5,836 research outputs found

    Investigation of hydrophobic moment and hydrophobicity properties for transmembrane α-helices

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    Integral membrane proteins are the primary targets of novel drugs but are largely without solved structures. As a consequence, hydrophobic moment plot methodology is often used to identify putative transmembrane α-helices of integral membrane proteins, based on their local maximum mean hydrophobic moment (<μH>) and the corresponding mean hydrophobicity (<H>). To calculate these properties, the methodology identifies an optimal eleven residue window (L = 11), assuming an amino acid angular frequency, θ, fixed at 100°. Using a data set of 403 transmembrane α-helix forming sequences, the relationship between <μH> and <H>, and the effect of varying of L and / or θ on this relationship, was investigated. Confidence intervals for correlations between <μH> and <H> are established. It is shown, using bootstrapping procedures that the strongest statistically significant correlations exist for small windows where 7 ≤ L ≤ 16. Monte Carlo analysis suggests that this correlation is dependent upon amino acid residue primary structure, implying biological function and indicating that smaller values of L give better characterisation of transmembrane sequences using <μH>. However, varying window size can also lead to different regions within a given sequence being identified as the optimal window for structure / function predictions. Furthermore, it is shown that optimal periodicity varies with window size; the optimum, based on <μH> over the range of window sizes, (7 ≤ L ≤ 16), was at θ = 102° for the transmembrane α-helix data set

    The Kumaraswamy-G Poisson Family of Distributions

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    For any baseline continuous G distribution, we propose a new generalized family called the Kumaraswamy-G Poisson (denoted with the prefix “Kw-GP”) with three extra positive parameters. Some special distributions in the new family such as the Kw-Weibull Poisson, Kw-gamma Poisson and Kw-beta Poisson distributions are introduced. We derive some mathematical properties of the new family including the ordinary moments, generating function and order statistics. The method of maximum likelihood is used to fit the distributions in the new family. We illustrate its potentiality by means of an application to a real data set


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    O objetivo deste trabalho é a criação de um processo de acompanhamento e monitoramento interno dos Programas de Pós-graduação stricto sensu da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF, como ação para diagnosticar, acompanhar e corrigir rumos, com a finalidade de se consolidarem e conseguirem conceitos melhores junto a Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES, na próxima trienal. Por não se ter uma avaliação anual pela CAPES, sentiu-se necessidade de traçar um plano de ação para acompanhar esses programas e apoiá-los na melhoria de suas excelências, pensando metas e diretrizes a serem estabelecidas para essa consolidação. O projeto inicia-se com o estudo do resultado do programa na última avaliação, diagnosticando os pontos fortes e fracos. Um calendário de visitas ao programa foi planejado para expor essa intenção e plano de ações específicas. Serão traçados indicadores próprios de desempenho, baseados nos indicadores da CAPES e será criado um sistema de avaliação interno da UFJF para um monitoramento anual


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    Pretende-se nesse estudo analisar até que ponto os Programas de Pós-graduação stricto sensu da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora focam a formação docente de seus alunos para atuarem como professores e profissionais da educação, de um modo geral, no Ensino Básico. Ou seja, procura-se ir além da compreensão da pós-graduação stricto sensu como centro de pesquisa, identificando um diálogo direto de seus alunos, também, com a educação básica, justificando tal percepção a partir da crescente procura de professores do ensino fundamental e médio pela pós-graduação. A preocupação da relação das pesquisas realizadas nos Programas de Pós-graduação com a inserção nacional, o retorno à sociedade tendo como foco a formação de educadores e uma sintonia desses programas com o restante do Brasil, com as políticas e reformas públicas. Será feito um mapeamento da formação dos professores do Ensino Básico da Rede Municipal de Juiz de Fora-MG e a relação de suas pesquisas com a atuação em sala de aula

    Ensemble Forecasts of Solar Wind Connectivity to 1 Rs using ADAPT-WSA

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    The solar wind which arrives at any location in the solar system is, in principle, relatable to the outflow of solar plasma from a single source location. This source location, itself usually being part of a larger coronal hole, is traceable to 1 Rs along the Sun's magnetic field, in which the entire path from 1 Rs to a location in the heliosphere is referred to as the solar wind connectivity. While not directly measurable, the connectivity between the near-Earth solar wind is of particular importance to space weather. The solar wind solar source region can be obtained by leveraging near-sun magnetic field models and a model of the interplanetary solar wind. In this article we present a method for making an ensemble forecast of the connectivity presented as a probability distribution obtained from a weighted collection of individual forecasts from the combined Air Force Data Assimilative Photospheric Flux Transport - Wang Sheeley Arge (ADAPT-WSA) model. The ADAPT model derives the photospheric magnetic field from synchronic magnetogram data, using flux transport physics and ongoing data assimilation processes. The WSA model uses a coupled set of potential field type models to derive the coronal magnetic field, and an empirical relationship to derive the terminal solar wind speed observed at Earth. Our method produces an arbitrary 2D probability distribution capable of reflecting complex source configurations with minimal assumptions about the distribution structure, prepared in a computationally efficient manner.Comment: Accepted to the journal "Space Weather

    Graft Vascular Disease

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    Cardiac transplantation (TxC) is considered the first therapeutic option in patients with congestive heart failure, refractory to clinical treatment and without the possibility of conventional surgical treatment. The pathophysiological status, as a consequence of severe cardiomyopathy, is represented by various degrees of systolic and diastolic dysfunction, reflecting low ejection volumes and high diastolic volumes and high filling diastolic pressures, respectively. Patients in this pathophysiological context also present, among other symptoms, neurohormonal alterations of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system, decreased renal, visceral and splanchnic perfusion, and increased levels of catecholamines. Barnard et al., in 1967, performed the first orthotopic heart transplantation among humans with relative success, Zerbini (1969) being the first to perform it in Brazil. The presence of high rates of graft rejection and infection accounted for small survival and caused great disinterest and abandonment of the technique in the 70’s. However, the experience accumulated by the groups that maintained TxC as a treatment, mainly after the introduction of cyclosporin A, first in kidney transplantation in 1978, and in 1980 in TxC, reinvigorated this therapeutic option, allowing the true development and the application of this treatment worldwide

    Uso do método de apoio a decisão Promethee II para evidenciação de assimetrias urbanas em uma cidade brasileira

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    Objetivos: Este estudo tem o objetivo de ranquear as Unidades Regionais de Governo de uma cidade brasileira para identificar assimetrias sociais no território. Metodología: Esta pesquisa se caracteriza como exploratória com aplicação do método de apoio a decisão PROMETHEE II. A metodologia permitiu evidenciar as assimetrias entre as 9 Unidades Regionais de Governo (URG). Limitação: o estudo não generaliza os resultados por bairro, mas trás uma análise por URG. Resultados: Em 4 URGs o fluxo de sobreclassificação positivo é superior ao fluxo de sobreclassificação negativo. Entende-se com isso, que nas demais 5 regiões é onde ocorrem as maiores assimetrias, sendo portanto, as regiões mais carentes de recursos territoriais o que pode sinalizar à decisores políticos o que deve ser melhorado para o desenvolvimento da qualidade de vida urbana. Originalidade: Os resultados comprovaram que, os bairros mais próximos ao centro da cidade, apresentam recursos territoriais mais adequados, proporcionando melhor satisfação

    Morphohistology of the Digestive Tract of the Damsel Fish Stegastes fuscus (Osteichthyes: Pomacentridae)

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    This study investigated the morphohistology of the digestive tract and the mean intestinal coefficient of the damsel fish Stegastes fuscus captured from the tidal pools of Northeastern Brazil. The wall of the digestive tract of S. fuscus is composed of the tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis, and tunica serosa. The esophagus is short with sphincter and thick distensible wall with longitudinally folded mucosa. Mucous glands are predominant, and the muscular layer of the esophagus presented striated fibers all along its extension. The transition region close to the stomach shows plain and striated muscular fibers. Between the stomach and intestine, there are three pyloric caeca. The intestine is long and thin with four folds around the stomach. The anterior intestine presents folds similar to those of pyloric caeca. The estimated mean intestinal coefficient and characteristics of the digestive system of S. fuscus present morphological adequacy for both herbivorous and omnivorous feeding habits