156 research outputs found

    Towards Stream Translation: Adaptive Computation Time for Simultaneous Machine Translation

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    Simultaneous machine translation systems rely on a policy to schedule read and write operations in order to begin translating a source sentence before it is complete. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of Adaptive Computation Time (ACT) as an adaptive, learned policy for simultaneous machine translation using the transformer model and as a more numerically stable alternative to Monotonic Infinite Lookback Attention (MILk). We achieve state-of-the-art results in terms of latency-quality tradeoffs. We also propose a method to use our model on unsegmented input, i.e. without sentence boundaries, simulating the condition of translating output from automatic speech recognition. We present first benchmark results on this task

    Convoifilter: A case study of doing cocktail party speech recognition

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    This paper presents an end-to-end model designed to improve automatic speech recognition (ASR) for a particular speaker in a crowded, noisy environment. The model utilizes a single-channel speech enhancement module that isolates the speaker's voice from background noise, along with an ASR module. Through this approach, the model is able to decrease the word error rate (WER) of ASR from 80% to 26.4%. Typically, these two components are adjusted independently due to variations in data requirements. However, speech enhancement can create anomalies that decrease ASR efficiency. By implementing a joint fine-tuning strategy, the model can reduce the WER from 26.4% in separate tuning to 14.5% in joint tuning.Comment: 6 page

    Audio Segmentation for Robust Real-Time Speech Recognition Based on Neural Networks

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    Speech that contains multimedia content can pose a serious challenge for real-time automatic speech recognition (ASR) for two reasons: (1) The ASR produces meaningless output, hurting the readability of the transcript. (2) The search space of the ASR is blown up when multimedia content is encountered, resulting in large delays that compromise real-time requirements. This paper introduces a segmenter that aims to remove these problems by detecting music and noise segments in real-time and replacing them with silence. We propose a two step approach, consisting of frame classification and smoothing. First, a classifier detects speech and multimedia on the frame level. In the second step the smoothing algorithm considers the temporal context to prevent rapid class fluctuations. We investigate in frame classification and smoothing settings to obtain an appealing accuracy-latency-tradeoff. The proposed segmenter yields increases the transcript quality of an ASR system by removing on average 39 % of the errors caused by non-speech in the audio stream, while maintaining a real-time applicable delay of 270 milliseconds

    Improving In-Domain Data Selection for Small In-Domain Sets

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    Finding sufficient in-domain text data for language modeling is a recurrent challenge. Some methods have already been proposed for selecting parts of out-of-domain text data most closely resembling the in-domain data using a small amount of the latter. Including this new “near-domain” data in training can potentially lead to better language model performance, while reducing training resources relative to incorporating all data. One popular, state-of-the-art selection process based on cross-entropy scores makes use of in-domain and out-ofdomain language models. In order to compensate for the limited availability of the in-domain data required for this method, we introduce enhancements to two of its steps. Firstly, we improve the procedure for drawing the outof-domain sample data used for selection. Secondly, we use word-associations in order to extend the underlying vocabulary of the sample language models used for scoring. These enhancements are applied to selecting text for language modeling of talks given in a technical subject area. Besides comparing perplexity, we judge the resulting language models by their performance in automatic speech recognition and machine translation tasks. We evaluate our method in different contexts. We show that it yields consistent improvements, up to 2% absolute reduction in word error rate and 0.3 Bleu points. We achieve these improvements even given a much smaller in-domain set

    Towards Improving Low-Resource Speech Recognition Using Articulatory and Language Features

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    In an increasingly globalized world, there is a rising demand for speech recognition systems. Systems for languages like English, German or French do achieve a decent performance, but there exists a long tail of languages for which such systems do not yet exist. State-of-the-art speech recognition systems feature Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Being a data driven method and therefore highly dependent on sufficient training data, the lack of resources directly affects the recognition performance. There exist multiple techniques to deal with such resource constraint conditions, one approach is the use of additional data from other languages. In the past, is was demonstrated that multilingually trained systems benefit from adding language feature vectors (LFVs) to the input features, similar to i-Vectors. In this work, we extend this approach by the addition of articulatory features (AFs). We show that AFs also benefit from LFVs and that multilingual system setups benefit from adding both AFs and LFVs. Pretending English to be a low-resource language, we restricted ourselves to use only 10h of English acoustic training data. For system training, we use additional data from French, German and Turkish. By using a combination of AFs and LFVs, we were able to decrease the WER from 18.1% to 17.3% after system combination in our setup using a multilingual phone set

    Code-Switching without Switching: Language Agnostic End-to-End Speech Translation

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    We propose a) a Language Agnostic end-to-end Speech Translation model (LAST), and b) a data augmentation strategy to increase code-switching (CS) performance. With increasing globalization, multiple languages are increasingly used interchangeably during fluent speech. Such CS complicates traditional speech recognition and translation, as we must recognize which language was spoken first and then apply a language-dependent recognizer and subsequent translation component to generate the desired target language output. Such a pipeline introduces latency and errors. In this paper, we eliminate the need for that, by treating speech recognition and translation as one unified end-to-end speech translation problem. By training LAST with both input languages, we decode speech into one target language, regardless of the input language. LAST delivers comparable recognition and speech translation accuracy in monolingual usage, while reducing latency and error rate considerably when CS is observed