7,816 research outputs found

    The True Meaning of the Term Jurisdiction

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    The True Meaning of the Term Jurisdiction

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    Évaluation de critères d’information pour les modèles de séries chronologiques

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    Il existe plusieurs critères d’information dont le but est de faciliter la sélection du modèle statistique représentant le mieux possible la réalité. Ces critères s’appliquent notamment au cas des modèles de séries chronologiques à une seule variable. La théorie asymptotique peut être utilisée pour faire un choix entre ces critères. Par exemple, si le modèle possède un ordre authentique, il peut être démontré que certains critères sont fortement convergents pour cet ordre. Historiquement, l’estimation en échantillon fini se base sur la sélection d’un ordre unique, même si plusieurs auteurs reconnaissent l’importance du cas où il n’existe pas de vrai ordre fini. Nous proposons ici un survol de la littérature sur les critères d’information et sur leur comparaison asymptotique et en échantillons finis. Nous présentons également quelques comparaisons de critères en échantillons finis en ne prenant pas pour acquis un ordre authentique au modèle. Nous utilisons alors une mesure de distance dans le but d’évaluer les performances de divers critères dans la sélection de modèles simulés. Cette mesure nous permet de juger l’exactitude de la sélection de l’ordre des modèles résultant de l’utilisation des critères (la sélection non optimale) par rapport à la sélection de l’ordre des modèles simulés (la sélection optimale). Ceci n’est pas possible dans le cas où l’on assume une forme vraie par rapport à laquelle on compare notre modèle

    Nucleotide bias of DCL and AGO in plant anti-virus gene silencing

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    Plant Dicer-like (DCL) and Argonaute (AGO) are the key enzymes involved in anti-virus post-transcriptional gene silencing (AV-PTGS). Here we show that AV-PTGS exhibited nucleotide preference by calculating a relative AV-PTGS efficiency on processing viral RNA substrates. In comparison with genome sequences of dicot-infecting Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) and monocot-infecting Cocksfoot streak virus (CSV), viral-derived small interfering RNAs (vsiRNAs) displayed positive correlations between AV-PTGS efficiency and G+C content (GC%). Further investigations on nucleotide contents revealed that the vsiRNA populations had G-biases. This finding was further supported by our analyses of previously reported vsiRNA populations in diverse plant-virus associations, and AGO associated Arabidopsis endogenous siRNA populations, indicating that plant AGOs operated with G-preference. We further propose a hypothesis that AV-PTGS imposes selection pressure(s) on the evolution of plant viruses. This hypothesis was supported when potyvirus genomes were analysed for evidence of GC elimination, suggesting that plant virus evolution to have low GC% genomes would have a unique function, which is to reduce the host AV-PTGS attack during infections

    Anaphylaxis Triggered by Benzyl Benzoate in a Preparation of Depot Testosterone Undecanoate

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    We report the first case of an anaphylactic reaction to Reandron 1000 (depot testosterone undecanoate with a castor oil and benzyl benzoate vehicle). While considered to have a favourable safety profile, serious complications such as oil embolism and anaphylaxis can occur. In our patient, skin testing identified benzyl benzoate to be the trigger, with no reaction to castor oil or testosterone undecanoate components. As benzyl benzoate exists in multiple pharmaceuticals, foods, and cosmetics, individual components of pharmaceuticals should be tested when investigating drug allergies. Doctors should be alert to the potential for serious reactions to any of the components of Reandron 1000

    Novel Mast Cell-Stabilising Amine Derivatives of 3,4 Dihydronaphthalen-1(2H)-One and 6,7,8,9-Tetrahydro-5H-benzo[7]annulen-5-one

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    In an investigation of 4-amino-3,4-dihydronaphthalen-1(2H)-ones as novel modulators of allergic and inflammatory phenomena, we have investigated a series of cyclic analogues. Tertiary amines of structural types 9, 10, 20 and 21 were synthesised and evaluated for mast cell stabilising activity. In vitro and in vivo studies showed that of these compounds, the cyclohexenylamino derivatives of tetralone and benzosuberone of series 20 and 21 exhibited interesting activity both in vitro and in vivo

    Effects of in vitro Brevetoxin Exposure on Apoptosis and Cellular Metabolism in a Leukemic T Cell Line (Jurkat)

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) of the toxic dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, produce red tide toxins, or brevetoxins. Significant health effects associated with red tide toxin exposure have been reported in sea life and in humans, with brevetoxins documented within immune cells from many species. The objective of this research was to investigate potential immunotoxic effects of brevetoxins using a leukemic T cell line (Jurkat) as an in vitro model system. Viability, cell proliferation, and apoptosis assays were conducted using brevetoxin congeners PbTx-2, PbTx-3, and PbTx-6. The effects of in vitro brevetoxin exposure on cell viability and cellular metabolism or proliferation were determined using trypan blue and MTT (1-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-3,5-diphenylformazan), respectively. Using MTT, cellular metabolic activity was decreased in Jurkat cells exposed to 5 – 10 μg/ml PbTx-2 or PbTx-6. After 3 h, no significant effects on cell viability were observed with any toxin congener in concentrations up to 10 μg/ml. Viability decreased dramatically after 24 h in cells treated with PbTx-2 or -6. Apoptosis, as measured by caspase-3 activity, was significantly increased in cells exposed to PbTx-2 or PbTx-6. In summary, brevetoxin congeners varied in effects on Jurkat cells, with PbTx-2 and PbTx-6 eliciting greater cellular effects compared to PbTx-3

    Mechanistic Characterization and Molecular Modeling of Hepatitis B Virus Polymerase Resistance to Entecavir

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    BACKGROUND: Entecavir (ETV) is a deoxyguanosine analog competitive inhibitor of hepatitis B virus (HBV) polymerase that exhibits delayed chain termination of HBV DNA. A high barrier to entecavir-resistance (ETVr) is observed clinically, likely due to its potency and a requirement for multiple resistance changes to overcome suppression. Changes in the HBV polymerase reverse-transcriptase (RT) domain involve lamivudine-resistance (LVDr) substitutions in the conserved YMDD motif (M204V/I +/- L180M), plus an additional ETV-specific change at residues T184, S202 or M250. These substitutions surround the putative dNTP binding site or primer grip regions of the HBV RT. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To determine the mechanistic basis for ETVr, wildtype, lamivudine-resistant (M204V, L180M) and ETVr HBVs were studied using in vitro RT enzyme and cell culture assays, as well as molecular modeling. Resistance substitutions significantly reduced ETV incorporation and chain termination in HBV DNA and increased the ETV-TP inhibition constant (K(i)) for HBV RT. Resistant HBVs exhibited impaired replication in culture and reduced enzyme activity (k(cat)) in vitro. Molecular modeling of the HBV RT suggested that ETVr residue T184 was adjacent to and stabilized S202 within the LVDr YMDD loop. ETVr arose through steric changes at T184 or S202 or by disruption of hydrogen-bonding between the two, both of which repositioned the loop and reduced the ETV-triphosphate (ETV-TP) binding pocket. In contrast to T184 and S202 changes, ETVr at primer grip residue M250 was observed during RNA-directed DNA synthesis only. Experimentally, M250 changes also impacted the dNTP-binding site. Modeling suggested a novel mechanism for M250 resistance, whereby repositioning of the primer-template component of the dNTP-binding site shifted the ETV-TP binding pocket. No structural data are available to confirm the HBV RT modeling, however, results were consistent with phenotypic analysis of comprehensive substitutions of each ETVr position. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, ETVr occurred through exclusion of ETV-TP from the dNTP-binding site, through different, novel mechanisms that involved lamivudine-resistance, ETV-specific substitutions, and the primer-template