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2009; 84(4):373-83. [PUBMED: 19339657] Lewis 2003 Lewis M. Intensive care unit rehabilitation within the United Kingdom: a review. Physiotherapy 2003;89(9):531-8. [DOI: 10.1016/S0031-9406(05)60179-4] Martin 2005 Martin M, Salim A, Murray J, Demetriades D, Belzberg H, Rhee P. 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Interval versus continuous high-intensity exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine 2006;145(11):816-25. [PUBMED: 17146066] Rantanen 2000 Rantanen T, Harris T, Leveille SG, Visser M, Foley D, et al.Muscle strength and body mass index as long-term predictors of mortality in initially healthy men. Journal of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2000;55(3):M168-73. [PUBMED: 10795731] RevMan 5.0 The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration. Review Manager (RevMan). 5.0. Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2008. Schweickert 2009 Schweickert WD, Pohlman MC, Pohlman AS, Nigos C, Pawlik AJ, Esbrook CL, et al.Early physical and occupational therapy in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2009;373(epub):1874-82. [PUBMED: 19446324] Smith 2006 Smith TP, Kennedy SL, Smith M, Orent S, Fleshner M. Physiological improvements and health benefits during an exercisebased comprehensive rehabilitation program in medically complex patients. Exercise Immunology Review 2006;12:86-96. [PUBMED: 17201074] Stiller 2000 Stiller K. Physiotherapy in intensive care: toward an evidence-based practice. Chest 2000;118(6):1801-13. [PUBMED: 11115476] Storch 2008 Storch EK, Kruszynski DM. From rehabilitation to optimal function: role of clinical exercise therapy. Current Opinion in Critcal Care 2008;14(4):451-5. [PUBMED: 18614911] Wiles 2009 Wiles L, Stiller K. Passive limb movements for patients in an intensive care unit: A survey of physiotherapy practice in Australia. Journal of Critical Care 2009;epub:ahead of print. [PUBMED: 19819105] Yoshida 1999 Yoshida T, Kohzuki M, Yoshida K, Hiwatari M, Kamimoto M, Yamamoto C, et al.Physical and psychological improvements after phase II cardiac rehabilitation in patients with myocardial infarction. Nursing & Health Sciences 1999;1(3):163-70. [PUBMED: 10894639] Indicates the major publication for the study8pub1756pubArt.

    Is happiness a consequence or cause of career success?

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    Happiness is more a cause than a consequence of career success

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    Is happiness a consequence or a cause of career success? Lisa C. Walsh, Julia K. Boehm, and Sonja Lyubomirsky find evidence to the latter. However, they warn that hiring visibly cheerful people or pressuring employees to act happy is not the soultion: employers should instead create environments that authentically increase workers' happiness

    The Grizzly, February 18, 2010

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    Every Ending Starts with a Beginning • Record-Breaking Blizzard Evokes Varied Reactions • Could Watching the Super Bowl Damage Your Heart? • Snow Storm Photos • Senior Class Gift Drive • SPINTfest \u2710 Brings New Themes for Houses • UC Goes Red to Raise Awareness About the Risks of Heart Disease • Opinion: Teenage Pregnancy TV Shows are a Big Hit, But What\u27s the Effect? • Tragedy Strikes in Early Hours of Winter Olympics • Men\u27s Basketball Shuts Down McDanielhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1806/thumbnail.jp

    Compassion, stigma, and professionalism among emergency personnel responding to the opioid crisis: An exploratory study in New Hampshire, USA.

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    OBJECTIVE: Drug overdoses are the leading cause of death in the United States for those under 50 years of age, and New Hampshire has been disproportionately affected, resulting in increased encounters with the emergency response system. The ensuing impact on emergency personnel has received little attention. The present study aimed to explore the experiences and perspectives of emergency personnel responding to the opioid crisis in NH, with a focus on their views toward people who use opioids. METHODS: Thirty-six emergency personnel (emergency department clinicians, n = 18; emergency medical service providers, n = 6; firefighters, n = 6; and police officers, n = 6) in 6 New Hampshire counties were interviewed about their experiences responding to overdoses and their perspectives on individuals who use opioids. Directed content analysis was used to identify themes in the transcribed, semistructured interviews. The results were reviewed for consensus. RESULTS: Several categories of themes were identified among emergency personnel's accounts of their overdose response experiences and perspectives, including varied degrees of compassion and stigma toward people who use opioids; associations between compassion or stigma and policy- and practice-related themes, such as prehospital emergency care and the role of emergency departments (EDs); and primarily among personnel expressing compassion, a sense of professional responsibility that outweighed personal biases. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the magnitude of the ongoing opioid crisis, some emergency personnel in New Hampshire have sustained or increased their compassion for people who use opioids. Others' perspectives remain or have become increasingly stigmatizing. The associations of compassion and stigma with various policy- and practice-related themes warrant further investigation

    “It’s way more than just writing a prescription”: A qualitative study of preferences for integrated versus non-integrated treatment models among individuals with opioid use disorder

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    Background: Increasingly, treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) is offered in integrated treatment models addressing both substance use and other health conditions within the same system. This often includes offering medications for OUD in general medical settings. It remains uncertain whether integrated OUD treatment models are preferred to non-integrated models, where treatment is provided within a distinct treatment system. This study aimed to explore preferences for integrated versus non-integrated treatment models among people with OUD and examine what factors may influence preferences. Methods: This qualitative study recruited participants (n = 40) through Craigslist advertisements and flyers posted in treatment programs across the United States. Participants were 18 years of age or older and scored a two or higher on the heroin or opioid pain reliever sections of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medications, and Other Substances (TAPS) Tool. Each participant completed a demographic survey and a telephone interview. The interviews were coded and content analyzed. Results: While some participants preferred receiving OUD treatment from an integrated model in a general medical setting, the majority preferred non-integrated models. Some participants preferred integrated models in theory but expressed concerns about stigma and a lack of psychosocial services. Tradeoffs between integrated and non-integrated models were centered around patient values (desire for anonymity and personalization, fear of consequences), the characteristics of the provider and setting (convenience, perceived treatment effectiveness, access to services), and the patient-provider relationship (disclosure, trust, comfort, stigma). Conclusions: Among this sample of primarily White adults, preferences for non-integrated versus integrated OUD treatment were mixed. Perceived benefits of integrated models included convenience, potential for treatment personalization, and opportunity to extend established relationships with medical providers. Recommendations to make integrated treatment more patient-centered include facilitating access to psychosocial services, educating patients on privacy, individualizing treatment, and prioritizing the patient-provider relationship. This sample included very few minorities and thus findings may not be fully generalizable to the larger population of persons with OUD. Nonetheless, results suggest a need for expansion of both OUD treatment in specialty and general medical settings to ensure access to preferred treatment for all

    It\u27s way more than just writing a prescription : A qualitative study of preferences for integrated versus non-integrated treatment models among individuals with opioid use disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Increasingly, treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) is offered in integrated treatment models addressing both substance use and other health conditions within the same system. This often includes offering medications for OUD in general medical settings. It remains uncertain whether integrated OUD treatment models are preferred to non-integrated models, where treatment is provided within a distinct treatment system. This study aimed to explore preferences for integrated versus non-integrated treatment models among people with OUD and examine what factors may influence preferences. METHODS: This qualitative study recruited participants (n = 40) through Craigslist advertisements and flyers posted in treatment programs across the United States. Participants were 18 years of age or older and scored a two or higher on the heroin or opioid pain reliever sections of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medications, and Other Substances (TAPS) Tool. Each participant completed a demographic survey and a telephone interview. The interviews were coded and content analyzed. RESULTS: While some participants preferred receiving OUD treatment from an integrated model in a general medical setting, the majority preferred non-integrated models. Some participants preferred integrated models in theory but expressed concerns about stigma and a lack of psychosocial services. Tradeoffs between integrated and non-integrated models were centered around patient values (desire for anonymity and personalization, fear of consequences), the characteristics of the provider and setting (convenience, perceived treatment effectiveness, access to services), and the patient-provider relationship (disclosure, trust, comfort, stigma). CONCLUSIONS: Among this sample of primarily White adults, preferences for non-integrated versus integrated OUD treatment were mixed. Perceived benefits of integrated models included convenience, potential for treatment personalization, and opportunity to extend established relationships with medical providers. Recommendations to make integrated treatment more patient-centered include facilitating access to psychosocial services, educating patients on privacy, individualizing treatment, and prioritizing the patient-provider relationship. This sample included very few minorities and thus findings may not be fully generalizable to the larger population of persons with OUD. Nonetheless, results suggest a need for expansion of both OUD treatment in specialty and general medical settings to ensure access to preferred treatment for all

    Editorial: The good side of technology: how we can harness the positive potential of digital technology to maximize well-being

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    The rapid advancement of digital technology has transformed society and undeniably impacted wellbeing. With the advent of smartphones and social media, a host of empirical articles, popular press pieces, non-fiction books, and documentaries have highlighted the potential negative effects of technology, such as addiction, loneliness, and depression (e.g., Alter, 2017; Twenge et al., 2018; Orlowski, 2020). While it is important to acknowledge and address the potentially detrimental effects of this increasing technological reliance, we believe that it is imperative that researchers, developers, and users embrace a more balanced approach that also recognizes the positive potential of digital technology to support wellbeing. This Research Topic demonstrates a variety of ways in which technological tools can be both designed and used to maximize wellbeing across a range of domains. These studies collectively emphasize a critical message: for the most part technology itself is neither good nor bad, but how technological affordances are harnessed determines their impact on wellbeing. While we cannot ignore potential pitfalls, recognizing and leveraging the positive potential of digital technology is a paramount endeavor as technology becomes further integrated in our lives

    The Grizzly, April 14, 2011

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    Ursinus Enjoys Sixth Annual CoSA Event • Students Participate in 30 Hour Famine • Haverford Professor Guest Lectures on Physics Theory • Dr. Ruth Rosenberg Speaks on Holocaust Remembrance • Ursinus Welcomes Patti Smith • Tips on Surviving and Salvaging Bad Internships • Hypnotist Brings Laughs • How to Avoid Allergy Season • Linking Up with LinkedIn • Internship Spotlight: Lindsay Budnick • Opinions: Response to Article Segregation in the 21st Century ; Verizon\u27s DroidX-R2D2 has Cool Features But is Not for Me; President Obama Sends CIA Agents to Libya • How Far Ursinus Goes to Keep Students Safe on Main Street • New Coach and New Outlook Lead UC Softball • Gymnasts Named All-Americans at Championshipshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1834/thumbnail.jp