16 research outputs found

    Avisenes bruk av meningsmålinger

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    Veksten i politiske meningsmålinger er et viktig trekk ved utviklingen av den politiske offentlighet de siste 30-40 årene. Med USA som foregangsland har meningsmålinger om aktuelle samfunnsspørsmål blitt et stadig mer markant innslag i den vestlige verdens politiske hverdag. Denne utviklingen reiser viktige spørsmål om meningsmålingenes betydning i vårt demokratiske styresett

    Medier, meningsdannelse og den politiske dagsorden

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    The World on Television Market-driven, Public Service News

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    How does television cover foreign news? What is covered and how? The present article reports on a comparative study of a license-financed public broadcaster and an advertising- financed channel in Norway – the NRK and TV2 , respectively. Both channels give priority to international news. While the NRK devotes more time to foreign news (both in absolute and relative numbers) than TV2 does, other aspects of the coverage are strikingly similar: The news is event oriented, there is heavy use of eyewitness footage, and certain regions are hardly visible. At least three explanations can be used to understand these findings: the technological platform (what footage is available, etc.) and the existence of a common news culture that is based on ratings and similar views on what is considered “good television”. A third factor is that both channels still have public service obligation

    Can We Trust Recall-Data?

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    Norske tv-nyheter:forskjeller og likheter. stabilitet og endring

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