11 research outputs found

    The Norwegian maritime sector

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    The four papers in this thesis investigate corporate governance in family firms from different angles, with emphasis on industry and industry networks. I divide the industry networks into social and commercial networks, where social networks are measured by interlocking boards and commercial networks by investments in other firms in the same industry. Focus is on the governance structures in family firms, how industry and networks may be determinants of family ownership, and the effect of family ownership and strong industry networks on financial performance in certain industries (such as the maritime industry). Two of the papers are theoretical papers and two are empirical papers. The empirical papers are based on the same hand-collected dataset comprising 167 Norwegian listed companies from 1996-2005. The first paper - “Corporate Governance in Family firms” comprises a survey of the corporate governance literature on family firms, paying attention to the unique issues in the governance of these firms. I discuss different forms of ownership and how different agency contexts and business environments may suit family ownership better than other ownership structures. I also discuss how firms can reap the benefits of family ownership, by using a relational governance model, if there is an atmosphere of positive relationships, trust and shared visions. A relational governance model focuses on the social capital embedded in personal relations between owners, managers and board members. A contractual governance model, however, focuses on finding the optimal incentives in the relations between owners and managers, in addition to having greater focus on the monitoring role of the board. These two models may complement and supplement each other in a governance structure. The question is how these different governance models affect firms’ operations, decision-making, and competitiveness. The second paper - “The Effect of Industry Networks on Family Ownership” deals with possible effects of industry networks on the prevalence of family firms in different industries. I discuss how various networks can be determinants of family ownership, in addition to elements like incentives, monitoring, and altruism, as well as firm, industry and nation specific factors. I also discuss whether family firms can gain more from these industry networks than other firms due to a higher degree of ”thick trust”, strong owner-manager relations and the use of a relational governance structure. This paper proposes that strong social and commercial networks affect the number of family firms in an industry, as a result of the social capital embedded in these relations. Paper three - “Social and Commercial Networks as Determinants of Family Ownership - The Norwegian Shipping Industry” is an empirical paper testing whether industry networks are among the determinants of family ownership in the Norwegian shipping industry. The overall question is why family ownership is more prevalent in some industries, and which elements that influence this ownership structure. I focus on industry effects such as the number of firms in an industry and the social and commercial industry networks between firms. These are potential determinants of family ownership. I find that both industry and various industry networks have a significant and positive effect on family ownership in the shipping industry. The fourth paper - “Family Ownership, Networks and Financial Performance” takes up the question whether family ownership and various networks affect financial performance, measured by Tobin’s q and ROA lagged, or not. Earlier studies come to different conclusions regarding the relationship between family ownership and firm performance, which may be due to differences in the agency context of the studies. I add industry and industry networks as central variables to disentangle some of the contextual factors in this relationship. This paper argues that it is not necessarily the family ownership that affects performance, but how this ownership is used in a strategic manner. Establishing and using networks are seemingly a means of operation in some industries, sometimes with a positive effect on performance

    – en regionanalyse av Sørlandet

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    Rapporten består av tre deler som analyserer ulike områder av regionen med ulike forfattere og innfallsvinkler og disse er; En analyse av et utvalg fra regionens næringsliv; Kunnskap og innovasjon på Agder og Regional ledelse og samhandling på Agder

    Potential and Challenges for Building Integrated Photo-voltaics in the Agder Region

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    In the search for clean and renewable energy sources, photovoltaic or solar electric power generation is a quickly maturing industry that is carving out a significant role as a source of abundant, safe and clean renewable energy. This report will look at the current trends and developments in photovoltaic power production and the potential of building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) for the Agder region.Regionale Forskningsfond Agde

    Corporate governance in family firms: The Norwegian maritime sector

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    The four papers in this thesis investigate corporate governance in family firms from different angles, with emphasis on industry and industry networks. I divide the industry networks into social and commercial networks, where social networks are measured by interlocking boards and commercial networks by investments in other firms in the same industry. Focus is on the governance structures in family firms, how industry and networks may be determinants of family ownership, and the effect of family ownership and strong industry networks on financial performance in certain industries (such as the maritime industry). Two of the papers are theoretical papers and two are empirical papers. The empirical papers are based on the same hand-collected dataset comprising 167 Norwegian listed companies from 1996-2005. The first paper - “Corporate Governance in Family firms” comprises a survey of the corporate governance literature on family firms, paying attention to the unique issues in the governance of these firms. I discuss different forms of ownership and how different agency contexts and business environments may suit family ownership better than other ownership structures. I also discuss how firms can reap the benefits of family ownership, by using a relational governance model, if there is an atmosphere of positive relationships, trust and shared visions. A relational governance model focuses on the social capital embedded in personal relations between owners, managers and board members. A contractual governance model, however, focuses on finding the optimal incentives in the relations between owners and managers, in addition to having greater focus on the monitoring role of the board. These two models may complement and supplement each other in a governance structure. The question is how these different governance models affect firms’ operations, decision-making, and competitiveness. The second paper - “The Effect of Industry Networks on Family Ownership” deals with possible effects of industry networks on the prevalence of family firms in different industries. I discuss how various networks can be determinants of family ownership, in addition to elements like incentives, monitoring, and altruism, as well as firm, industry and nation specific factors. I also discuss whether family firms can gain more from these industry networks than other firms due to a higher degree of ”thick trust”, strong owner-manager relations and the use of a relational governance structure. This paper proposes that strong social and commercial networks affect the number of family firms in an industry, as a result of the social capital embedded in these relations. Paper three - “Social and Commercial Networks as Determinants of Family Ownership - The Norwegian Shipping Industry” is an empirical paper testing whether industry networks are among the determinants of family ownership in the Norwegian shipping industry. The overall question is why family ownership is more prevalent in some industries, and which elements that influence this ownership structure. I focus on industry effects such as the number of firms in an industry and the social and commercial industry networks between firms. These are potential determinants of family ownership. I find that both industry and various industry networks have a significant and positive effect on family ownership in the shipping industry. The fourth paper - “Family Ownership, Networks and Financial Performance” takes up the question whether family ownership and various networks affect financial performance, measured by Tobin’s q and ROA lagged, or not. Earlier studies come to different conclusions regarding the relationship between family ownership and firm performance, which may be due to differences in the agency context of the studies. I add industry and industry networks as central variables to disentangle some of the contextual factors in this relationship. This paper argues that it is not necessarily the family ownership that affects performance, but how this ownership is used in a strategic manner. Establishing and using networks are seemingly a means of operation in some industries, sometimes with a positive effect on performance

    Automation and Re-industrialization: A zero-point analysis of robotization in industrial sectors in Agder

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    This survey is executed on behalf of the industrial clusters in Agder represented by GCE NODE ( principal ), Eyde Cluster , DIGIN , Lister Alliance, SINPRO and Sørlandsporten teknologinettverk. The object of the re-port is to conduct a baseline analysis of industrial robots in the industry clusters. I addition a mapping of offshoring and reshoring activities in the same businesses. It is conducted 37 interviews with representatives from member companies in the 6 clusters.This survey is executed on behalf of the industrial clusters in Agder represented by GCE NODE ( principal ), Eyde Cluster , DIGIN , Lister Alliance, SINPRO and Sørlandsporten teknologinettverk.publishedVersio

    Automation and Re-industrialization: A zero-point analysis of robotization in industrial sectors in Agder

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    This survey is executed on behalf of the industrial clusters in Agder represented by GCE NODE ( principal ), Eyde Cluster , DIGIN , Lister Alliance, SINPRO and Sørlandsporten teknologinettverk. The object of the re-port is to conduct a baseline analysis of industrial robots in the industry clusters. I addition a mapping of offshoring and reshoring activities in the same businesses. It is conducted 37 interviews with representatives from member companies in the 6 clusters

    Næringsstruktur og kompetanseprofil i Agder

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    Oppdraget fra Agderkonferansen var å pre-sentere noen funn rundt de kompetanseutfordringene regionen står overfor og eventuelle tiltak for å løse disse. Fokus i denne rapporten er næringslivets behov for fremtidig kompetanse sett opp mot tilgangen på kompetanse på alle nivåer. Vi har valgt å se på sammenhengen mellom næringsstrukturen (etterspørsel etter arbeidskraft) og regionens kompetanseprofil (tilbudet av kompetanse målt etter formalkompetanse).AgderkonferansenpublishedVersio

    Mekanisk industri i Agder Status, utfordringer og forslag til tiltak

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    Sørlandet har et variert næringsliv med mange konkurranseutsatte bedrifter. Regionen har også landets høyeste eksport av bearbeidede varer og industrien i vår landsdel representerer en betydelig høyere andel av driftsinntekter og sysselsetting enn gjennomsnittet for landet for øvrig. Det har utviklet seg en stor variasjon i type industri, men det er et stort innslag av petroleumsrelaterte virksomheter, eller virksomheter som har leveranser til denne sektoren. En underskog av bedrifter, som her defineres som meka-nisk industri, har store leveranser til offshore-relatert virksomhet, men også andre spennende mekaniske bedrifter utgjør denne sektoren. Fremtidig konkurransekraft for industrien vil være avgjørende for verdiskaping og sysselsetting i Agder. I denne studien analyserer vi hva som hemmer eller fremmer konkurransekraft i mekanisk industri basert på kvantitative data fra 2006-2012, samt 20 dybdeintervjuer av ledere i de to nettverkene Lister Alliance og Sørlandsporten Teknologinettverk. Dette gir et godt grunlag for å identifisere trusler, styrker, svakheter og muligheter. Dette er aggregerte data, og vi må derfor presisere at fremstillingene er basert på et overordnet inntrykk og at den enkelte bedrift ikke vil kjenne seg igjen i alle beskrivelsene. Det er stor variasjon mellom bedriftene i utvalget, og derfor vil ikke alle kjennetegnene være relevante for alle, og noen vil kanskje kjenne seg igjen i få av dem. Rapporten presenterer et overordnet bilde av en del av mekanisk industri i Agder

    Mekanisk industri i Agder Status, utfordringer og forslag til tiltak

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    Sørlandet har et variert næringsliv med mange konkurranseutsatte bedrifter. Regionen har også landets høyeste eksport av bearbeidede varer og industrien i vår landsdel representerer en betydelig høyere andel av driftsinntekter og sysselsetting enn gjennomsnittet for landet for øvrig. Det har utviklet seg en stor variasjon i type industri, men det er et stort innslag av petroleumsrelaterte virksomheter, eller virksomheter som har leveranser til denne sektoren. En underskog av bedrifter, som her defineres som meka-nisk industri, har store leveranser til offshore-relatert virksomhet, men også andre spennende mekaniske bedrifter utgjør denne sektoren. Fremtidig konkurransekraft for industrien vil være avgjørende for verdiskaping og sysselsetting i Agder. I denne studien analyserer vi hva som hemmer eller fremmer konkurransekraft i mekanisk industri basert på kvantitative data fra 2006-2012, samt 20 dybdeintervjuer av ledere i de to nettverkene Lister Alliance og Sørlandsporten Teknologinettverk. Dette gir et godt grunlag for å identifisere trusler, styrker, svakheter og muligheter. Dette er aggregerte data, og vi må derfor presisere at fremstillingene er basert på et overordnet inntrykk og at den enkelte bedrift ikke vil kjenne seg igjen i alle beskrivelsene. Det er stor variasjon mellom bedriftene i utvalget, og derfor vil ikke alle kjennetegnene være relevante for alle, og noen vil kanskje kjenne seg igjen i få av dem. Rapporten presenterer et overordnet bilde av en del av mekanisk industri i Agder.Prosjektet har vært finanisert av Sørlandet Kompetansefond og Aust-Agder fylkeskommune. deltagelse fra Sørlandsporten Teknologinettverk og Lister Alliance.publishedVersio

    Sørlandets ukjente verdensmestre

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    Formålet med denne studien er å øke kunnskapen om hvordan bedrifter som har lykkes i globale markeder, arbeider med strategi og innovasjon. Ved å lære av disse bedriftene og overføre deres kunnskap til bedriftene som sliter med svekket konkurransekraft, ønsker vi å bidra til en sterkere og mer omstillingsdyktig industriell base i regionen. Agder har en næringsstruktur med en relativt sett høyere andel industri enn andre regioner i Norge (Jørgensen og Wallevik, 2014) og det vil være viktig å opprettholde denne industrien også i fremtiden. I dette prosjektet undersøker hva vi kan lære av de omstillingsdyktige og konkurransedyktige bedriftene, og vi studerer deres utvikling og overføring av kompetanse, ledelse og organisasjonsstruktur, markedstilnærming, innovasjonspraksis og forretningsmodeller. Vi sammenligner også våre funn med tilsvarende undersøkelser fra andre nordiske land. Spesielt har vi søkt å svare på følgende forskningsspørsmål: • Har Sørlandet ukjente verdensmestre? Hvis ja - • Hva kjennetegner de ukjente verdensmestrene på Sørlandet? • Hva kan vi lære av de ukjente verdensmestrene og deres innovasjonspraksis