62 research outputs found

    A new look at Spitzer primary transit observations of the exoplanet HD189733b

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    Blind source separation techniques are used to reanalyse two exoplanetary transit lightcurves of the exoplanet HD189733b recorded with the IR camera IRAC on board the Spitzer Space Telescope at 3.6μ\mum during the "cold" era. These observations, together with observations at other IR wavelengths, are crucial to characterise the atmosphere of the planet HD189733b. Previous analyses of the same datasets reported discrepant results, hence the necessity of the reanalyses. The method we used here is based on the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) statistical technique, which ensures a high degree of objectivity. The use of ICA to detrend single photometric observations in a self-consistent way is novel in the literature. The advantage of our reanalyses over previous work is that we do not have to make any assumptions on the structure of the unknown instrumental systematics. Such "admission of ignorance" may result in larger error bars than reported in the literature, up to a factor 1.61.6. This is a worthwhile trade-off for much higher objectivity, necessary for trustworthy claims. Our main results are (1) improved and robust values of orbital and stellar parameters, (2) new measurements of the transit depths at 3.6μ\mum, (3) consistency between the parameters estimated from the two observations, (4) repeatability of the measurement within the photometric level of ∼2×10−4\sim 2 \times 10^{-4} in the IR, (5) no evidence of stellar variability at the same photometric level within 1 year.Comment: 43 pages, 18 figure

    PyLightcurve-torch: a transit modelling package for deep learning applications in PyTorch

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    We present a new open source python package, based on PyLightcurve and PyTorch, tailored for efficient computation and automatic differentiation of exoplanetary transits. The classes and functions implemented are fully vectorised, natively GPU-compatible and differentiable with respect to the stellar and planetary parameters. This makes PyLightcurve-torch suitable for traditional forward computation of transits, but also extends the range of possible applications with inference and optimisation algorithms requiring access to the gradients of the physical model. This endeavour is aimed at fostering the use of deep learning in exoplanets research, motivated by an ever increasing amount of stellar light curves data and various incentives for the improvement of detection and characterisation techniques.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; submission status updated, fig 2 caption adde

    Impact of planetary mass uncertainties on exoplanet atmospheric retrievals

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    In current models used to interpret exoplanet atmospheric observations, the planet mass is treated as a prior and is estimated independently with external methods, such as RV or TTV techniques. This approach is necessary as available spectroscopic data do not have sufficient wavelength coverage and/or SNR to infer the planetary mass. We examine here the impact of mass uncertainties on spectral retrieval analyses for a host of atmospheric scenarios. Our approach is both analytical and numerical: we first use simple approximations to extract analytically the influence of each parameter to the wavelength-dependent transit depth. We then adopt a fully Bayesian retrieval model to quantify the propagation of the mass uncertainty onto other atmospheric parameters. We found that for clear-sky, gaseous atmospheres the posterior distributions are the same when the mass is known or retrieved. The retrieved mass is very accurate, with a precision of more than 10%, provided the wavelength coverage and S/N are adequate. When opaque clouds are included in the simulations, the uncertainties in the retrieved mass increase, especially for high altitude clouds. However atmospheric parameters such as the temperature and trace-gas abundances are unaffected by the knowledge of the mass. Secondary atmospheres are more challenging due to the higher degree of freedom for the atmospheric main component, which is unknown. For broad wavelength range and adequate SNR, the mass can still be retrieved accurately and precisely if clouds are not present, and so are all the other atmospheric/planetary parameters. When clouds are added, we find that the mass uncertainties may impact substantially the retrieval of the mean molecular weight: an independent characterisation of the mass would therefore be helpful to capture/confirm the main atmospheric constituent.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, Accepted in Ap

    Detrending Exoplanetary Transit Light Curves with Long Short-Term Memory Networks

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    The precise derivation of transit depths from transit light curves is a key component for measuring exoplanet transit spectra, and henceforth for the study of exoplanet atmospheres. However, it is still deeply affected by various kinds of systematic errors and noise. In this paper we propose a new detrending method by reconstructing the stellar flux baseline during transit time. We train a probabilistic Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to predict the next data point of the light curve during the out-of-transit, and use this model to reconstruct a transit-free light curve - i.e. including only the systematics - during the in-transit. By making no assumption about the instrument, and using only the transit ephemeris, this provides a general way to correct the systematics and perform a subsequent transit fit. The name of the proposed model is TLCD-LSTM, standing for Transit Light Curve Detrending LSTM. Here we present the first results on data from six transit observations of HD 189733b with the IRAC camera on board the Spitzer Space Telescope, and discuss some of its possible further applications.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Blind extraction of an exoplanetary spectrum through Independent Component Analysis

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    Blind-source separation techniques are used to extract the transmission spectrum of the hot-Jupiter HD189733b recorded by the Hubble/NICMOS instrument. Such a 'blind' analysis of the data is based on the concept of independent component analysis. The de-trending of Hubble/NICMOS data using the sole assumption that nongaussian systematic noise is statistically independent from the desired light-curve signals is presented. By not assuming any prior, nor auxiliary information but the data themselves, it is shown that spectroscopic errors only about 10 - 30% larger than parametric methods can be obtained for 11 spectral bins with bin sizes of ~0.09 microns. This represents a reasonable trade-off between a higher degree of objectivity for the non-parametric methods and smaller standard errors for the parametric de-trending. Results are discussed in the light of previous analyses published in the literature. The fact that three very different analysis techniques yield comparable spectra is a strong indication of the stability of these results.Comment: ApJ accepte

    A Hybrid Line List for CH4 and Hot Methane Continuum

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    Molecular line lists (a catalogue of transition frequencies and line strengths) are important for modelling absorption and emission processes in atmospheres of different astronomical objects, such as cool stars and exoplanets. In order to be applicable for high temperatures, line lists for molecules like methane must contain billions of transitions, which makes their direct (line-by-line) application in radiative transfer calculations impracticable. Here we suggest a new, hybrid line list format to mitigate this problem, based on the idea of temperature-dependent absorption continuum. Methods. The line list is partitioned into a large set of relatively weak lines and a small set of important, stronger lines. The weaker lines are then used either to construct a temperature-dependent (but pressure-independent) set of intensity cross sections or are blended into a greatly reduced set of super-lines. The strong lines are kept in the form of temperature independent Einstein A coefficients. Results. A line list for methane is constructed as a combination of 17 million strong absorption lines relative to the reference absorption spectra and a background methane continuum in two temperature-dependent forms, of cross sections and super-lines. This approach eases the use of large high temperature line lists significantly as the computationally expensive calculation of pressure dependent profiles only need to be performed for a relatively small number of lines. Both the line list and cross sections were generated using a new 34 billion methane line list (34 to10), which extends the 10to10 line list to higher temperatures (up to 2000 K). The new hybrid scheme can be applied to any large line lists containing billions of transitions. We recommend to use super-lines generated on a high resolution grid based on resolving power R = 1,000,000 to model the molecular continuum as a more flexible alternative to the temperature dependent cross sections

    Water vapour in the atmosphere of the habitable-zone eight Earth-mass planet K2-18 b

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    In the past decade, observations from space and ground have found H2_2O to be the most abundant molecular species, after hydrogen, in the atmospheres of hot, gaseous, extrasolar planets. Being the main molecular carrier of oxygen, H2_2O is a tracer of the origin and the evolution mechanisms of planets. For temperate, terrestrial planets, the presence of H2_2O is of great significance as an indicator of habitable conditions. Being small and relatively cold, these planets and their atmospheres are the most challenging to observe, and therefore no atmospheric spectral signatures have so far been detected. Super-Earths -- planets lighter than ten M⊕_\oplus -- around later-type stars may provide our first opportunity to study spectroscopically the characteristics of such planets, as they are best suited for transit observations. Here we report the detection of an H2_2O spectroscopic signature in the atmosphere of \planet\ -- an eight M⊕_\oplus planet in the habitable-zone of an M-dwarf -- with high statistical confidence (ADI = 5.0, ∼\sim3.6σ\sigma). In addition, the derived mean molecular weight suggests an atmosphere still containing some hydrogen. The observations were recorded with the Hubble Space Telescope/WFC3 camera, and analysed with our dedicated, publicly available, algorithms. While the suitability of M-dwarfs to host habitable worlds is still under discussion, \planet\ offers an unprecedented opportunity to get insight into the composition and climate of habitable-zone planets.Comment: Published in Nature Astronom

    Disentangling Atmospheric Compositions of K2-18 b with Next Generation Facilities

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    Recent analysis of the planet K2-18b has shown the presence of water vapour in its atmosphere. While the H2O detection is significant, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFC3 spectrum suggests three possible solutions of very different nature which can equally match the data. These solutions include a primary cloudy atmosphere with traces of water vapour and a secondary atmosphere with a substantial amount of H2O and/or an undetectable gas such as N2. Additionally, the atmospheric pressure and the possible presence of a liquid/solid surface cannot be investigated with currently available observations. In this paper we used the best fit parameters from Tsiaras et al. (2019) to build JWST and Ariel simulations of the three scenarios. We have investigated 18 retrieval cases, which encompass the three scenarios and different observational strategies with the two observatories. Retrieval results show that twenty combined transits should be enough for the Ariel mission to disentangle the three scenarios, while JWST would require only two transits if combining NIRISS and NIRSpec data. This makes K2-18b an ideal target for atmospheric follow-ups by both facilities and highlights the capabilities of the next generation of space-based infrared observatories to provide a complete picture of low gravity planets.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure
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