263 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Inovasi Produk Pada TV Berita Milik Pemerintah Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pada Lpp Televisi Republik Indonesia)

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    In the era of open competition and is very tight at this time, product innovation is not an option but a necessity. The changes and dynamics in market and also the environment in general, can not be ignored if you want to continue to survive in the business. Accordingly, this case study attempted to analyze on product innovation, particularly in relation to organizational culture. Case studies conducted at the Institute for Public Broadcasting (LPP) Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) as a government-owned TV station news which is also the oldest TV station in Indonesia. The analysis focused on the influence of organizational culture - which includes the type of adhocracy and hierarchy culture - to product innovation in TVRI. Data were obtained through questionnaires to managers and staff of the news division field. With the method of multiple regression analysis, the results suggest that there arecultural influences of organizational culture that include adhocracy and hierarchyculture to product innovation either jointly or individually. The type of culture that encourages more product innovation happening in the LPP TVRI is adhocracy culture. This indicates that TVRI should immediately make the transition a culture that has been more dominant, the hierarchy culture, toward a more flexible and responsive to environmental changes, which is adhocracy culture. Thus expected to be able to support its role in maximazing the function of public institutions to provide more balanced information on the people of Indonesia

    Implementasi Akuntansi Sistem Pembelian dan Penjualan Obat dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi MYOB Accounting pada Praktek Kedokteran

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    Praktek Dokter Roy Jhanna Ginting merupakan badan USAha yang bergerak dalam bidang kesehatan termasuk juga dalam bidang penjualan dan pembelian obat. Praktek Dokter Roy Jhanna Ginting ini didirikan oleh dr. Roy Jhanna Ginting bersama dengan istrinya dr. Grace Ulina Hutabarat dan berdiri sejak tahun 2010. Penjualan dan pembelian tunai merupakan salah satu kegiatan penting dalam setiap Perusahan, terutama yang bergerak dibidang perdagangan. Transaksi penjualan dan pembelian yang ada pada Praktek Dokter Roy Jhanna Ginting dimulai dari proses pesanan barang oleh pelanggan, proses pembuatan nota sebagai barang bukti pembayaran, sampai pembuatan laporan yang ditunjukkan kepada pimpinan. Sistem pengolahan data penjualan dan pembelian tunai pada Praktek Dokter Roy Jhanna Ginting sampai saat ini masih dilakukan secara manual, mulai dari proses pemesanan barang, pembuatan nota, pembayaran, hingga pembuatan laporan. Sehingga sering terjadi keterlambatan dan kesalahan informasi yang dihasilkan seperti pembuatan laporan data barang yang dipesan dan yang terjual, seringnya terjadi kesalahan dalam perhitungan dalam sistem penjualan dan pembelian tunai tersebut. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka diperlukan suatu sistem komputerisasi penjualan dan pembelian tunai yang sangat sesuai untuk medukung kemajuan dan perkembangan Perusahaan dagang tersebut. Sehingga dapat mengatasi permasalahan atau kendala pada sistem yang sedang berjalan saat ini. Dengan memanfaatkan sistem komputerisasi yang diusulkan ini, kemungkinan proses penjualan dan pembelian tunai yang dilakukan menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat

    Attitude and pregnancy planning of the women reproductiove of age not associated

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    Background: The pregnancy planning is an important strategy to improve the children quality to be born and efforts to decrease maternal and infant mortality. The number of maternal mortality in Yogyakarta in 2018 was 36 cases. Most cases occurred in Bantul District as 14 cases. Meanwhile, the infant mortality case was 313 cases in 2017. The highest infant mortality case in Bantul District was 108 cases. Attitude is a feeling, supporting and not supporting on something. The Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number 87 of 2014 concerning Population Development and Family Development, Family Planning and Family Information Systems stated that Family Planning is an effort to regulate the birth, the ideal distance and age to give birth, regulate pregnancy through promotion, protection, and assistance related to reproductive rights to realize a quality family. Having 2 children is the realization of one of the criteria for a quality family in the ideal number of children program.Objectives: This study aimed to determine the correlation between attitudes and behavior of pregnancy planning among women of childbearing age in Bantul District. Methods: This research used correlational quantitative research using cross sectional approach design. The sampling collection technique used non-probability sampling with purposive sampling. The samples was 71 respondents with inclusion criteria, namely women of childbearing aged <20 - > 35 years, located in Bantul district, had a legal spouse, owned and could operate a gadget. The validity test was conducted with SPSS Pearson Correlation with a significance level of 10% and Kendall's tau to determine the relationship between variables. Results: There is no correlation between attitudes towards pregnancy planning of women of childbearing age with P value of 0.052 > 0.05 (P Value ≤ 0.05). Conclusion: The characteristics of the most respondents were women aged 35 - 40 years, the last education was senior high school, the income was 0 - Rp 500.000,00 and the number of children was 2. The attitude of the respondent was mostly positive, while the most respondents who plan the pregnancy were ambivalent and the respondents who are not planning the pregnancy more than women who are planning a pregnancy

    Analisis Insomnia pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus

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    Rest of sleep regulates insulin and glucose tolerance during night-time. Patients with DM often suffer insomnia due to metabolic disorders such as osmotic diuresis and dehydration as manifested by nocturia, stress, anxiety, increased cortisol and decreased GH. Cortisol converts protein into glucose. This research objective is to identify incident of insomnia to patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and identify the characteristics of insomnia to patients with DM in CHC Balowerti Kediri. Research design was descriptive. Samples were total sampling. Measuring instrument used Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), and then analyzed using distribution frequency. 65 patients with DM suffered insomnia from 79 responden with DM.  Highest level of patients with DM suffered insomnia.  Health workers are expected to provide additional information about insomnia to patients with DM and treatment for that

    Analisis Kesalahan Penerjemahan Kata “Must” Pada Cerita the Mirror Dan Implikasinya Dalampembelajaran

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    . Translating is a hard work. It isnot only about finding the word of the source language (SL) having the samemeaning in the target language (TL). It talks about the message. Theword/phrase/sentence going to be translated is a text or it is called surfacestructure. A text needs context or known as deep structure which containsmessage. Therefore a word may have the same meaning either in SL or TL, butthey have different sense as they bring different message in different context.In this article, it is explored the mistranslation o the word “must”. Thisstudy observed 14 students who were learning English. They were asked totranslate a text entitled “The Mirror”. The analysis is focused on a paragraphconsisting of a word “must”. The result shows that the students are stillfocusing on the text or surface structure. They ignore the context or deepstructure. Thus, the message fails to be delivered. Katakunci: translation, meaning, message,Source Language, Target Language

    Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Psikologi Remaja pada Tokoh Hayasaka Yukari dalam Film Paradise Kiss Karya Sutradara Takehiko Shinjo

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    Kata Kunci : Paradise Kiss, Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Psikologi Remaja, RemajaPenelitian ini menggunakan film Paradise Kiss yang menceritakan kisah seorang remaja putri SMA yang mengalami kegelisahan untuk menemukan jalan dan tujuan hidupnya sehingga menimbulkan perasaan tidak aman dalam dirinya. Untuk mencari rasa aman, Yukari terlebih dahulu harus memenuhi kebutuhan psikologi remajanya. Kebutuhan psikologi adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat memberikan perasaan bahagia dan sejahtera dalam hidup. Rumusan masalah yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pemenuhan kebutuhan psikologi remaja yang dilakukan oleh tokoh Hayasaka Yukari dalam film Paradise Kiss karya sutradara Takehiko Shinjo.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori psikologi sastra yang diungkapkan oleh Ratna (2004). Psikologi sastra adalah suatu pendekatan yang berkaitan dengan unsur-unsur kejiwaan tokoh-tokoh fiksional yang terkandung dalam karya sastra. Penulis juga menggunakan teori mise en scene sebagai teori pendukung dalam penelitian ini guna menganalisis film lebih dalam.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Yukari telah memenuhi semua kebutuhan psikologi remaja, yaitu kebutuhan akan kasih sayang, kebutuhan akan keikutsertaan dan diterima dalam kelompok, kebutuhan untuk mandiri, kebutuhan untuk berprestasi, kebutuhan akan pengakuan dari orang lain, kebutuhan untuk dihargai, dan kebutuhan memperoleh falsafah hidup yang utuh. Ada 2 faktor yang mempengaruhi Yukari dalam memenuhi kebutuhan psikologinya yaitu faktor internal dan lingkungan

    Internet in English Learningfor English Department Studentsfaculty of Letters Academic Year 2010/2011

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    . Artikel ini membahas tentang pengaruhinternet di kalangan mahasiswa.Pengaruh ini dikelompokkan menjadi 2 opsi luas, yakni positif dan negatif. Perumusan pengaruh ini ditelusuri melalui kuesoner yangdirancang dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menggiring mahasiswa pada pergulatan mereka denganinternet. Selain itu,ada beberapa pertanyan yang menggali informasi apakah mereka belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan bantuan internet. Ada 22 responden yang diminta menjawab kuesoner. Dari hasil kuesioner, saya mendapat informasi bahwa mahasiswa telah mengenalinternet lebih dari1 tahun dan selalu menyisihkan waktu untuk berinteraksi dengan internet. Hasil dari interaksi dengan internet menunjukkan hal positif,yakni menambah kosa kata dan kemampuan membaca. Kesimpulan yang bias diambil adalah sampai saat ini internetmemberikan nilai positif pada mahasiswa

    Hubungan Kepatuhan Diet dengan Kejadian Komplikasi pada Penderita Hipertensi di Ruang Rawat Inap di RS. Baptis Kediri

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    Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition which systolic blood pressure is higher than140 mmHg and diastolic is higher 90 mmHg. Patient with hypertension, who does not get good treatment, would suffer kinds of complicated diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, CVA, renal failure, retinopathy. Hypertension can be controlled by changing life style especially diet and physical activity as well as medicine (oral and infection). The objective of this research is to analyze correlation between diet obedience and complicated incident to patient with hypertension in wards Kediri Baptist hospital. The design of this research was analytic correlation research that explains a relation, predict, test based on existed theory. The populations were patients with hypertension in wards Kediri Baptist Hospital that met criteria inclusion. The samples were 26 respondents using simple random sampling. The independent variable was diet obedience to patient with hypertension and the dependent variable was complication incident to patient with hypertension. Data was analyzed statistically using “Mann-Whitney test” with significant level α ≤ 0.05. The result showed that respondent had high diet obedience, there were 10 respondents (38%) and more than 50% respondent had no complication, there were 17 respondents (65%). Statistical analysis of Mann- Whitney showed p=0.000. It could be concluded that there was correlation between negative diet obedience and complication incident to patient with hypertension. It is necessary to develop about other factors that influence the obedience in running low salt diet, maintaining of body weight and avoiding obesity, smoke, and alcohol to patient with hypertension

    Model Pengelolaan Agroforestri Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) terhadap Kontribusi Pendapatan Rumah Tangga (suatu Kasus di Kecamatan Anyar Kabupaten Serang Provinsi Banten)

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    The research aims to analyze the management of cocoa agroforestry, labor allocation and household income of farmers in cocoa agroforestry management activities as well as the contribution of agroforestry to household income of cocoa farmers in the Anyar District Serang Regency Banten Province. The method used in this research is a survey using two stage cluster sampling method. Samples taken are as many as 60 farmer of 400 populations scattered from cocoa agroforestry farmers in the Anyar District Serang Regency Banten Province. The results showed that the management of cocoa agroforestry in the Anyar District during year 1 to year 7 consists of 5 stages, namely : land clearing, planting, maintenance, harvesting and post-harvest. Average allocation of labor in the cocoa agroforestry management activities in the Anyar District is at 440,18 HOK/Ha/Year with the following composition : 1,21 HOK/Ha/Year in the planting stage, 132,5 HOK/Ha/Year in the maintenance stage, 145,22 HOK/Ha/Year in the harvesting stage and 161,25 HOK/Ha/year in the post-harvest stage. Average household income of cocoa agroforestry farmers in the Anyar District is Rp. 84.451.377/Year which includes income from cocoa agroforestry is Rp. 26.880.210/Year by contributing to the household income of farmers by 31,83%/Year and income from non-cocoa agroforestry is Rp. 57.571.167/Year by contributing to the household income of farmers by 68,17%/Year
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