7 research outputs found

    Authentications of Myanmar National Registration Card

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    The automatic identification system of Myanmar national registration card (NRC) holder is presented in this paper. The proposed system can be handled the identification by the extracted low quality face image and fingerprint image from Myanmar NRC. Both of the facial recognition and fingerprint recognition system are developed for Myanmar citizenship confirmation. Age invariant face recognition algorithm is performed based on combination of DiaPCA (Diagonal principal Component Analysis) and KNN (Kth nearest neighbor classifier) approaches. An algorithm of the fingerprint recognition is proposed for recognition of the poor quality fingerprint image with fabric background.  Several experiments have been done for confirming the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Case-Based Reasoning for Protein Sequence Classification

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    The special advantage of CBR is that a casecan be a very convenient means of capturing knowledge,especially in weak theory domain where the relationshipbetween case and effects may not be well understood. In thispurpose system, can solve a new problem by remembering aprevious similar situation and by reusing information andknowledge of that situation. These are to implement thetechniques of CBR. These are to provide a researcher whostorks many experience in Laboratories. These are to analyzethe classification method and to learn about protein sequence.Case-based reasoning is use for protein sequence classification

    Assessment of Quality Software Using Correlation Analysis

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    Software quality is the conformance of explicitly documented standards, and explicitly stated functional and performance requirements and implicit characteristics that are expected of the all professionally developed software. Software quality is a complex mix of factors that will vary across different applications and the user’s requests them .The quality of software has improved from time to time because new productivity has promoted the research on software technology. Object-Oriented technology can provide software product with higher quality and lower maintenance costs. Object-Oriented development requires not only different approaches to design and implementation but also different approaches to software metrics. Accordingly, Object-Oriented metrics play an important role in object technology as well as in software engineering. The quality measurements of the process and products of software development projects such as reusability, maintainability, complexity, etc can be predicted due to the merits of software metrics. In facts, we propose how to assess the software quality by using the Object-Oriented software metrics and to show the relationships between this Object-Oriented metrics

    Analyzing Social Network using Gephi

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    Social network analysis (SNA) is the study ofsocial networks to understand their structure andbehavior. The study of the social networks is thepossibility of collecting web log data. The data used foranalyzing social networks is relational data, which canbe obtained from different resources including contentavailable on web pages, user interaction logs andsocial interaction information provided by users. Thispaper used social interaction information fordetermining the relationship between users in thesocial networks using Gephi. An application callednetvizz was used in order to get the web log from socialnetwork. This analysis also examines how SNAmethods and tool can be used to evaluate degreedistribution and relationships between friends in asocial network

    Face Recognition for Biometric Security System

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    Biometrics is used for human recognition whichconsists of identification and verification. In anidentification application, the biometric device readsa sample and compares that sample against everyrecord or template in the database. Identificationapplications are common when the goal is to identifycriminals, terrorists, or other particularly throughsurveillance. Personal face recognition is crucial forapplications such as access control, smart cardverification, surveillance, human-computerinteraction, etc. Also, faces are integral to humaninteraction. Manual facial recognition is alreadyused in everyday authentication applications.In this paper, a novel subspace method isproposed for face recognition. A new facerecognition method DiaPCA is based on PCA(principal Component Analysis) and KNN (Kthnearest neighbor classifier). The recognition processconsists of three stages: preprocessing, dimensionreduction by using PCA, and matching of theextracted feature using KNN. Combination ofDiaPCA and KNN is used for improving thecapability of PCA when a few samples of images areavailable. In contrast to standard PCA, DiaPCAdirectly seeks the optimal projective vectors fromdiagonal face images without image-to-vectortransformation. DiaPCA reserves the correlationsbetween variations of rows and those of columns ofimages. DiaPCA is much more accurate than PCA.The motivation of this research is to provide thepersonal identification from the NationalRegistration Card (NRC card)