526 research outputs found

    The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Competence and Work Environment on Teacher Performance of SMP Kemala Bhayangkari Jakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence, competence and work environment toward teacher performance either partially or simultaneously. The object research carreid out to the employee stamp of SMP Kemala Bhayangkari Jakarta. Design research conducted in the preparation of this is quantitative that aims to determine the influence between two or more deeply variables describe or reveal a problem, situation, event or revealing fact as they are deeply and try to find a solution or problems solve. The results showed that Emotional intelligence has positive effect on performance with coefficient value of 0.161. Competence has positive effect on performance with coefficient value of 0.429. Work environment positively influence toward performance with coefficient value equal to 0,262. Adjust R Square value of 0.442. Indicates that emotional intelligence, competence and work environment together contribute 44,2% to performance and the rest of 55,8% influenced by other variable outside this researc

    The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Work Experience on Lecturer Performance of Pamulang University

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    The purpose of this research is to know the effect of job satisfaction and work experience on lecturer performance of Pamulang University. The research design used is quantitative with descriptive method. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis with a sample of 150 and the sampling technique used is proporsionate random sampling. Furthermore, the research is done by testing the stages of analysis that includes descriptive analysis of questionnaires, validity test, reliability test, linear regression test, correlation coefficient test, partial test (t test), simultaneous test and determination test. Regression analysis results proved, Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on the performance of 0.557, tcount 6.751 and a significance value of 0.000 smaller than 0.05. Work experience has a significant effect on performance of 0.451, the tcount of 5.467 and the significance value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. Simultaneous analysis proved job satisfaction and work experience have positive and significant effect on performance value of F arithmetic of 72.201, significance value of 0.000 and determination coefficient of 0.744.  It's means, job satisfaction and work experience able to explain the performance of 74.4% while the rest of 25.6% is explained by other variable

    Kesalahan Hitung Pengurangan Bilangan Cacah Bagi Siswa SD

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    The objective of this research is to know the kinds of error patterns, reasons, and the problems of solving whole number subtraction. The research used qualitative approach with Collaborative Action Research at grade III SD Negeri 2 Panjer, Kebumen. The result of the research showed that (1) kinds of error patterns are: reading and writing the number; subtraction concept from the ones, the tens, the hundreds and the thousands; incomplete algorithm; random error; place value; basic fact; the big number is subtracted by the little number; error pattern 0 -a = a; error pattern a-b = 0 if a < b; and not remembering subtracting after borrowing, (2) The error patterns were done by students because they didn\u27t understand symbol of number, subtraction concept, basic fact of subtraction, place value; and they didn\u27t remember to subtract when they were re-grouping, answering estimation; not being care, and writing the number, (3) To solve the problem of subtracting whole number at student grade III elementary school, the re-searcher conducted remedial teaching to find the students\u27 error patterns and to fit the hierarchical study of whole number subtraction

    Pengembangan Model Realistic Mathematics Education (Rme) Dalam Peningkatan Pembelajaran Matematika Bagi Mahasiswa Prodi Pgsd Fkip Uns Kampus Kebumen

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui : (1) langkah-langkah dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran Matematika Realistik (RME), (2) peningkatan belajar Matematika dengan pelaksanaan pembelajaran RME, dan (3) masalah dan solusi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran RME untuk mahasiswa Program Studi PGSD FKIP UNS Kebumen. Metode penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah semua mahasiswa semester 3 dengan subjek pembelajaran Matematika di kelas 1 SD sebanyak73 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, tes, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian dapat dikemukakan: (1) pelaksanaan RME terdiri dari 5 langkah, yaitu: (a) pemahaman masalah, (b) penjelasan masalah, (c) pemecahan masalah, (d) perbandingan dan pembahasan jawaban, dan (e) membuat kesimpulan; (2) hasil belajar Matematika mahasiswa meningkat dengan menggunakan RME; dan (3) permasalahan dalam RME adalah siswa tidak menguasai bahan pengajaran, pembelajaran masalah sehari-hari utamanya dalam masalah sosial, dan penggunaan media pembelajaran

    Non-timber Forest Product (Ntfp) Commodities Harvested and Marketed by Local People at the Local Markets in Manokwari – West Papua

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    The biodiversity richness of tropical forests in Papua provides substantial livelihood necessities for most forest people. This includes Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), under-valued, neglected, or minor forest commodities that play a key role for the entire livelihood of the forest people. This paper highlights the diversity of NTFP marketed by the local people of Papua at traditional markets in Manokwari, West Papua. Data were collected from twenty respondents selected randomly from two local markets at Manokwari and field visits to surrounding (primary or secondary) forests, and analyzed using simple statistical analysis. The result indicates that 29 NTFPs commodities were on the market, and grouped into vegetables (9), food (4), fruit (7), medicinal herbs (4), tools (3) and addictive material (2). These commodities give alternative incomes, create unskilled jobs to the female-forest dwellers at Manokwari, and provide daily fresh vegetables and nutritious products for local customers. The marketed NTFPs are harvested from surrounding primary or secondary forest areas of Manokwari. Banana is the most favorable commodity in high demand either serving as food or fruit. Sago (Metroxylon spp.) is the only commodity supplied from other areas out of Manokwari, mainly from Wondama, Biak, Jayapura, and Serui. Annual events of Christmas and New Year create the highest demand for sago processed to papeda, that represent cultural or heritage food for most of the Papuanese family gatherings. Cultivation of these NTFPs has to be seriously considered for sustainable harvest due to the current extensive harvesting from the nature which will deplete the resources if no intensive cultivation carried out. To sustain availability of fresh daily needs, and provide alternative income to local people, local government, forest institutions, universities, non government organizations, and motivators need to work together to gain added value and secure sustainable supply of those NTFPs

    Perancangan Karya Desain Grafis untuk Periklanan Lembaga Java-Eleven Outbound

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    Java Eleven merupakan lembaga yang bergerak dalam bidang peningkatan sumber daya manusia, khususnya outbound. Java Eleven adalah lembaga outbound organizer yang berasal dari Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Lembaga Java Eleven Outbound beralamat di Pasinan Lemah putih, RT 04/RW 01, Kec. Wringinanom, Kab. Ngresik. Melihat usia lembaga Java Eleven yang sudah lebih dari 10 tahun maka ini menjadi modal dasar bagi untuk terus berkembang cepat.Tetapi ada faktor yang menjadi penghambat dalam hal periklananya. Ternyata Java Eleven Outbound hanya menggunakan iklan di blog, antar relasi dan proposal kepada klien untuk menawarkan jasanya. Dari permasalahan tersebut dibutuhkan periklanan yang tepat dan sesuai prinsip desain grafis yang bagus agar menjadikan lembaga lebih maju dan dikenal masyarakat. Perancangan desain grafis periklanan dibuat dengan dua konsep. Pertama perancangan dengan konsep sederhana menggunakan komposisi keseimbangan simetris dengan pola terpusat/sederajat (obvious balance), dengan tema “Outbound Educatif”, yang mempunyai maksud untuk mengajak konsumen menggunakan produk Java Eleven. Bentuk desain grafis dengan konsep yang lebih dinamis, untuk komposisi layout desain 2 menggunakan komposisi visualnya menampilkan ilustrasi foto aktifitas outbound yang terlihat asyik dan menyenangkan.Kedua, perancangan layout keseimbangan asimetris. Konsep ini menggunakan tema “Pilihan Tepat Orang Hebat”, Bentuk visualnya menampilkan fotografi orang yang sedang outbound, warna segar dan suasana alam segar. Desain grafis tersebut menginformasikan tentang produk Java Eleven outbound yang meliputi: informasi seputar produk, keunggulan, alamat, informasi penggunaan, serta manfaat produk. Perancangan desain grafis periklanan ini, diharapkan dapat memperoleh konsumen lebih banyak lagi, sehingga dapat meningkatkan income Java Eleven outbound. Kata kunci : desain grafis periklanan, outbound, Java Eleven   Java Eleven is an institution that engaged in the improvement  human resources, especially outbound. Java Eleven is organizer outbound agency from Surabaya East Java. Java Eleven institution is addressed by Lemah Putih RT 04/RW 01, Wringinanom sub-district Gresik regency. Seeing at the age of Java Eleven institutions that has been more than 10 years then it became the basic capital for the continuously growing faster. But there are factors that become obstacles in terms of advertising. It turns out that Java Eleven Outbound only uses advertising on blogs, inter-relationships, and proposals to clients for offering services. From these problems required appropriate advertising and graphic design principles to make the institution more advanced and known by the public. Design of advertising graphic design is made with two concepts. First, design with simple concept using symmetrical equilibrium composition with centered pattern (equal balance), with theme "Outbound Educative", which has the aim to invite consumer using Java Eleven product. The visual form displays an photo illustration of outbound activity that looks joyful and fun. Second, the design of graphic design with a more dynamic concept, for the composition of layout design 2 using the composition of the asymmetric balance layout. This concept uses the theme "The Right Choice of Great People", The visual form displays photography of people who are performing outbound, fresh colors and fresh natural atmosphere. The graphic design informs Java Eleven outbound products that include: product information, excellence, address, USAge information, and product benefits. The design of graphic design of this advertising, is expected to obtain more consumers, so as to increase the income of Java Eleven outbound. Key Words: Advertising Graphic Design, Outbound, Java Eleven

    Kajian Potensi Panas Bumi dan Rekomendasi Pemanfaatannya pada Daerah Prospek Gunungapi Ungaran Jawa Tengah

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    Telah dilakukan kajian tentang potensi energi panas bumi dan rekomendasi pemanfataanya di daerah prospek G. Ungaran, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperkirakan potensi panas bumi G. Ungaran, serta membuat skema pemanfaatan untuk digunakan sebagai dasar rekomendasi utilisasi potensi panas bumi di daerah tersebut.Penelitian yang dilakukan terdiri dari bidang-bidang geologi, geokimia, dan geofisika. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah prospek panas bumi berada di lereng selatan G. Ungaran, yaitu di daerah Gedongsongo. Estimasi potensi energi panas bumi G. Ungaran dapat diperkirakan berdasarkan Metode Perbandingan. Berdasarkan hasil geothermometri gas G. Ungaran diperoleh suhu reservoir sebesar 230 0C, dengan daya per satuan luas diperkirakan sebesar 15 MWe/km2. Bila faktor konversi energi panas ke energi listrik sebesar 15%, maka besarnya daya listrik per satuan luas adalah 2,25 MWe/km2. Bila luas daerah prospek panas bumi G. Ungaran diperkirakan sebesar 5 km2, maka daya listrik yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebesar 11,25 MWe
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