2,593 research outputs found

    A critical analysis of the 2008 mediation in Zimbabwe: an exploration of the main debates and criticisms

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    Since independence in 1979 Zimbabwe has experienced periods of great conflict and instability. The chief explanation for this is the ruling party ZANU-PF's monopolistic attitude to rule. The party has historically quashed attempts at opposition, drawing its political legitimacy from its role in the liberation struggle. 2008 election results favouring the opposition lead to ZANU-PF inflicted violence, including retributive attacks on former ZNAU-PF supporters. The SADC mandated an Mbeki-lead mediation following this violence. Mugabe accepted the mediation due to historically minimal criticism from Mbeki, yet had no intention to sincerely share power with opposition MDC factions. Even though ZANU-PF was in a legitimacy crisis it refused to cede power. This is clearly evident in the poor implementation of GPA and resuscitation of old problems as well as the development of new problems between the parties. The extent of the legitimacy crisis is an important issue here. Even though some critics laud the mediation as a landmark in the country's history and attribute it some success, the lack of respect for the agreement undermines these notions. The case highlights the difficulty for a mediator to bring positive peace, especially in the context of an historically one-party militarized state. It has further bearing on mediation in general when it shows how mediation success can only be judged in the long run, regarding parties' implementation of agreements. If power patterns remain the same post mediation, as they do in Zimbabwe, the mediation should be seen as a failure

    Immediate-Type Hypersensitivity to Succinylated Corticosteroids

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    Background: Despite their frequent use, systemic corticosteroids have rarely elicited immediate-type reactions. Objective: We report two male patients, aged 26 and 70 years, respectively, with severe immediate-type hypersensitivity secondary to the administration of corticosteroids esterified with succinate. Methods: Skin tests, basophil activation tests and challenge tests were performed for diagnostic evaluation. Results: In both patients, immediate-type skin test reactions were found to methylprednisolone sodium hemisuccinate (MSH) and prednisolone sodium hemisuccinate (PSH). In contrast, nonsuccinylated corticosteroids (including methylprednisolone and prednisolone in one patient) yielded no test reactions. Basophils from one patient exhibited a stimulated expression of the activation marker CD63 upon in vitro incubation with PSH or hydrocortisone sodium succinate, but not with hydrocortisone. Skin tests and basophil activation tests were negative in controls. One patient was challenged with the incriminated drugs. He developed flush, conjunctivitis, tachycardia and dyspnea 2 min after injection of MSH, and dyspnea shortly after intravenous administration of PSH. Oral and intravenous challenge tests with nonsuccinylated corticosteroids were tolerated well by both patients. Conclusions: These case reports should alert clinicians to rare, but severe immediate-type reactions to corticosteroids, related to the succinate moiety in our patients. In case of allergic reactions to corticosteroids, it is mandatory to identify the causative agent and find safe alternatives. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base

    Synthesis of Metal Complexes for Hydrolysis of Phosphodiester Bonds

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    Copper, Vanadium, Platinum, and Palladium metal complexes were synthesized through coordination with N-(2-aminophenlo)-1-methyl-2-imidazole carbozaldeimine, a Schiff-base ligand. These metal complexes were characterized through the use of elemental analysis, UV-vis spectroscopy, and IR spectroscopy. Elemental analysis data determined that the proposed structure of the Cu(II) complex was not correct. The mass percent values did not fall within 5% of the values calculated from the proposed structure. No possible structures could be deduced from the experimental data. IR spectroscopic data showed a shift in the imine peak of the coordinated ligand from 1634 cm-1 to1625.7 cm-1indicating strong coordination through the imine nitrogen to the metal atom. Furthermore, the IR spectrum of the Zn(II) complex shows a disappearance fo the broad bend assigned to the OH group in the ligand, indicating coordination through the phenolic oxygen of the ligand. The Cu(II), V(IV), Pt(II), Pt(IV), and Pd(II) complexes failed to show such indicative shifts in their IR spectra, thus their coordination patterns cannot be determined x-ray crystallographic data. Hydrolytic studies were conducted in order to determine if these metal complexes were capable of cleaving phosphodiester bonds. The results of these studies were inconclusive and require further study. The Cu(ii) and Pt(II) complexes showed hydrolytic activity, but these studies were difficult to reproduce. A possible explanation is the lack of true catalytic activity of these complexes

    Big Dada: From visualisation to experience

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    Our approach to the future of visualisation focuses on experience as a central concept, questioning what is considered information or data, moving to multimodal, multisensory forms of representation, and redefining the designer as an artist with a critical perspective who works with a range of media and materials

    Is there a link between previous exposure to sport injury psychology education and UK sport injury rehabilitation professionals' attitudes and behaviour towards sport psychology?

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    Objectives: The use of sport psychology strategies during sport injury rehabilitation can lead to several positive outcomes such as improved adherence and self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to compare the sport psychology related attitudes and behaviours of UK sport injury rehabilitation professionals (SIRPs) who had studied the psychological aspects of sport injury to those who had not. Participants and design: Ninety-four SIRPs (54 physiotherapists and 40 sports therapists with a mean of 9.22 years' experience of working in sport) completed an online survey and were grouped according to their level of previous exposure to sport injury psychology education at an undergraduate/postgraduate level. Analyses were undertaken to establish whether there were any differences in sport psychology related attitude (MANOVA), usage (MANOVA), and referral behaviours (chi square) between the groups. Results: The MANOVA and chi square tests conducted revealed that those who had studied the psychological aspects of sport injury reported using significantly more sport psychology in their practice and making more referrals to sport psychologists. Conclusions: It was concluded that sport injury psychology education appears to be effective in increasing the sport psychology related behaviours (use of sport psychology and referral) of SIRPs and should be integrated into professional training

    The impact of a sport psychology education intervention on physiotherapists

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    The purpose of this study was to measure the impact of an online sport psychology education module on the attitudes and behaviours of qualified sports physiotherapists in the UK. Ninety-five sport physiotherapists studied either a sport psychology module or a control module, and their attitudes and behaviours towards sport psychology were measured prior to studying the module and at three points over a six-month period following its completion. It was found that those who had studied the sport psychology module demonstrated an improvement in their attitudes towards sport psychology immediately following its completion that was significantly higher than those who had studied the control module. Use of sport psychology also increased following the sport psychology module, with significant differences seen between the intervention and control group on the sport psychology subscale, indicating that those who had studied the sport psychology module were integrating more sport psychology techniques into their practice than those who had studied the control module. It was concluded that the online sport psychology module was effective in improving the attitudes and behaviours of UK physiotherapists and that more sport psychology education opportunities should be made available

    Covid-19 and Social Inequalities in Health in the UK

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    Shortly before the UK was struck by the Covid-19 pandemic, research was published which showed that since 2010 ‘inequalities in life expectancy have widened and life expectancy fell in the most deprived communities’.1 Such inequalities in health are mainly caused by wider social inequalities. Evidence of the demographics of those who died as a result of the virus, served to highlight how these inequalities disproportionately led to the elderly and BME communities contracting Covid-19 and succumbing to it. This article will discuss how the health and wellbeing of socially disadvantaged people were negatively impacted. It argues that these inequalities are a breach of Article 2 of the Human Rights Act 1988 - the right to life, in that this right cannot be equally accessed by all. Finally, the article explores the current and future practice implications for social workers, who work daily with some of the most vulnerable people in society