22 research outputs found

    Acute appendicitis in incarcerated groin hernias

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    W niniejszym artykule autorzy przedstawiają dwa przypadki chorych operowanych z powodu uwięźniętej przepukliny pachwinowej i udowej po stronie prawej, które zawierały wyrostek robaczkowy zmieniony zapalnie.We report two patients operated on due to incarcerated right inguinal and femoral hernia contained inflamed appendix

    Modyfikacja warstwy palnej prochów nitrocelulozowych za pomocą ciekłych nitroestrów

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    The article describes the use of liquid nitroesters (nitroglycerine, dinitrodiethyleneglycol and dinitrotriethyleneglycol) as modifiers of the burning layer of nitrocellulose powders. The properties of the modified powder were determined and compared with those of the base powder. The modification process did not change the powder’s geometry. The increase in heat of combustion is obtained by using a larger amount of nitroglycerine (from 6 to 8 phr) or by using dinitrotriethyleneglycol without an inert polymer. By using the appropriate composition and type of modifiers, a similar intensity of gas formation was obtained for different nitroesters. A faster loss of the stabilizer was observed for the powders with nitroglycerine. All modified powders will be stable for 10 years of storage at 25 °C.W artykule opisano zastosowanie ciekłych nitroestrów (nitrogliceryny, dinitrodietylenoglikolu i dinitrotrietylenoglikolu) jako modyfikatorów warstwy palnej prochów nitrocelulozowych. Określono właściwości prochów modyfikowanych i porównano je z prochem bazowym. Stwierdzono, że proces modyfikacji nie wpływa na zmianę geometrii prochów. Wzrost kaloryczności uzyskuje się przy zastosowaniu większej ilości nitrogliceryny (od 6 do 8 phr) lub zastosowaniu dinitrotrietylenoglikolu bez inertnego polimeru. Stosując odpowiedni skład i rodzaj modyfikatorów uzyskano zbliżoną intensywność powstawania gazów dla różnych nitroestrów. Dla prochów z nitrogliceryną zaobserwowano szybszy ubytek stabilizatora. Wszystkie modyfikowane prochy będą stabilne przez 10 lat składowania w temperaturze 25 °C

    Modyfikowanie HTPB (α,ω-dihydroksypolibutadienu) w reakcjach estryfikacji, silanizacji, epoksydacji i uwodornienia

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    α,ω-Dihydroksypolibutadien (HTPB) jest cennym komonomerem do otrzymywania poliuretanów. Dzięki swoim specyficznym właściwościom, nadaje tym tworzywom mrozoodporność i świetne właściwości mechaniczne, szczególnie w niskich temperaturach. Tak otrzymywane poliuretany znajdują zastosowanie w produkcji stałych paliw rakietowych używanych w napędach rakiet kosmicznych i wojskowych, a także są podstawą mrozoodpornych klejów i lepiszcz oraz materiałów izolacyjnych. Współczesne badania nad doborem lepiszcza wskazują na zastosowanie polimerów wysokoenergetycznych lub modyfikacji dotychczas stosowanych polimerów polepszających ich właściwości. W nowoczesnych rakietowych materiałach pędnych polimerowe lepiszcze, może zostać zastąpione odpowiednim wysokoenergetycznym związkiem chemicznym, czyli polimerem z wbudowanymi grupami energetycznymi, takimi jak azydkowa lub nitrowa. W prezentowanym artykule przedstawione zostaną wyniki badań nad takimi sposobami modyfikacji HTPB, które zapewnią jego rozszerzoną aplikacj

    The complication rate, but not the mortality rate, lower after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy than after open surgical gastrostomy; comparison of two methods in a high volume group of patients

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    INTRODUCTION: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has become the primary procedure for long-term enteral nutrition of most, but not all patients with dysphagia. Still in some patients gastrostomy may only be performed with open surgical technique (SG). Finally, in some patients due to relative contraindications to both methods, surgeons have to choose one of them. AIM: To compare PEG with SG in terms of effectiveness and safety. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study of 612 patients with dysphagia, who underwent PEG (573) or SG (39) was conducted. Authors analysed effectiveness of PEG and SG procedures as well as the type, frequency and treatment methods of complications classified according to Clavien-Dindo Classification. RESULTS: The rate of all complications was significantly lower for PEG than for SG and a significant effect of the treatment type on the probability of serious complications was observed – notably lower after PEG (OR = 0.21, 95% CI: 0.05–0.8, p = 0.02). The 30-day mortality rate was 1.74% for PEG and 0% for SG. PEG patients who required laparotomy were over 30 times more likely to die than others. No significant effect of the nutrition status on the probability of serious complications was observed (OR = 0.83, 95% CI: 0.51–1.34, p = 0.46). CONCLUSIONS: A significant effect of the treatment type on the probability of serious complications was confirmed. This result was robust to the preoperative patients’ nutrition status which was found to be insignificant. A lower risk of postoperative complications, a relatively easy procedure make PEG a procedure of choice in patients with dysphagia

    Absorbed power distribution in the whole-body system of a tractor operator

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    Introduction and objective Many people are exposed to vibration (WBV) in their occupational lives. The biodynamic responses of the human body in sitting conditions have been widely measured under whole-body vibration (WBV). The measures are most often expressed in terms of force-motion relations at the driving-point, namely, mechanical impedance, apparent mass and absorbed power, and flow of vibration through the body, such as seat-to-head and body segments vibration transmissibility. The absorbed power is a measure of the energy absorbed by the subject due to the external forces applied to the system. Material and Methods The body behaves like a vibrating physical system with distributed energy-storage elements (masses, springs) and energy-dissipation elements (dampers). The total quantity of power can be divided into 2 components – one real and one imaginary. The real component reflects the energy-absorbing part of the system, due to the transformation of friction into heat within the tissues. The imaginary component reflects the energy-storing part of the system which does not consume any vibration energy. Results The seated human is modeled as a series 4-DOF dynamic models. After introduction of the excitation, the response in particular segments of the model can be analyzed. As an example, the vibration power dissipated in an operator’s body segments has been determined as a function of the agricultural combination operating speed 1.4 – 2.75 ms -1 . Conclusions The concept of absorbed power as a measurement for evaluation of WBV exposure opens a new area for research. The important character of absorbed power is that it has physical significance and therefore can be measured as well as computed analytically. The absorbed power relates to dissipation of energy attributed to relative motions of the visco-elastic tissues, muscles and skeletal system, which under prolonged exposures could lead to physical damage in the musculoskeletal system. A structural model of the human operator allows determination of the dynamic characteristics of the model, and study of the energy flow between the elements of the model