3 research outputs found

    In Projecting Paddhu Madura at IAIN Madura Library, Pamekasan

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    Reliable collection of lliteratures about Madura is still rare to find in any libraries across Madura. Therefore, organizing Paddhu Madura (Madura Corner) is undeniable need for an emerging campus like IAIN Madura. This paper elaborates the initiative which has been arisen for long yet still got ups and downs. The research questions consist of the delay of establishment, detailed plan to implement this initiative in a close time and formulation on ideal concept of the project. As a field data research, compilation data of this paper will be through interview, observation and library search. Ruling officers, senior librarians and Madurese experts will be the main informants. Meanwhile, observation will take place to other libraries, particularly those organized any specific corner on local/national collection. This library research, in its turn, will uncover features and experience of certain libraries concerning on local collection preservation. It is hypothetically found that the initiative relatively remains stagnant due to financial management and unserious willingness. However, the plan can take place in a close time together with the moving moment into a newer building. Among others, this corner will not only provide literatures about Madura, but also encourage publication and documentation as its long term programs. Keywords: Paddhu Madura, IAIN Madura, librar

    Digitalisasi Perpustakaan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura Sebagai Upaya Pemenuhan Layanan Pemustaka Sejak Pandemi COVID-19

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    This paper describes efforts to digitize various library services at IAIN Madura in fulfilling user services during a pandemic. The surge in Covid-19 resulted in less-than-optimal library services, even to the point of temporarily closing face-to-face services. This, of course, requires the library to make a variation so that the service remains optimal during a pandemic. One of them is maximizing digital services which are very urgent to be carried out quickly and precisely, so that users can still get library services. This issue was raised, namely how the Madura IAIN library is able to provide digital services to fulfill user services since the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted using qualitative methods with data collection techniques by observation and interviews. The data analysis was carried out descriptively and interpretively based on the latest digital services as well as digital services that are experiencing the process of developing digital library applications at IAIN Madura. The results of this research are the latest digital-based library services and the development of digital applications to serve users since the Covid-19 pandemic. The newest digital library service at IAIN Madura is a digital self-lending service. Meanwhile, digital services that are undergoing application development include e-book, repository, and e-theses services. As for efforts to fulfill user services through library digitization, namely consolidating information technology (IT) teams, developing application programs, and adding library application programs to the IAIN Madura. All of these digital services are very important to be accessible and enjoyed by users during the pandemic and after the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because users still get maximum service with these digital services


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    Perpustakaan merupakan salah satu unsur penunjang dari perguruantinggi. Perpustakaan mempunyai tugas pokok, yaitu menyediakan, mengolah,memelihara dan mendayagunakan koleksi bahan pustaka, menyediakan saranapemanfaatannya dan melayani masyarakat pengguna yang membutuhkaninformasi dan bahan bacaan, sehingga kebutuhan akan informasi penggunadalam hal ini mahasiswa dan dosen serta karyawan STAIN Pamekasan dapatterpenuhi. Pengolahan bahan koleksi buku adalah proses pengolahan buku sejakpenerimaan sampai siap untuk dipinjamkan dan digunakan oleh pengguna.Dalam pengolahan koleksi buku, sebuah perpustakaan perguruan tinggi harusdidukung oleh sistem manajemen yang baik beserta para pekerja (pustakawan)serta komponen lainnya yang saling mendukung.Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan lokasi penelitian di Unit Pelaksana TeknisPerpustakaan Stain Pamekasan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakanadalah observasi, interview dan metode studi pustaka untuk memperoleh datayang akurat dalam penulisan karya ilmiah ini.dari penelitian ini dapat ditarikkesimpulan bahwa manajemen pengolahan koleksi buku di UPT PerpustakaanSTAIN Pamekasan sudah berjalan dengan baik mekipun terdapat beberapakendala yang harus segera dibenahi untuk mencapai tujuan sebuah perpustakaanperguruan tinggi