12 research outputs found


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    A constitution is a written regulation and a state convention (state administration) that determines the composition and position of state bodies, regulates relations between the bodies, and regulates the relationships between these bodies and the citizens. The enactment of a constitution as a binding fundamental law is based on the highest power or the principle of sovereignty adopted by a certain country. If the country adheres to the notion of popular sovereignty, then the source of the legitimacy of the constitution is the people. If monarchical sovereignty is applied, then the monarch will determine whether or not a constitution may be enforced. A constitution also contains regulations for the election of regional heads. Regional head elections are one of the characteristics of a state that applies democratic principles. This study aims to analyze the election of regional heads by comparing the constitutions of Majapahit, Indonesia, and the United States of America. The method used in this research is normative juridical, namely by reviewing the norms of Constitution, laws and other sources of legal material, including journals. The results of this research are that regional heads in Majapahit were directly elected by the Prabu (King). It was a District/majority representative system since the regional heads were directly elected by the king, an Organic and Non-Democratic electoral system. Whereas in Indonesia, regional heads (Governors, Regents and Mayors) are democratically elected, elected directly by the people or by the Provincial, Regential and Municipal House of Representatives (district representation system based on the majority and balance). However, in the reform era, the legislators interpreted the democratic system as direct election by the people. The electoral system is mechanical, organic and democratic. In the United States, the Head of State is directly elected by the people but at the discretion of the legislature, hence the representative system is a balanced representation system. The electoral system is organic and semi-democratic. Article visualizations

    External validation test of body height estimation on outpatient radiotherapy clinic of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital

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    Background : Stature is required to calculate body mass index and determine the energy needs of patients in nutritional medical therapy. Difficulty was found to obtain stature data in patients who are unable to stand. Therefore, there are some height estimation formula to predict the actual height using knee height. This study aimed to validate the Chumlea formula on outpatient clinic of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Indonesia. Methods : This cross-sectional study used 90 respondents selected by consecutive sampling. Actual height, knee height, age and gender data were collected. Estimated height using the three of Chumlea formula. Pearson correlation was used to see the correlation between actual height and estimated height. Paired t-test were used to determine the difference significance. Results : The average age of the subjects was  45±10 years old with actual height 157±10 cm, and knee height 48.8±3.5 cm. A strong positive correlation was found between actual height with all estimated height on male (p=0.000; r > 0.8) and female subjects (p=0.000; r > 0.6). However, comparison between actual height and estimated height showed no significant differences only in Chumlea L1 formula (p=0.087) and Chumlea L3 formula (p=0.824) on the male subjects. Conclusions : Chumlea L1 and Chumlea L3 formula was a valid fomulation for calculating the estimated body height in adult male patients. There was no valid Chumlea’s formulation to estimate body height in female patients

    『維摩経玄疏』訳注 ⑷

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    Buku ini secara sistematis membahas penyakit - penyakit berdasarkan organ atau pun cabang ilmu yang ad

    Kapita selekta kedokteran

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    xxxii, 738 hal; 15x23,5 c

    Pengaruh Store Atmosphere dan Lokasi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Coffe Shop Tadakopi Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengidentifikasi dampak store atmosphere dan lokasi berpengaruh pada keputusan pembelian pada coffe shop Tadakopi Surabaya. Populasi yang diteliti merupakan pelanggan coffe shop Tadakopi di Kota Surabaya Timur. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu riset kuantitatif dengan memakai alat analisis software Smart PLS. Pemanfaatan sampel teknik accindetal sampling dan berjumlah 72 responden. Metode kuantitatif dipilih dengan teknik analisis data Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan metode Partial Least Square (PLS) melalui software. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi dan penyebaran kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel store atmosphere berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel keputusan pembelian, variabel lokasi berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap variabel keputusan pembelian

    Kapita selekta kedokteran jil.2

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    Kapita selekta kedokteran

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    Kapita selekta kedokteran

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    xxi, 714 hlm; 15x 23,5 c