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    This report presents the result of survey and mapping of bamboo and bamboo-waste in Bangli Regency done by LP2M/Faculty of Agriculture Warmadewa University in cooperation with Bali Clean Energy TaskForce for the purpose of calculating and estimating the potential of bamboo-waste as source of supply feedstock for 1 MW pilot project Community Based Biomass Fuel Cell (CBBFC) is planned located at Desa Bangkalet, in Bangli Regency. There were 178 households (HH) that having and planting bamboo at their land area, and 50 unit micro and smallscale household handy-crafts (MSSHH) that producing bamboo-waste by-product) surveyed. The respondents constitute of 4% of their total population, and nearly 98% of respondents agrees and supports the idea of the proposed pilot project. The total land area having by the said households is nearly 205.8 Hectare (≈ 2,058,000 m2), and out of this figure, there are around 105.7 Hectare (≈ 1,057,000 m2) specifically used for bamboo plantation, with typical bamboo’s density of 20 sticks/m2 and typical weight of 1.5 kg/m of bamboo-length. Based on site observation, and by using conservative-assumption that is default-number of specific bamboo-area is 30%, typical bamboo-waste produced by 1 stick of bamboo is 40% and efficiency of collecting bamboo-waste of 30%, then the total bamboo-waste that could be produced by the said household respondents is estimated to be of 31.3 ton/day. Moreover, there are 39 units (out of 50 units) of MSSHH have their own land area, this accounted of 14.8 Hectare (≈ 148,000 m2) of land, could produce 4.4 ton/day, and additional of 0.6 ton/day from their by-product-waste. Therefore, the sum up of all respondents could produce bamboo-waste at volume of 38.3 ton/day. The last figure is 2 times bigger than 15 ton/day of bamboo-waste required to produce 1 MW of electricity through Fuel Cell process

    CV Amg Farm and Food Garden Banjar Manik Gunung Selanbawak Village Marga District Tabanan Regency

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    As a higher education institution, Warmadewa University must be ensured to always obey the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in accordance with the predetermined vision and mission. Now every lecturer is encouraged to be able to package community service activities both in groups and individuals who will show concern for the community. Community service activities can be carried out by enlightening by providing legal counseling and consultation, socialization and assistance to the community in various fields of life in the economic field. One of the things that deserves to be observed in the devotion done to CV. AMG Farm And Food Garden Banjar Manik Gunung Selanbawak Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency, with the existence of a goat livestock business, it must be cultivated to the wider community because it has a fairly high business development potential. The goat livestock business is not only useful for meat to be consumed but goat manure and urine is used for plant organic fertilizer and goat milk is used for cosmetics, and goat skin is used for leather bags. It is hoped that the public will explore knowledge about how to maintain goats properly and correctly in order to get the expected results and profits, good business management and marketing strategies for goat livestock businesses whose manure and urine are used for organic fertilizer for plants such as bananas, durians, pineapples, mangosteen, and kecipir fruit vegetables, using online media and offline media, then collaborating with partners to make agreements in writing with the aim of  creating legal certainty for the parties and at the same time the goat livestock business aims to improve the community's economy. The expected output is in the form of publication of journal articles in the Comunity journal of law, print media publications, activity videos, IPR and community service reports in 2022


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    Perkembangan kesenian di zaman ini penuh dengan pencarian, penggalian ide-ide yang mengedepankan kreativitas dalam proses penciptaan seni, sehingga melahirkan karya- karya spektakuler yang bermutu tinggi. Di dalam ranah seni pertunjukan, para Etnomusikolog di masa ini berjuang mengangkat citra local ke ranah global dengan segala bentuk perkembangannya. Hal ini sangat berkaitan dengan topik seminar, yaitu keindahan musik kita yang terbalut oleh nilai estetika tinggi mampu bersaing dalam dunia global. Dan kenyataannya musik kita sudah mulai mengglobal. Di ranah visual art atau seni rupa dan desain dewasa ini terhembus wacana mengenai Global Art yang kembali mengambil dan meminjam ikon atau unsur lokal yang kemudian di visualkan secara kreatif dengan ide-ide ―gila‖, sehingga disetiap karya- karya yang diciptakan bernuansa lokal dengan penggayaan baru yang mampu eksis di dalam ranah seni rupa dunia. Hal ini dalam konsep postmodern disebut dengan pendekatan pastiche yaitu mengangkat dan meminjam kembali bentuk- bentuk teks atau bahasa estetik tradisi yang kemudian dikontruksi kembali dengan bahasa seni yang baru, kemudian menempatkannya ke dalam konteks semangat masa kini yang sering disebut dengan seni kontemporer tanpa meninggalkan dan merusak kesenian lokal