48 research outputs found

    The Development of HyperDocs on Chemistry Learning for High School Students’ Collaborative Skills

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    This research aims to produce valid, practical and effective HyperDocs chemistry learning. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D), with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The results of this study are that the HyperDocs product developed has a validity value of 75% with valid criteria, lesson plans, implementation of learning, collaborative skills, and student responses each obtaining an average score of 89.82%, 94.45%, 95%, and 94.17%. The developed HyperDocs has a practical value in the implementation of learning meetings 1 and 2 of 88.89% and 87.59% with very practical criteria, and student responses of 81.11% with very practical criteria. The HyperDocs that were developed are effective in teaching chemistry as seen from the Cohen Effect average value obtained at 0.78 which is included in the medium criteria. The Cohen Class effect size value is 6.74 which is included in the big criteria. There are several aspects of collaborative skills, namely: 1) despair among group members, 2) despair in teamwork and 3) despair in social relations, each of which obtains an average score of 86.46%, 82.29%, and 86, 67%. The average score of individual Leaders is 3.19, Minutes are 3.16, Research is 3.16, and Members are 3

    Application of STAD Type Cooperative Learning Models Integrated With Camtasia Studio Presentation Media on Student's Motivation and Learning Outcomes Class XI MIPA SMAN 1 Sigi Biromaru

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    This research aims to determine the effect of student motivation and outcomes learning through the application of cooperative learning model type of STAD combined with presentation media camtasia studio in class XI MIPA at SMAN 1 Sigi Biromaru. Subject of this research was two classes of XI MIPA1 as much 22 students as the experimental class and XI MIPA2 as much 22 students as a control class determined by Purposive Random Sampling. Data was collected use questionnaire instrument of learning motivation and learning result test. Testing data of research result using t-statistical analysis of t-test (Independent Sample t-Test) with prerequisite test that is normality test and homogeneity test. The average score of students learning motivation in the experimental class was 81 and the average score of students learning motivation in the control class was 67. The average score of students learning outcomes in the experimental class was 85 and the average score of students learning outcomes in the control class was 74. Based on the hypothesis analysis with t-test motivation of learning motivation obtained value tcount = 7.670 and it was located in the region of rejection of H0 between -2.018 and 2.018. Hypothesis analysis with t-test result statistic obtained value tcount = 8.056 and it was located in the region of rejection of H0 between -2,018 and 2.018. The result shows that there is effect of application cooperative learning model type of STAD combined with media presentation of studio camtasia toward the student motivation and outcomes learning in class XI MIPA at SMAN 1 Sigi Biromaru

    Biocharcoal dari Kulit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L)Untuk Mengadsorpsi Ion Logam Timbal Pb

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    Cacao is a commodity crop growth in the plantation farmers, particularly in Central Sulawesi. Processed of the cocoa fruits are mainly as the food products. Furthermore, the cocoa bark just become rubbish. This study aims to utilize the waste of cocoa bark to be used as biocharcoal to adsorb lead metal ions. The method used was spectrophotometry, where the lead ions concentration absorbed was measured using a Spectrodirect spectrophotometer. The results showed that at the optimum contact time 90 minutes, the lead ion capacity adsorption was 97% and the lead weight adsorbed was 25.26 mg/g. The optimum weight of 60 mg, where the lead ions capacity adsorption was 96.88% and the lead weight adsorbed was 25.22 mg/g. The optimum adsorption capacity was 40 ppm, where the lead ions adsorption obtained was 99.61% and the lead weight adsorbed was 10.84 mg/g

    Pemanfaatan Ampas Tahu sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Biodiesel

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    Biodiesel is an alternative raw material for fuel of diesel motor made from vegetable oil. This study attempted to utilize tofu dregs as raw material for biodiesel. This study aimed to determine the yield of biodiesel produced and the content of methyl esters in the biodiesel yield, and to analyze the quality of biodiesel produced based on Indonesian national standard (SNI). This study consisted of four stages: the provision of samples, pre-treatment, esterification and transesterification, and analysis of the quality of biodiesel produced which include the density at 15 °C, the viscosity at 40 °C, and the moisture content. The results showed that the yield of biodiesel was 4.01%, and the content of methyl ester shown by larger Rf (0.87) using eluent of hexane:diethylether:formic acid. Results of the analysis of biodiesel quality obtained the density at 15°C was 864 kg/m3, the viscosity at 40 °C was 2.57 mm2/s, and the water content was 4%. Based on the parameters ofthe density at 15 °C and the viscosity at 40 °C, the product of biodiesel met the requirements of SNI, while in term of the water content the product did not meet the requirements of SNI

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran SQ3R Berbantuan Internet terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X pada Materi Sistem Periodik Unsur di SMA Labschool Palu

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    Internet is a global network connecting thousands and even millions of computer networks with a personal computer so that the user can obtain a variety of information from wider sources. This internet service is used to assist the implementation of the SQ3R learning method that is expected to enrich the literature. The SQ3R learning method is a method of learning which uses the reading technique intensively and rationally to understand the main ideas, the details of a reading, and a comprehensive understanding of a passage with the steps i.e. surveying, asking, reading, communicating, and reviewing. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the implementation of SQ3R learning method internet-assisted to the learning outcomes (cognitive) of students in the class X on the material periodic table of elements at Senior High School Labschool Palu. This research was a quasi-experimental with non-randomized pre-test and post-test control groups design. This research was carried out by holding two groups of class X science 1 as the control group (n = 19) and Class X science 2 as the experimental group (n = 18).Testing of research data used t-test statistical analysis one side (right side) with the prerequisite tests: normality and homogeneity tests. The results of the data analysis obtained the average value (X1 ) of experiment class was 83.94 with a standard deviation of 8.24 and (X1 ) of control class was 77.78 with a standard deviation of 8.54. Results of the hypothesis testing using statistical t-test one side (right side) obtained tcount>ttable value was 1.867 > 1.690 with a confidence level (α) = 0.05 and a degree of freedom (df ) = 35. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, then Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted so it can be concluded that the SQ3R learning method internet-assisted on the material Periodic System of Elements has a positive influence on the learning outcomes of students in the class X at Senior High School Labschool Palu

    Biocharcoal dari Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Cempaka (Elmerrillia Ovalis Miq) Serta Daya Adsorpsinya pada Zink dan Tembaga

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    Cempaka wood is a typical wood in Sulawesi Island and Maluku archipelago. This wood can be used for wood industry particularly for the manufacture of furniture. However, not only furniture can be produced from the wood but also the sawdust as the waste. This research utilized the sawdust of cempaka wood as biocharcoal to adsorb zinc and copper ions included in liquid organic fertilizer complement based on variation of weight and concentration of biocharcoal. The method used in this study was the spectrophotometry spectroDirect with sawdust of cempaka wood as the adsorbent. The results showed the characteristic of water content of biocharcoal was 4.05% while ash content was 7.75%. The optimum weight of biocharcoal to adsorb zinc ions was 40 mg with the adsorption capacity of 19.97 mg/g while for copper ions was 60 mg with the adsorption capacity of 16.16 mg/g. The optimum concentration of zinc and copper ions than can be adsorbed was 60 ppm with the adsorption capacity of 11.80 mg/g for copper ion and 9.29 mg/g for zinc ion

    Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad (Student Teams Achievement Division) Dikombinasikan dengan Media Animasi pada Materi Laju Reaksi Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Palu

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    Students have difficulties in understanding chemistry subject contained mathematical calculation like on reaction rate topic. Cooperative learning model STAD type can be an alternative for the material contained calculation whereas animation media is for conceptual understanding. The objective of the research was to determine the influence of cooperative learning model STAD type combined with animation media for the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Palu in academic year 2012/2013 toward the students' learning outcome on reaction rate material. This research was quasy experimental using posttest-only control group design. The population was the whole eleventh grade students of science program with the sample determination using purposive sampling method. The sample were class of science program 2 as the experimental class which using cooperative learning model STAD type with animation media whereas class of science program 4 as the control one which using convensional learning method. The research results showed that cooperative learning model STAD type combined with animation media at reaction rate material gave students' learning outcome higher than convensional method