22 research outputs found

    Dynamics of neuroinflammation in the macrosphere model of arterio-arterial embolic focal ischemia: an approximation to human stroke patterns

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neuroinflammation evolves as a multi-facetted response to focal cerebral ischemia. It involves activation of resident glia cell populations, recruitment of blood-derived leucocytes as well as humoral responses. Among these processes, phagocyte accumulation has been suggested to be a surrogate marker of neuroinflammation. We previously assessed phagocyte accumulation in human stroke by MRI. We hypothesize that phagocyte accumulation in the macrosphere model may resemble the temporal and spatial patterns observed in human stroke.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a rat model of permanent focal ischemia by embolisation of TiO<sub>2</sub>-spheres we assessed key features of post-ischemic neuroinflammation by the means of histology, immunocytochemistry of glial activation and influx of hematogeneous cells, and quantitative PCR of TNF-α, IL-1, IL-18, and iNOS mRNA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the boundary zone of the infarct, a transition of ramified microglia into ameboid phagocytic microglia was accompanied by an up-regulation of MHC class II on the cells after 3 days. By day 7, a hypercellular infiltrate consisting of activated microglia and phagocytic cells formed a thick rim around the ischemic infarct core. Interestingly, in the ischemic core microglia could only be observed at day 7. TNF-α was induced rapidly within hours, IL-1β and iNOS peaked within days, and IL-18 later at around 1 week after ischemia.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The macrosphere model closely resembles the characteristical dynamics of postischemic inflammation previously observed in human stroke. We therefore suggest that the macrosphere model is highly appropriate for studying the pathophysiology of stroke in a translational approach from rodent to human.</p

    Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption by Low-Frequency Ultrasound

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    Neuroprotective effects of MK-801 in different rat stroke models for permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion: adverse effects of hypothalamic damage and strategies for its avoidance

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) with the use of the suture technique causes hypothalamic damage with subsequent hyperthermia, which can confound neuroprotective drug studies. In the present study the neuroprotective effects of dizocilpine (MK-801) were compared in different permanent MCAO models with and without hypothalamic damage and hyperthermia. METHODS: Sixty Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with MK-801 or placebo, beginning 15 minutes before MCAO, and assigned to the following groups: suture MCAO (group I), macrosphere MCAO without hypothalamic damage (group II), or macrosphere MCAO with intentionally induced hypothalamic infarction (group III). Body temperature was measured at 3, 6, and 24 hours. Lesion size was determined after 24 hours (2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining). RESULTS: Hypothalamic damage was present in animals in group I and was intentionally induced in group III with the use of a modified macrosphere MCAO technique. Body temperature was significantly increased 3, 6, and 24 hours after MCAO in these 2 groups of animals. Hypothalamic damage and subsequent hyperthermia could be avoided effectively by limiting the number of macrospheres (group II). MK-801 provided a highly significant neuroprotective effect in group II but not in groups I and III. CONCLUSIONS: Hypothalamic damage with subsequent hyperthermia masked the neuroprotective effect of MK-801. This side effect can be avoided by using the macrosphere MCAO technique with a limited number of spheres. This model therefore may be more appropriate to study the effects of neuroprotective drugs in permanent focal cerebral ischemia than the suture method

    Middle cerebral artery occlusion during MR-imaging: investigation of the hyperacute phase of stroke using a new in-bore occlusion model in rats

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides insights into the dynamics of focal cerebral ischemia. Usually, experimental stroke is induced outside the magnet bore, preventing investigators from acquiring pre-ischemic images for later pixel-by-pixel comparisons and from studying the earliest changes in the hyperacute phase of ischemia. Herein, we introduce a new and easy to apply in-bore occlusion protocol based on the intraarterial embolization of ceramic macrospheres. PE-50 tubing, filled with saline and six macrospheres (0.315-0.355 mm in diameter), was placed into the internal carotid artery (ICA) of anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats. The animals were transferred into an MRI scanner (7.0 T) and baseline diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and T2-imaging was performed. Then the macrospheres were injected into the internal artery to occlude the MCA. Post-ischemic DWI and T2-imaging was started immediately thereafter. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) (a marker for cytotoxic brain edema) and T2-relaxation time (a marker for vasogenic brain edema) were determined in the ischemic lesions and compared to the unaffected hemisphere. ADC significantly declined within the first 5-10 min after stroke onset. T2-relaxation time increased as early as at the first T2-imaging time-point (20-35 min after embolization). After 150 min of ischemia, the lesions covered 18.0 +/- 7.4% of the hemispheres. The model failed in one out of nine animals (11%). This model allows MR-imaging from the initial minutes after permanent middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion. It does not permit reperfusion. This technique might provide information about the pathophysiological processes in the hyperacute phase of stroke

    Noninvasive quantification of brain edema and the space-occupying effect in rat stroke models using magnetic resonance imaging

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Brain edema is a life-threatening consequence of stroke and leads to an extension of the affected tissue. The space-occupying effect due to brain edema can be quantified in rat stroke models with the use of MRI. The present study was performed to test 2 hypotheses: (1) Can quantification of the space-occupying effect due to brain edema serve as a noninvasive measure for brain water content? (2) Does morphometric assessment of brain swelling allow determination of true infarct size on MRI after correction for the space-occupying effect of edema? METHODS: Thirty rats were subjected to permanent suture middle cerebral artery occlusion. MRI was performed after 6 or 24 hours, and hemispheric swelling was assessed morphometrically. Interobserver and intraobserver agreements were determined for MRI measurements. In study I, the space-occupying effect due to brain edema was correlated with the absolute brain water content by the wet/dry method. In study II, lesion volumes corrected and uncorrected for edema were calculated on MRI and on TTC staining and compared. RESULTS: Interobserver and intraobserver agreements for MRI measurements were excellent (r\u3eor=0.97). Brain water content and hemispheric swelling correlated well after 6 and 24 hours (r\u3eor=0.95). Corrected lesion volumes correlated with r=0.78 between TTC staining and MRI. Without edema correction, lesion volumes were overestimated by 20.3% after 6 hours and by 29.6% after 24 hours of ischemia. CONCLUSIONS: Morphometric assessment of hemispheric swelling on MRI can determine the increase in absolute brain water content noninvasively and can also provide ischemic lesion volumes corrected for brain edema

    Experimental stroke: ischaemic lesion volume and oedema formation differ among rat strains (a comparison between Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats using MRI)

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    Investigating focal cerebral ischaemia requires animal models that are relevant to human stroke. This study was designed to evaluate the influence of early reperfusion and choice of rat strains on infarct volume and oedema formation. Thirty-six Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to temporary middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) for 90 min (groups I and II) or to permanent MCAO (groups III and IV) using the suture technique. Ischaemic lesion volume and oedema formation were quantified 24 h after MCAO using 7T-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Impact of rat strains: Reperfusion led to significant larger ischaemic lesion volumes in Wistar rats as compared to Sprague-Dawley rats (P\u3c0.0005). Oedema formation was similar in both rat strains. Permanent MCAO led to significantly larger ischaemic lesion volumes in Sprague-Dawley rats (P\u3c0.05). Oedema formation, however, was significantly more accentuated in Wistar rats (P\u3c0.005). Impact of reperfusion: Reperfusion did not cause any changes in ischaemic lesion volume in Wistar rats. Oedema formation, however, was significantly reduced (P\u3c0.0005). In Sprague-Dawley rats, reperfusion caused a significant reduction of ischaemic lesion volume (P\u3c0.00005), but did not modify oedema formation. These findings emphasize the critical importance of rat strain differences in experimental stroke research

    Complications and pitfalls in rat stroke models for middle cerebral artery occlusion: a comparison between the suture and the macrosphere model using magnetic resonance angiography

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Investigating focal cerebral ischemia requires animal models that are relevant to human stroke. Complications and side effects are common among these models. The present study describes potential pitfalls in 3 techniques for middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in rats using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). METHODS: Rats were subjected to temporary MCAO for 90 minutes using the suture technique (group I; n=10) or to permanent MCAO using the suture technique (group II; n=10) or the macrosphere technique (group III; n=10). Clinical evaluation was performed after 3 hours and 24 hours. After 24 hours, animals underwent MRI and MRA to determine lesion size and the intracranial vascular status. RESULTS: Hemispheric lesion volume was significantly smaller in group I (14.6%) compared with groups II (35.2%; PCONCLUSIONS: Model failures occurred frequently in all groups. MRI and MRA helps to identify animals that need to be excluded from experimental stroke studies