89 research outputs found

    Związek Młodych Demokratów we Wrocławiu (1956–1957)

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    The Union of Young Democrats (Związek Młodych Demokratów, ZMD), established in the wake of the October Thaw in Poland in 1956, despite its short history, made an important episode in the history of political opposition in the People’s Republic of Poland. It was an attempt to create an openly operating independent youth organisation, with the support of a legally operating satellite in the form of the Democratic Party. This article aims to present the problems faced by members of the ZMD through the prism of the local and University ZMD Circle in Wrocław.Związek Młodych Demokratów utworzony na fali październikowej odwilży w Polsce w 1956 r. pomimo swej krótkiej historii stanowił ważny epizod dziejów opozycji politycznej w PRL. Był próbą utworzenia jawnej niezależnej organizacji młodzieżowej przy wsparciu legalnie działającego satelickiego Stronnictwa Demokratycznego. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie przez pryzmat lokalny problemów, z jakimi borykali się członkowie ZMD, a także przedstawienie działalności Uniwersyteckiego Koła ZMD we Wrocławiu

    Mapping the development of contextual knowledge in the area of the sharing economy

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    Motivation: Contemporary economics provides to the practice of the social world functioning increasingly precise knowledge about how the modern economy and economics change. Although it seems that it is knowledge necessary to make science more useful for the social world, it creates a risk of blurring the general picture of the studied problems. One of the modern phenomena analysed in economic theory and tested in economic practice is the sharing economy (SE). Because it is a relatively new subject of economic analysis, it seems important to closely follow the development of academic work concerning SE (also on the basis of the knowledge provided by the social world).Aim: The authors of the paper have focused on achieving the following research objectives: (1) identification of literature output in the area of SE, (2) assessment of cooperation between researchers dealing with SE topics and (3) diagnosis of thematic areas related to the studied phenomenon. The basis for the works on the research objectives was a set of 1411 papers related to SE, published in 2011–2018, in the Scopus database. For the research, quantitative analysis with elements of qualitative analysis was used.Results: Based on the research conducted, the following conclusions were formulated: (1) the current literature on the SE phenomenon is fragmentary, (2) the cooperation, if any, between researchers dealing with SE is ephemeral, (3) SE contexts are focused on specific socio-economic phenomena

    ECG Markers of Hemodynamic Improvement in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension

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    Introduction. Several diagnostic tests have been recommended for risk assessment in pulmonary hypertension (PH), but the role of electrocardiography (ECG) in monitoring of PH patients has not been yet established. Therefore the aim of the study was to evaluate which ECG patterns characteristic for pulmonary hypertension can predict hemodynamic improvement in patients treated with targeted therapies. Methods. Consecutive patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) were eligible to be included if they had had performed two consecutive right heart catheterization (RHC) procedures before and after starting of targeted therapies. Patients were followed up from June 2009 to July 2017. ECG patterns of right ventricular hypertrophy according to American College of Cardiology Foundation were assessed. Results. We enrolled 80 patients with PAH and 11 patients with inoperable CTEPH. The follow-up RHC was performed within 12.6±10.0 months after starting therapy. Based on median change of pulmonary vascular resistance, we divided our patients into two subgroups: with and without significant hemodynamic improvement. RV1, max⁡RV1,2 + max⁡SI,aVL-SV1, and PII improved along with the improvement of hemodynamic parameters including PVR. They predicted hemodynamic improvement with similarly good accuracy as shown in ROC analysis: RV1 (AUC: 0.75; 95% CI: 0.63–0.84), PII (AUC: 0.67, 95% CI: 0.56–0.77), and max⁡RV1,2+max⁡SI,aVL-SV1 (0.73; 95% CI: 0.63–0.82). In Cox regression only change in RV1 remained significant mortality predictor (HR: 1.12, 95% CI: 1.01–1.24). Conclusion. Electrocardiogram may be useful in predicting hemodynamic effects of targeted therapy in precapillary pulmonary hypertension. Decrease of RV1, max⁡RV1,2+max⁡SI,aVL-SV1, and PII corresponds with hemodynamic improvement after treatment. Of these changes a decrease of R wave amplitude in V1 is associated with better survival

    Carcinoid of the small intestine as a rare cause of gastrointestinal bleeding diagnosed with angio-CT examination of the abdominal cavity - case report

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    In this report a rare case of a bleeding carcinoid located in the ileum and diagnosed with an angio-CT examination of the abdominal cavity is presented. An angio-CT examination of the abdominal cavity may be an effective method of imaging diagnostics in cases of negative results of endoscopy and colonoscopy examinations and, at the same time, a shortage of accessibility to double-balloon enteroscopy and capsule endoscopy. It is possible to visualize bleeding lesions on condition that the outflow of the blood into the digestive tract is above 1 ml per minute. The patient concerned was operated on in a scheduled course following proper preparation. The perioperative course was uneventful and after a three-year follow-up no features of the recurrence of neoplastic disease have been observed.W pracy przedstawiono rzadki przypadek krwawiącego rakowiaka jelita krętego rozpoznanego przy użyciu angio-TK jamy brzusznej. Przy ujemnym wyniku panendoskopii i kolonoskopii oraz braku dostępności enteroskopii dwubalonowej bądź kapsułki endoskopowej, angio-TK jamy brzusznej może być skuteczną metodą diagnostyki obrazowej. Warunkiem uwidocznienia krwawiącej zmiany jest zachowany wypływ krwi do przewodu pokarmowego powyżej 1 ml/min. Po przygotowaniu pacjentkę zoperowano w trybie planowym. Przebieg okołooperacyjny był niepowikłany, a po trzyletnim okresie obserwacji nie stwierdzono cech wznowy choroby nowotworowej

    Virtual histology to evaluate mechanisms of pulmonary artery lumen enlargement in response to balloon pulmonary angioplasty in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

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    Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) results from an obstruction of pulmonary arteries (PAs) by organized thrombi. The stenosed PAs are targeted during balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA). We aimed to evaluate the mechanism of BPA in inoperable patients with CTEPH. We analyzed stenosed PAs with intravascular grey-scale ultrasound (IVUS) to determine the cross-sectional area (CSA) of arterial lumen and of organized thrombi. The composition of organized thrombi was assessed using virtual histology. We distinguished two mechanisms of BPA: Type A with dominant vessel stretching, and type B with dominant thrombus compression. PAs were assessed before (n = 159) and after (n = 98) BPA in 20 consecutive patients. Organized thrombi were composed of dark-green (57.1 (48.0–64.0)%), light-green (34.0 (21.4–46.4)%), red (6.4 (2.9–11.7)%;) and white (0.2 (0.0–0.9)%) components. The mechanism type depended on vessel diameter (OR = 1.09(1.01–1.17); p = 0.03). In type B mechanism, decrease in the amount of light-green component positively correlated with an increase in lumen area after BPA (r = 0.50; p = 0.001). The mechanism of BPA depends on the diameter of the vessel. Dilation of more proximal PAs depends mainly on stretching of the vessel wall while dilation of smaller PAs depends on compression of the organized thrombi. The composition of the organized thrombi contributes to the effect of BPA