141 research outputs found

    To make room : for girls participation in the development of an equal activity park

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    Detta arbete syftar till att utveckla och pröva en delaktighetsprocess utifrĂ„n ett genusperspektiv för att stĂ€rka tjejers delaktighet och inflytande i skapandet av en offentlig aktivitetspark i Gottsunda i Uppsala. JĂ€mstĂ€lldhet Ă€r en central aspekt av samhĂ€llsplaneringen och Ă€r en förutsĂ€ttning och viktig grundpelare för social hĂ„llbarhet. Det finns idag en problematik med att jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet inom fysisk planering i Sverige beskrivs som viktigt men samtidigt svĂ„rt att omsĂ€tta i praktiken. För att uppnĂ„ jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet krĂ€vs att ett genusperspektiv integreras i planeringsprocessen, för att synliggöra bakomliggande maktstrukturer och hur dessa pĂ„verkar olika mĂ€nniskor. De offentliga rummen som landskapsarkitekter planerar och gestaltar Ă€r inte jĂ€mstĂ€llda. Om de globala hĂ„llbarhetsmĂ„len i Agenda 2030 ska nĂ„s mĂ„ste tjejer fĂ„ större utrymme i stadsplaneringen. Genom delaktighetsprocesser i skapandet av offentliga rum kan tjejer fĂ„ inflytande och pĂ„verka en plats utformning vilket kan frĂ€mja en jĂ€mstĂ€lld planering och anvĂ€ndning av offentliga miljöer. I Gottsunda i Uppsala planeras en omfattande stadsbyggnad med starkt fokus pĂ„ social hĂ„llbarhet. Lina Sandells park ligger centralt i Gottsunda och Ă€r ett pilotprojekt för Uppsala kommun med fokus pĂ„ jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet och delaktighet genom hela planeringsprocessen. I samarbete med Uppsala kommun arbetade jag med att stĂ€rka tjejers, pĂ„ den intilliggande KFUM Gottsunda fritidsgĂ„rd/fritidsklubb, delaktighet i utvecklingen av Lina Sandells park. Resultatet Ă€r en delaktighetsprocess i tre steg som presenteras i detta arbete. Examensarbetet tar utgĂ„ngpunkt i projektet med Lina Sandells park och dess förutsĂ€ttningar. Genom platsbesök och platsanalys fick jag ökad förstĂ„else för parken och dess nĂ€romrĂ„de. Med grund i teori och genom analys av tre referensprojekt fick jag inspiration och riktlinjer för det fortsatta arbetet med utformningen av delaktighetsprocessen. I uppsatsen presenteras de tre stegen i processen utifrĂ„n faserna planera, agera, observera och reflektera. De olika faserna beskriver den övergripande metoden för arbetet, aktionsforskning. Det innebĂ€r att jag testade olika beprövade metoder och nya tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt för att nĂ„ delaktighet med mĂ„lgruppen och följde varje steg genom observation som sedan blev föremĂ„l för reflektion och diskussion. UtifrĂ„n delaktighetsprocessen kom jag fram till olika slutsatser om delaktighet och identifierade Ă€ven svĂ„righeter med delaktighetsarbetet. Arbetet Ă€r ett exempel pĂ„ hur en delaktighetsprocess kan utformas för att ge tjejer utrymme i ett specifikt stadsutvecklingsprojekt. Det bidrar pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt med erfarenhet, lĂ€rdomar och underlag inför Uppsala kommuns fortsatta arbete med att verka för ökad jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet och stĂ€rka underrepresenterade gruppers förutsĂ€ttningar till deltagande.The purpose of this thesis is to develop and test a participation process based on a gender perspective, to strengthen girls’ participation and influence in the design of a public activity park in Gottsunda in Uppsala. Gender equality is a key aspect of social planning and is a prerequisite to and an important pillar of social sustainability. Today there is a problem that equality in spatial planning in Sweden is described as important but at the same time difficult to translate into practice. To achieve gender equality a gender perspective must be integrated into the planning process, in order to visualize underlying power structures and how these affect different people. The public spaces that landscape architects plan and design are not equal. If the global sustainability goals of Agenda 2030 are to be reached, girls must get more space in urban planning. Through participation processes in the creation of public spaces, girls can get an opportunity to influence a site design which can contribute to gender equality in both the planning and use of public spaces. In the urban district Gottsunda in Uppsala, an extensive urban development with a strong focus on social sustainability is planned. Lina Sandell's park is centrally located in Gottsunda and is a pilot project for Uppsala municipality focusing on gender equality and participation throughout the planning process. In cooperation with Uppsala municipality, I worked to strengthen girls, at the adjacent KFUM Gottsunda youth center, participation in the development of Lina Sandell's park. The result is a three-step participation process presented in this work. The thesis is based on the project with Lina Sandell's park and its conditions. During site visits and through site analysis, I gained greater understanding of the park and its surroundings. Through analysis of three reference projects, I received inspiration and guidelines for the continued work on the design of the participation process. The essay presents the three steps in the process based on the phases plan, act, observe and reflect. The different phases describe the main method and overall strategy for the participatory process, action research. This means that I used various already proven methods and tested new approaches to reach participation with the target group, and followed each step through observation which was then subjected to reflection and discussion. The result of the participation process indicates several aspects that are important for achieving participation and difficulties in reaching participation and creating a commitment with the target group. The result of the process shows an example of how a participation process can be designed to increase girls’ prerequisites for participation and influence in the creation of a public environment. It thus helps with experience and support for Uppsala municipality's continued efforts to promote gender equality and strengthen the conditions of underrepresented groups for participation

    Improved velocity projection for the Material Point Method

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    Journal ArticleThe standard velocity projection scheme for the Material Point Method (MPM) and a typical form of the GIMP Method are examined. It is demonstrated that the fidelity of information transfer from a particle representation to the computational grid is strongly dependent on particle density and location. In addition, use of non-uniform grids and even non-uniform particle sizes are shown to introduce error

    Vem fÄr vara skalfigur?

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    Att kommunicera gestaltningsidéer genom visualiseringar av verkligheten Àr vÀsentligt för landskapsarkitekter. MÀnskliga figurer, sÄ kallade skalfigurer, placeras alltid i perspektivbilder och spelar dÀr en nyckelroll. Tidigare forskning visar att de mÀnniskor som representeras i landskapsarkitekters perspektivbilder inte överensstÀmmer med de verkliga demografiska strukturerna i Sverige. Personer med utlÀndsk bakgrund, Àldre, funktionshindrade och personer som bÀr klÀder som tyder pÄ religionstillhörighet Àr underrepresenterade i bilderna. Skalfigurer förstÀrker dÀrför en vedertagen norm i samhÀllet om att de flesta svenskar Àr vita, unga och utan synliga funktionshinder. Hur platser framstÀlls i perspektivbilder kan fÄ betydelse för vilka som förvÀntas anvÀnda dem. Syftet med det hÀr arbetet Àr att förklara av vilka anledningar skalfigurer i landskapsarkitekters perspektivbilder inte representerar de verkliga demografiska strukturerna. För att fÄ svar pÄ vilka faktorer som pÄverkar vilken person som representeras som skalfigur intervjuades fem yrkesverksamma landskapsarkitekter pÄ tre av de fem största arkitektkontoren i Uppsala. Genom intervjuerna framkom deras resonemang om perspektivbilder och skalfigurer. De viktigaste resultaten frÄn intervjuerna visar att urvalet av skalfigurer dels beror pÄ tidspress i projekten och dels pÄ en icke heltÀckande bildbank. Intervjusvaren diskuteras utifrÄn insikten att det pÄ arkitektkontoren Àr ouppmÀrksammat att valet av skalfigur kan ha betydelse för samhÀllet. I uppsatsen diskuteras slutligen vad det kan innebÀra att urvalet av skalfigurer endast representerar en del av befolkningen.For landscape architects it is essential to communicate design proposals through visualisations of reality. Human figures, also known as scalies, play a significant role in renderings and are therefore always added into them. Previous research shows that the people who are represented in renderings do not mirror the actual demographic structures in Sweden. People with foreign backgrounds, the elderly, people with disabilities and people who wear clothes that indicate religious affiliation are underrepresented in the renderings created by landscape architects. Scalies are therefore strengthening a norm that all Swedes are white, young and without visible disabilities. How places are presented in renderings can influence who might use them. With this essay we aim to explain why human figures in renderings of landscape architects do not mirror the actual demographic structures in Sweden. To be able to answer which factors that influence the choice of who is represented in renderings, we interviewed five professional landscape architects from three of the five largest architectural firms in Uppsala. Through the interviews we had the opportunity to take part of their reasoning about renderings and scalies. The most important conclusion was that the selection of human figures partly depends on the tight schedules of the landscape architects and partly on their limited selection of scalies. In this essay we discuss their answers and evaluate the fact that the architectural firms are oblivious of the fact that the people who the scalies represent differ from the actual demographic structures in Sweden. We also discuss the implication of representing only a specific part of the population

    Teaching acid/base physiology in the laboratory

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    Acid/base homeostasis is one of the most difficult subdisciplines of physiology for medical students to master. A different approach, where theory and practice are linked, might help students develop a deeper understanding of acid/base homeostasis. We therefore set out to develop a laboratory exercise in acid/base physiology that would provide students with unambiguous and reproducible data that clearly would illustrate the theory in practice. The laboratory exercise was developed to include both metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis. Data were collected from 56 groups of medical students that had participated in this laboratory exercise. The acquired data showed very consistent and solid findings after the development of both metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis. All results were consistent with the appropriate diagnosis of the acid/base disorder. Not one single group failed to obtain data that were compatible with the diagnosis; it was only the degree of acidosis/alkalosis and compensation that varied. </jats:p

    NÄr uddannelsessystemet skal rumme de mange og de sÊrlige - en midlertidig status pÄ og diskussion af den sÊrlige optagelsesprocedure i kvote 2 pÄ Syddansk Universitet

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    En midlertidig status for optagelsesproceduren i kvote 2 pĂ„ SDU viser, at studerende der er optaget i kvote 2 har et signifikant lavere frafald sammenlignet med kvote 1 optagne. Det diskuteres hvordan optagelsesproceduren kan bidrage til en sĂŠrlig talentudvĂŠlgelse samt matchning af ansĂžgerne i forhold til uddannelsens faglige profil. Significantly lower drop-out rates have been noted for students admitted during the temporary implementation of the quota 2 admission procedure at the the University of Southern Denmark compared with quota 1 students. We’ll discuss how the admission procedure can contribute to selection of talents and matching of the applicants to the academic, educational profile

    NÄr uddannelsessystemet skal rumme de mange og de sÊrlige - en midlertidig status pÄ og diskussion af den sÊrlige optagelsesprocedure i kvote 2 pÄ Syddansk Universitet

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    En midlertidig status for optagelsesproceduren i kvote 2 pĂ„ SDU viser, at studerende der er optaget i kvote 2 har et signifikant lavere frafald sammenlignet med kvote 1 optagne. Det diskuteres hvordan optagelsesproceduren kan bidrage til en sĂŠrlig talentudvĂŠlgelse samt matchning af ansĂžgerne i forhold til uddannelsens faglige profil. Significantly lower drop-out rates have been noted for students admitted during the temporary implementation of the quota 2 admission procedure at the the University of Southern Denmark compared with quota 1 students. We’ll discuss how the admission procedure can contribute to selection of talents and matching of the applicants to the academic, educational profile

    A weighted least squares particle-in-cell method for solid mechanics

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    SUMMARY A novel meshfree method is proposed that incorporates features of the material point (MPM) and generalized interpolation material point (GIMP) methods and can be used within an existing MPM/GIMP implementation. Weighted least squares kernel functions are centered at stationary grid nodes and used to approximate field values and gradients. Integration is performed over cells of the background grid and material boundaries are approximated with an implicit surface. The proposed method avoids nearest-neighbor searches while significantly improving accuracy over MPM and GIMP. Implementation is discussed in detail and several example problems are solved, including one manufactured solution which allows measurement of dynamic, non-linear, large deformation performance. Advantages and disadvantages of the method are discussed
