101 research outputs found

    Measurement of a Vacuum-Induced Geometric Phase

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    Berry's geometric phase naturally appears when a quantum system is driven by an external field whose parameters are slowly and cyclically changed. A variation in the coupling between the system and the external field can also give rise to a geometric phase, even when the field is in the vacuum state or any other Fock state. Here we demonstrate the appearance of a vacuum-induced Berry phase in an artificial atom, a superconducting transmon, interacting with a single mode of a microwave cavity. As we vary the phase of the interaction, the artificial atom acquires a geometric phase determined by the path traced out in the combined Hilbert space of the atom and the quantum field. Our ability to control this phase opens new possibilities for the geometric manipulation of atom-cavity systems also in the context of quantum information processing.Comment: 5 + 6 page

    Microwave photon-mediated interactions between semiconductor qubits

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    The realization of a coherent interface between distant charge or spin qubits in semiconductor quantum dots is an open challenge for quantum information processing. Here we demonstrate both resonant and non-resonant photon-mediated coherent interactions between double quantum dot charge qubits separated by several tens of micrometers. We present clear spectroscopic evidence of the collective enhancement of the resonant coupling of two qubits. With both qubits detuned from the resonator we observe exchange coupling between the qubits mediated by virtual photons. In both instances pronounced bright and dark states governed by the symmetry of the qubit-field interaction are found. Our observations are in excellent quantitative agreement with master-equation simulations. The extracted two-qubit coupling strengths significantly exceed the linewidths of the combined resonator-qubit system. This indicates that this approach is viable for creating photon-mediated two-qubit gates in quantum dot based systems.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures and 6 table

    Superconducting quantum simulator for topological order and the toric code

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    Topological order is now being established as a central criterion for characterizing and classifying ground states of condensed matter systems and complements categorizations based on symmetries. Fractional quantum Hall systems and quantum spin liquids are receiving substantial interest because of their intriguing quantum correlations, their exotic excitations and prospects for protecting stored quantum information against errors. Here we show that the Hamiltonian of the central model of this class of systems, the Toric Code, can be directly implemented as an analog quantum simulator in lattices of superconducting circuits. The four-body interactions, which lie at its heart, are in our concept realized via Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs) that are driven by a suitably oscillating flux bias. All physical qubits and coupling SQUIDs can be individually controlled with high precision. Topologically ordered states can be prepared via an adiabatic ramp of the stabilizer interactions. Strings of qubit operators, including the stabilizers and correlations along non-contractible loops, can be read out via a capacitive coupling to read-out resonators. Moreover, the available single qubit operations allow to create and propagate elementary excitations of the Toric Code and to verify their fractional statistics. The architecture we propose allows to implement a large variety of many-body interactions and thus provides a versatile analog quantum simulator for topological order and lattice gauge theories

    Improved Parameter Targeting in 3D-Integrated Superconducting Circuits through a Polymer Spacer Process

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    Three-dimensional device integration facilitates the construction of superconducting quantum information processors with more than several tens of qubits by distributing elements such as control wires, qubits, and resonators between multiple layers. The frequencies of resonators and qubits in flip-chip-bonded multi-chip modules depend on the details of their electromagnetic environment defined by the conductors and dielectrics in their vicinity. Accurate frequency targeting therefore requires precise control of the separation between chips and minimization of their relative tilt. Here, we describe a method to control the inter-chip separation by using polymer spacers. Compared to an identical process without spacers, we reduce the measured planarity error by a factor of 3.5, to a mean tilt of 76(35) μ\murad, and the deviation from the target inter-chip separation by a factor of ten, to a mean of 0.4(8) μ\mum. We apply this process to coplanar waveguide resonator samples and observe chip-to-chip resonator frequency variations below 50 MHz (\approx 1 %). We measure internal quality factors of 5×1055 \times 10^5 at the single-photon level, suggesting that the added spacers are compatible with low-loss device fabrication.Comment: 7 pages + 7 pages appendice

    Realizing a Deterministic Source of Multipartite-Entangled Photonic Qubits

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    Sources of entangled electromagnetic radiation are a cornerstone in quantum information processing and offer unique opportunities for the study of quantum many-body physics in a controlled experimental setting. While multi-mode entangled states of radiation have been generated in various platforms, all previous experiments are either probabilistic or restricted to generate specific types of states with a moderate entanglement length. Here, we demonstrate the fully deterministic generation of purely photonic entangled states such as the cluster, GHZ, and W state by sequentially emitting microwave photons from a controlled auxiliary system into a waveguide. We tomographically reconstruct the entire quantum many-body state for up to N=4N=4 photonic modes and infer the quantum state for even larger NN from process tomography. We estimate that localizable entanglement persists over a distance of approximately ten photonic qubits, outperforming any previous deterministic scheme

    Observation of the Crossover from Photon Ordering to Delocalization in Tunably Coupled Resonators

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    Networks of nonlinear resonators offer intriguing perspectives as quantum simulators for non-equilibrium many-body phases of driven-dissipative systems. Here, we employ photon correlation measurements to study the radiation fields emitted from a system of two superconducting resonators, coupled nonlinearly by a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). We apply a parametrically modulated magnetic flux to control the linear photon hopping rate between the two resonators and its ratio with the cross-Kerr rate. When increasing the hopping rate, we observe a crossover from an ordered to a delocalized state of photons. The presented coupling scheme is intrinsically robust to frequency disorder and may therefore prove useful for realizing larger-scale resonator arrays

    Calibration of Drive Non-Linearity for Arbitrary-Angle Single-Qubit Gates Using Error Amplification

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    The ability to execute high-fidelity operations is crucial to scaling up quantum devices to large numbers of qubits. However, signal distortions originating from non-linear components in the control lines can limit the performance of single-qubit gates. In this work, we use a measurement based on error amplification to characterize and correct the small single-qubit rotation errors originating from the non-linear scaling of the qubit drive rate with the amplitude of the programmed pulse. With our hardware, and for a 15-ns pulse, the rotation angles deviate by up to several degrees from a linear model. Using purity benchmarking, we find that control errors reach 2×1042\times 10^{-4}, which accounts for half of the total gate error. Using cross-entropy benchmarking, we demonstrate arbitrary-angle single-qubit gates with coherence-limited errors of 2×1042\times 10^{-4} and leakage below 6×1056\times 10^{-5}. While the exact magnitude of these errors is specific to our setup, the presented method is applicable to any source of non-linearity. Our work shows that the non-linearity of qubit drive line components imposes a limit on the fidelity of single-qubit gates, independent of improvements in coherence times, circuit design, or leakage mitigation when not corrected for