10 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Desain Tapak Jasa Lingkungan Wisata Alam Di Hutan Lindung Gunung Mahawu

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    The main objective of this study is to develop a site design for planning the development and management of natural tourism environmental services that are harmonious and harmonious with the natural environmental conditions in the Mount Mahawu Protection Forest by describing the potential, potential distribution and site analysis of each potential natural tourist attraction object. This research began in March to May 2023. The data used in this study were secondary data and primary data. Survey methods namely observation and inventory are used to obtain primary data in the form of biophysical data on research locations, types of potential natural tourist attraction objects as well as information on flora and fauna obtained at potential ODTW points determined by purposive sampling. Secondary data was obtained from a literature study as well as data from related institutions, namely the Forest Management Unit V of the Regional Forestry Service of North Sulawesi Province. The results showed that there were 6 forms of Land Mapping Unit (LMU) and 7 Land Utilization Types (LUT). The level of feasibility of developing ODTW potential consists of low to high categories. The high potential category is in LMU V and VI. LMU II is in the medium category class, LMU I, III and IV are in the medium and low categories. Alternatives to developing management space consist of business space covering an area of 522.663 Ha and public space of 53.265 Ha or 9.25% of the total site area by considering ecological, policy, technical and socio-cultural aspects

    Evaluasi Keragaan Kelompok Binaan Di Daerah Penyangga Bagian Selatan Taman Nasional Bunaken

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    This study aims to describe as well to evaluate the performance of the fostered groups in the southern buffer zone of the Bunaken National Park. This research was conducted from April to June 2022. The research method used is semi-quantitative analysis where data collection is carried out using a questionnaire to see the indicators of Institutional Management, Estate Management and Business Management of each target group based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry PP.89/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/8/2018 concerning Forest Farmer Groups. The selection of respondents was done intentionally, who are the administrators and members of the Bunaken National Park Center assisted groups, namely: Cahaya Trans, Singkanaung, Mutirara Kreatif, Minaesa Sylva Jaya and Cahaya Tatapaan. The results of the interview will be verified with physical evidence in the form of Minutes, Decision Letters, Attendance and so on. The results showed that the dynamics of the different assisted groups fluctuated so that they needed social engineering to improve their performance, while for the performance assessment the Minaesa Sylva Jaya group with a score of 10.53 or the Less category, while for the three groups it was in the Enough category; Mutiara Kreatif (54.39), Cahaya Trans (47.37), and Singkanaung (33.33) while Cahaya Tatapaan with a score of 65.79 or included in the Good category. prevent a vacuum and maintain the continuity of the community empowerment program in the southern buffer area of Bunaken National Park

    Persepsi Petani Terhadap Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat Campaka di Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This research aims to determine the farmers' perceptions of managing the Cempaka community forest in Minahasa District. The study was conducted for five months, from December 2022 to April 2023. The selection of respondents was intentional. The data used in this research includes primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through interviews using questionnaires administered to 98 community forest farmers in Minahasa District. The collected data includes the characteristics of the community forest, such as the respondents' characteristics (ethnicity, gender, age, education level, number of dependents, monthly income, principal occupation, membership in forest farmer groups, and the intensity of extension services), as well as the characteristics of the community forest, such as the applied community forest patterns, land area, land status, and the farmers' perceptions of the management of the Cempaka community forest. The farmers' perceptions were assessed based on their knowledge of Cempaka, and the functions of the community forest were evaluated from four aspects: social-cultural, conservation and ecological, economic, and regulatory. Secondary data were obtained from reports and journal articles that support the research topic. The research findings indicate that the level of perception among community forest farmers in Minahasa District is categorized as high. This means that the farmers have a good understanding of Cempaka and the functions of the Cempaka community forest in terms of social-cultural, ecological and conservation, economic, and regulatory aspects. The cultivation of Cempaka is a genetic legacy that needs to be preserved and passed down to future generations. Therefore, the functions of the community forest should not only be seen from an economic perspective but also in terms of preserving local tree species. Government support in developing the Cempaka community forest is crucial, particularly in terms of policy regulation.   &nbsp

    Analisis Penerimaan Petani Penyadap Getah Pinus Di Hutan Kemasyarakatan Sipatuo Lembang Pa’tengko Kecamatan Mengkendek Kabupaten Tana Toraja

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    This study aims to analyze how much pine resin tapping farmers receive and describe the marketing channels of pine resin tapping farmers in the Sipatuo Community Forest, Lembang Pa'tengko, Mengkendek District, Tana Toraja Regency. The variables to be observed in this study are pine resin production, tapper farmers' revenue, socio-economic factors, management of Sipatuo HKm, and marketing channels. The data collection method was carried out through surveys and distributing questionnaires to pine resin tappers as many as 40 respondents. Data is analyzed descriptively and revenue is calculated based on the Total Revenue equation. The results showed that the Sipatuo HKm was a limited production forest managed by the Lembang Pa'tengko community, the tree stands that were managed were a government reforestation program in 1976-1978. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of the average tapper acceptance of Rp6,300,450 thus the reception of tappers at HKm Sipatuo is sufficient to meet household needs because the average acceptance of tappers exceeds the UMP of South Sulawesi. Marketing of pine resin in HKm is carried out on average once a month, with a selling price of pine resin, which is Rp. 9,500.00 where the pine resin is sold to partners as one intermediary, then the pine resin is sent to CV.Pindo Indonesia in Makassar as a large collector


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    This study aimed to evaluate the conservation partnership program comprehensively and the factors that affect the achievement of the program inside and outside society related with the programs. This research used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods in a dominant-less dominant design which was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that conservation partnership program already meets the expectations and needs of the community. In environment aspects shows that cover of coral reefs at the conservation partnership site is in moderate condition (35.28%) if compared to the condition of coral reefs outside the conservation partnership site which is in bad condition (18.25%). 266 fish were found on conservation partnership site, while only 187 fish found in off-site conservation partnership. In economic perspective, there are an increase in people. In social point, the existence of this conservation partnership program has raised awareness of the importance of coral reef ecosystems. From internal factors, the need for financial aid is essential to encourage people to start the conservation partnership program, while in external factors, better regulation from the local government will motivate people to join the program

    Kajian Sistem Perladangan di Kabupaten Bolaang Mogondow (Studi Kasus Perladangan di Kphp Wilayah II Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow)

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    The study aimed to (1) describe the characteristics of the socio-economic, (2) describe the characteristic of ecological farming in the region KPHP unit II Bolaang Mongondow district, and (3) analyze the development strategy KPHP Unit II in the district based on empowerment Bolaang Mongondow cultivators. This research was conducted with descriptive and semi-quantitative approach. Data analysing for the development of management strategies used SWOT analysis. The primary data obtained through interviews in three (3) villages namely Pindolili, Village Pindol and Village Totabuan to 20 informants, consisting of 3 (three) the village chief, two religious leaders in the two (2) village, 2 (two) historians the formation of the village and 12 (twelve) cultivators in three (3) villages. While the secondary data obtained through statistical data and information obtained from the forestry policy forestry official website. Results of research on (1) socio-economic condition around the area KPHP unit II Bolaang Mongondow district shows that the agricultural sector is still the main source of livelihood of society. Socio-cultural conditions of communities in the study area are a heterogeneous society with different ethnic groups. They are still implement a culture or tradition that can threaten the sustainability of their livelihoods; (2) Ecological condition in the area KPHP unit II shows that the high danger of erosion due to geography land that shaped mountains with slope ranging from moderate to steep and the actions of farming and poor land management on critical land of steep hills. (3) Based on the results of the SWOT analysis for development strategy is the designation of priority and urgency, the development of nature tourism potential for increased use of environmental services, increased perception and participation of the formal integration of development and the development of food security by reforestation and forest conservation. The implementation strategy of forest management in the region KPHP unit II Bolaang Mongondow needs to be done in the form of maintenance of the water catchment area to ensure the availability of water production for the dam in the village Pindol, increasing role in the development of tourism and recreation participation of the parties primarily concerned to control encroachment and set the direction and strategy of development associated with the function of the ministry of forestry

    Strategi Pengembangan Hutan Kemasyarakatan Dalam Program Perhutanan Sosial Di Kawasan Hutan Lindung Gunung Lembean Wilayah Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Unit V

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    The study aims to analyze the potential of biophysical civil-forest clearances, analyze economic, institutional, social and cultural conditions, and track stakeholders in determining civil-forest development strategies in the region of Lembean Mountain Reserves. The study was conducted for three months, ranging from March to May 2023. The data used is primary and secondary data. Primary data is collected through interviews, based on questionnaires. The number of respondents to the weight of four respondents with both expert and experienced levels of people's empowerment around the forest region. The number of respondents to give a twenty-first rate to those of a forest-farm group with a permit to use a community forest. The data collected in primary data concern economic conditions, institutional, social and cultural conditions, and stakeholder in determining development strategies. The turnaround strategy is a research strategy developed for the development of community forests in the Lembean Mountain Forest Area. The strategy is to facilitate the establishment and strengthening of group institutions, facilitate businesses wishing to invest with community groups through mutually beneficial cooperation, and develop patterns of agroforestry systems that have products and economic value


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    This study aims to measure the productivity of potential utilization of ferns Diplazium esculentum Swartz and analyze the socio-economic characteristics of community members who employed fern Diplazium esculentum Swartz as a source of income and to describe the pattern of utilization and contribution of ferns Diplazium esculentum Swartz for the community members in Kampung Ayawasi, District North Aifat, District of Maybrat, West Papua Province. The method used is the method of lines; census method is less than 100. This study includes ecological aspects, economic aspects i.e. incomes. Other analytical method used is the analysis of the contribution to household income communities. This study found that productivity of potential utilization of ferns Diplazium esculentum Swartz of Village community in Ayawasi Aifat is total revenue of Rp 530 000,00 or (68.86%) in a range of categories is quite effective at 25-75. Income people who use the fern Diplazium esculentum Swartz can be influenced by socio-economic factors are factors respondents' personal characteristics such as age, education and land, as well as how to harvest. The utilization pattern of fern Diplazium esculentum Swartz has contributed to an increase in household income communities. It was proven that members of community who are active in picking, earn greater revenue compared to people who are not actively lower revenue in conducting harvesting ferns

    Evaluasi Efektivitas Pengelolaan Taman Wisata Alam Batuputih dan Dampaknya terhadap Pendapatan Masyarakat

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    Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Batuputih memiliki potensi wisata alam yang bagus, namun tidak banyak masyarakat sekitar yang mengambil peluang usaha, ataupun melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat efektivitas pengelolaan TWA Batuputih dan menganalisa dampak pengelolaan TWA Batuputih terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga masyarakat sekitar. Metode untuk mengukur tingkat efektivitas metode METT (Management Effectiveness Tracking Tools), dan uji beda yang membandingkan antara pendapatan masyarakat yang aktif dan tidak aktif dalam wisata alam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat Efektivitas pengelolaan TWA Batuputih termasuk dalam kategori cukup efektif. Dampak dari pengelolaan ini terhadap nilai ekonomi khususnya peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat sekitar ternyata masih belum dirasakan terbukti dengan dilakukannya uji beda pendapatan masyarakat yang aktif dan tidak aktif dalam wisata alam hasilnya tidak berbeda nyata. Sebaiknya pengelola perlu melakukan penambahan fasilitas wisata alam, penguatan kelembagaan pengelolaan TWA Batuputih, penerapan konsep pengelolaan kolaboratif, serta melakukan pendekatan dan koordinasi dengan pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat sekitar agar mendukung konsep pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Kata kunci : pengelolaan taman wisata alam, pendapatan masyarakat sekitar, batuputi