28 research outputs found

    Years of service, self-efficacy, stress and burnout among Polish firefighters

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    Objectives: The aim of the research was to analyze the impact of selected factors: years of service, the number of interventions, self-efficacy and stress, on occupational burnout. It was hypothesized that firefighters with more years of service and a bigger number of interventions would be characterized by higher perceived stress and burnout, and that self-efficacy would have an impact on reducing the level of perceived stress and burnout. Material and Methods: The participants were firefighters (N = 576) from 12 Polish voivodeships, aged 20-58 years, with different seniority: up to 3, 4-8, 9-15 or >15 years of service. The following research tools were used: the Link Burnout Questionnaire, the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale, the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale, and an independent questionnaire to gather additional information. A correlation between particular variables was carried out; the Kruskal-Wallis test was performed together with a post-hoc analysis to examine differences in the severity of individual variables depending on seniority, followed by a path analysis studied together with the identification of direct and indirect impacts. Results: The number of interventions did not affect the severity of experienced stress or any of the aspects of burnout. Work experience directly influenced the level of perceived stress (β = 0.219), disillusion (β = 0.076), and relationship deterioration (β = -0.156). The generalized sense of self-efficacy was found to impact both on reducing the sense of stress (β = -0.418) and on all 4 aspects of professional burnout: psychophysical exhaustion (β = -0.181), relationship deterioration (β = -0.16), the sense of professional inefficacy (β = -0.275) and disillusion (β = -0.143). Conclusions: The results have shown that: 1) the number of interventions does not affect the severity of experienced stress or particular aspects of burnout; 2) years of service increase the severity of experienced stress and occupational burnout; 3) self-efficacy has an impact both on reducing the sense of stress and on all aspects of burnout

    The risk of bullying and probability of help-seeking behaviors in school children : a Bayesian network analysis

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    An increase in aggressive behaviors in adolescents has been observed for a few years. The participation in bullying is associated with many psychosocial difficulties in adolescent development. On the other hand, the help-seeking behavior can be one of the most important protective factors that reduce the risk for this type of violence. The study was aimed at estimating the risk factors, as well as the protective factors of school bullying, by using the Bayesian networks to build a model allowing to estimate the probability of occurrence of the aggressive and help-seeking behaviors among school children. The focus was on individual risk/protective factors related to EAS temperament (emotionality, activity, and sociability) and variables related to the family context (level of cohesion, flexibility, family communication, and family life satisfaction). Bayesian methods have not been particularly mainstream in the social and medical sciences. The sample comprised 75 students (32 boys and 43 girls), aged 13–15 (M = 13.82; SD = 0.47). Assessment comprised The EAS Temperament Questionnaire, Family Adaptability & Cohesion Evaluation Scales FACES IV-SOR (Family Rating Scale), and Survey questionnaire. The Bayesian networks were applied. Depending on the values of the identified variables, very high a posteriori probability of bullying and help-seeking behaviors can be predicted. Four EAS subscales (Distress, Fear, Activity, Sociability) and two SOR subscales (Balanced Flexibility and Balanced Cohesion) were identified as predictors of bullying. Moreover, two SOR subscales (Family Communication and Life Family Satisfaction) and one EAS subscale (Sociability) were identified as predictors of help-seeking behaviors. The constructed network made it possible to show the influence of variables related to temperament and variables related to the family environment on the probability of bullying or the probability of seeking help and support. The Bayesian network model used in this study may be used in clinical practice

    Factor structure and psychometric properties of Polish version of Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) among adults and adolescents

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    Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) by Parker et al., is a widely known and used tool in studies on the assessment of parenting behavior in adult, adolescent and child populations. This tool has had many translations and adaptations globally. In Poland, the factor structure and psychometric properties of PBI have not been studied so far. The aim of the presented research was to perform such an analysis both in the group of adults and adolescents. The data from four research projects, in which the 25-item version of the PBI translated into Polish was used, were analyzed. Data from 698 participants in total, including 473 adults and 225 adolescents were collected. Exploratory factor analyzes was performed for both mother and father version. A study of the reliability of individual factors, stability over time (test-retest) and an analysis of criterion validity were carried out. Both in the group of adults and adolescents, obtained a three-factor structure, acceptable reliability and stability over time. Moreover PBI correlated with another Polish tool in line with the adopted hypotheses, showing satisfactory criteria validity

    Państwo i społeczeństwo w XXI wieku : harmonizacja europejskiej przestrzeni współpracy w dziedzinie prawa, kultury i turystyki

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    Słowo wstępne "Poszerzenie Unii Europejskiej w maju 2004 roku różniło się zasadniczo od wcześniejszych. Wymagało bowiem od państw kandydujących nie tylko ogromnego wysiłku dostosowawczego. Daje się ono porównać raczej z początkowym okresem integracji. Wtedy także trzeba było wkroczyć na zupełnie nieznane ścieżki, które stopniowo doprowadziły do jednolitego systemu instytucjonalnego i prawnego, na którym dziś opiera się Wspólnota. Kraje środkowej części naszego kontynentu wchodziły do Unii również z oczekiwaniem, że członkostwo podniesie rangę tych państw na arenie międzynarodowej oraz jednoznacznie określi ich nową pozycję w Europie. Jednoczenie się Europy jest wyrazem głębokiej wspólnoty kulturowej, czerpiącej ze śródziemnomorskich korzeni naszej cywilizacji."(...

    Percetpion of bonding with parents and change of symptoms intensity in patients attending short-term psychodynamic-interpersonal group psychotherapy

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    Cel: Celem badań było sprawdzenie, czy w trakcie krótkoterminowej psychodynamiczno-interpersonalnej psychoterapii grupowej zachodzi zmiana w zakresie percepcji więzi z rodzicami i czy ma ona związek ze zmianą nasilenia objawów nerwicowych. Metoda: Badaniu poddano 107 pacjentów z zaburzeniami nerwicowymi, osobowości i odżywiania uczestniczących w 12-tygodniowym intensywnym cyklu psychoterapii grupowej. Użyto narzędzi: Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) do badania percepcji więzi z rodzicami oraz Kwestionariusza Objawowego SII (KO SII) do badania nasilenia objawów nerwicowych. Pomiarów dokonano na początku i na końcu 12-tygodniowego cyklu psychoterapii. Wyniki: a) Zanotowano zmianę percepcji więzi z rodzicami w całej grupie badanej podczas psychoterapii w wymiarach opieki i kontroli ze strony matki, kontroli ze strony ojca oraz zmianę nasilenia objawów nerwicowych. Percepcja ojcowskiej opieki nie zmieniła się. b) Zanotowano brak korelacji pomiędzy zmianą percepcji więzi z rodzicami a zmianą nasilenia objawów. c) Analiza pozwoliła wyodrębnić trzy różne skupienia wyników dające charakterystyczne profile kompilacji opieki, kontroli i objawów. Wnioski: a) W całej badanej grupie zaobserwowano zmianę percepcji więzi z rodzicami podczas krótkoterminowej psychoterapii grupowej, natomiast po wyodrębnieniu poszczególnych skupień zmiany te okazały się nieistotne. b) Analiza nie wykazała związku pomiędzy zmianą percepcji więzi z rodzicami a zmianą w nasileniu objawów nerwicowych. c) W badanej grupie analiza skupień pozwoliła na wyodrębnienie trzech charakterystycznych profili, odpowiadających poszczególnym stylom więzi z rodzicami. d) Badania mają swoje ograniczenia metodologiczne, w szczególności stosunkowo małoliczną i niejednorodną pod względem diagnozy, wieku i płci grupę badaną.Objectives: The aim of the research was to check whether during short-term psychodynamic-interpersonal group psychotherapy a change in the perception of bonding with parents occurs and if it is associated with a change in the intensity of neurotic symptoms. Methods: A group of 107 patients who suffered from neurosis, personality disorder, or eating disorder participated in a 12-week intensive group psychotherapy. Tools: Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) to evaluate the perception of bonding with parents, and Symptom Checklist KO SII to evaluate the intensity of neurotic symptoms. Measurements were made at the beginning and at the end of the psychotherapy. Results: a) There was a change in perception of bonding with parents during psychotherapy regarding care and control of the mother, control of the father and a change in the intensity of neurotic symptoms when the results were analyzed among the whole group. b) There was no correlation between the change in perception of bonding with parents and the change in intensity of neurotic symptoms. c) The analysis allowed to distinguish three clusters with characteristic profiles. Conclusions: a) In the whole study group we noticed a change in perception of parental bonding, whereas among the distinguished three clusters the observed changes were not significant. b) The analysis did not show any association between the change in perception of bonding with parents and the change in intensity of neurosis symptoms. c) Cluster analysis allowed to distinguish three characteristic profiles, each representing a different pattern of parental bonding. d) The study has, however, methodological limitations, e.g. a relatively small study group, heterogeneous diagnosis, or different age and gender of the participants

    Psychoterapia grupowa online : proces grupowy i efektywność : badania wstępne

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    W czasach globalizacji oraz pandemii rośnie rola zdalnych form pomocy psychologicznej oraz tzw. telemedycyny. O ile psychoterapia indywidualna online doczekała się badania skuteczności (Varker i in., 2019), to na temat psychoterapii grupowej przez internet nadal nie wiele wiemy. Niesie ona nowe wyzwania, a prawdopodobnie wiąże się również z potrzebą tworzenia nowych modeli rozumienia procesów grupowych, funkcjonowania terapeutów, interwencji terapeutycznych oraz dostosowania technologii komputerowej (Weinberg, 2020). W związku z powyższym autorzy projektu postawili kilka zasadniczych pytań: Czy terapia grupowa online może być efektywną formą pomocy podobnie jak tradycyjna? Czy proces grupowy jest podobny do tego znanego z tradycyjnie prowadzonych grup? Czy istnieją jekiejś cechy psychologiczne predystynujące do- lub wykluczające z terapii grupowej online? Jakie są możliwe utrudnienia, mocne i słabe strony, w tym oprogramownia komputerowego, które staje się ważnym elementem procesu, mogącym usprawniać lub ograniczać terapię? Zaplanowano badania, które mają charakter eksploracyjny, aby wstępnie móc odpowiedzieć na powyższe pytania oraz dać możliwość zaprojektowania w przyszłości kolejnych badań, z hipotezami kierunkowymi i ze ściślejszą kontrolą zmiennych (np.wg modelu RCT). Psychoterapia grupowa online może być bardzo dobrym narzędziem, które ułatwi dostęp do tego typu usług, może przeciwdziałać wykluczeniu i izolacji społecznej (np. dla osób niepełnosprawnych czy starszych), wyrównać możlwiość dostępu do pomocy psychologicznej (np.osobom z obszarów o małej dostępności pomocy psychologicznej), jak również obniży koszty udziału (dojazdy, hopitalizacja itd.). Żeby tak się stało, psychoterapia grupowa online musi najpierw uzyskać status metody opartej na dowodach naukowych.In times of globalization and pandemic, the role of remote forms of psychological treatment and telemedicine. While online individual psychotherapy has been tested for effectiveness (Varker et al., 2019), we still do not know much about online group psychotherapy. It brings new challenges, and is probably also need to create new models of understanding group processes, the functioning of therapists, therapeutic interventions, and adapting computer technology (Weinberg, 2020). The authors of the project asked several simple questions: Can online group therapy be an effective form of treatment as traditional one? Is the group process similar to which we known from traditionally groups? Are there any psychological features that predispose to or exclude from online group therapy? What are the possible difficulties, strengths and weaknesses, including computer software which becomes an important part of the process that can improve or limit the therapy? Exploratory studies have been planned in order to initially be able to answer the above questions and give the possibility to design further studies in the future, with a better variables control (e.g. according to the RCT model). Online group psychotherapy may become a good tool that will facilitate access to this type of services, neutralization social exclusio

    Terapia wypalenia zawodowego

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    Factor structure and psychometric properties of Polish version Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) among adults and adolescents

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    The data comes from 4 research projects: a) research conducted as part of a doctoral dissertation, where patients of the day care unit (including those with anxiety, personality and eating disorders) n = 144, (men = 58, women = 86, average age M = 32.51, min-max = 20-54); b) studies conducted as part of two master's theses involving adults n = 130 (men = 65, women = 65, mean age M = 25.45, min-max = 20-36) and girls in the period average adolescence n = 134 (mean age M = 14.92, max-min = 13-17); c) studies in a group of people in late adolescence n = 91 (boys = 16, girls = 75, mean age M = 17.91 min-max = 17-19) and d) determination of psychometric properties, in the group of adults n = 199 (men = 54, women = 145; mean age M = 27.70; max-min = 20-55) with repeated measurement after 3 weeks, where the second part for mothers was completed by 116 people, and the part for fathers was filled by 112 people. To study of criteria validity was used to Retrospective Assessment of Parents’ Attitudes Inventory (RAPAI) by Plopa (2008). The measure consists of two questionnaires - to assess mother’s and father’s attitudes separately (consist 50 items each of them)

    Some psychological and social aspects of depression

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