12 research outputs found

    Unjuk Kerja Transformator Daya pada Gardu Induk Sistem Kelistrikan Pulau Bangka

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    Efisiensi transformator dapat didefinisikan sebagai perbandingan antara daya listrik keluaran dengan daya listrik yang masuk pada transformator. Oleh karenanya akan dianalisis pengaruh perubahan beban terhadap efisiensi dan rugi-rugi transformator daya di gardu induk Air Anyir, gardu induk Pangkalpinang dan gardu induk Sungailiat. Hasil analisis yang didapatkan pada transformator daya gardu induk Air Anyir pembebanan tertinggi 13.36 MW dengan efisiensi 99.62 % dan rugi total 49.46 kW serta pembebanan terendah sebesar 2.37 MW dengan efisiensi 96.65 % dan rugi total 38.83 kW. Pada tranformator daya gardu induk Pangkalpinang pembebanan tertinggi 17,38 MW dengan efisiensi 99.69 % dan rugi total 61.64 kW serta pembebanan terendah 11.93 MW dengan efisiensi 99.65 % dan rugi total 41.22 kW. Pada transformator daya gardu induk Sungailiat pembebanan tertinggi 12.98 MW dan efisiensi 99.65 %, dan rugi total 45.61 kW sedangkan pembebanan terendah 2.06 MW dengan efisiensi 97.46% dan rugi total 23.88 k

    Penerangan Jalan Umum Tenaga Surya: Studi Kasus di Kota Pangkalpinang

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    This research was conducted to design public street lighting photovoltaic, based on SNI 7391:2008 concerning specifications of public street lighting in urban areas with several parameters that were considered by poles, lights used, intensity of light needed, number of lights needed and supporting equipment for public street lighting photovoltaic. Currently, Jenderal Sudirman road in the city of Pangkalpinang along 1.5 km uses electricity from PLN with 30 units of 150 watt SON lamps and 11 lux light intensity. The design obtained for street lighting photovoltaic while still meet SNI for light intensity, obtained supporting equipment for solar street lighting, namely 31 unit of 8 meter octagonal poles with specifications of 40 watt LED lights for each cross arm, 1 unit of 100 Wp solar panels, unit of 100 Ah VRLA batteries and 1 unit of solar charger controller (10A, 12V / 24V)

    Studi Analisis Relai Jarak Jaringan Transmisi 150 kV Sungailiat - Air Anyir - Pangkalpinang

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    Untuk dapat mencegah dan meminimalisir kerusakan serta kerugian akibat terjadinya gangguan pada saluran udara tegangan tinggi, maka dibutuhkan sistem proteksi yang andal dan baik. Salah satunya menggunakan relai jarak. Relai jarak merupakan peralatan sistem proteksi yang digunakan sebagai pengaman utama sistem proteksi pada saluran udara tegangan tinggi yang mengukur tegangan pada titik relai dan arus gangguan yang terlihat dari relai kemudian membagi tegangan dan arus untuk mencari nilai impedansi, Kondisi tersebut menunjukan bahwa zona perlindungan perlu diatur secara akurat untuk mengetahui seberapa luas jangkauan untuk menjamin keandalan dan selektivitas dari peralatan ketika beroperasi. Penelitian ini menganalisis penyetelan relai jarak pada saluran transmisi 150 kV area Bangka dengan menghitung zona relai jarak yang terbagi dalam 3 zona. Hasil penyetelan relai jarak mengalami peningkatan setiap zonanya. Pada zona 1 nilai impedansi yang didapat yaitu 207,968 ohm , pada zona 2 nilai impedansi yang didapat yaitu 226,212 ohm , pada zona 3 nilai impedansi yang didapat yaitu 345,933 oh

    Utilization photovoltaic for electrical energy needs in Kelapan island, Indonesia

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    Kelapan Island is one of the outermost islands in the Bangka Belitung Province. With a total of 30 households consisting of 120 people, electricity is currently from diesel generators. The dominant electrical equipment used on Kelapan Island are lights, televisions, fans, irons also several units of refrigerators and washing machines. For reducing the use of fossil energy, electrical energy sources are modeled for supply using a photovoltaic system. The average amount of electricity needed per house is 290.9 W, so the amount of power required for 4 hours at night is 34.908 kWh. The photovoltaic system will be modeled in 2 stages, centralized photovoltaic and photovoltaic at each resident's house. The photovoltaic system that is installing in each residential house requires four units of 100 Wp solar panels, six units of 100 Ah batteries, 1 unit of a 400-watt inverter, and four units of solar charger controllers. Whereas for the centralized photovoltaic system model requires 97 units of 100 Wp solar panels, 160 units of 100 Ah batteries, 25 units of 400-watt inverters and 108 units of solar charger controllers

    Energy needs in dynamic braking on Dahlander motor

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    Dahlander motors are using with different speed regulation needs. In this article, dynamic braking is using by injecting a DC voltage to see energy usage at fast and slow rotation. Control of the fast and slow rotation at the control panel using Arduino. The DC voltage variations given are 15 volts, 20 volts, and 24 volts. At a 15 volt DC voltage injection, the energy needed at fast rotation is 0.0018 Wh and at slow rotation 0.00072 Wh. For injection of a 20 volt DC voltage, the energy required for fast rotation at 0.0025 Wh and at 0.00085 Wh for slow rotation. Whereas 24 volt DC voltage injection, the energy needed at 0.0036 Wh for fast rotation and 0.00077 Wh for slow rotation

    Hybrid of photovoltaic and diesel power plant in Celagen Island

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    Celagen Island is one of the outer islands in Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The population of Celagen island is 1234 people and dominated by fishermen. Currently, electricity is supplied from 1 unit of photovoltaic with capacity 80-kWp and coupled with three units of diesel power plant with capacity 100 kW. To meet the electricity needs of 1069 kWh/day, supply from diesel power plant already sufficient. But for the economics of the cost of providing primary fuel, a hybrid from photovoltaic and diesel power plants needs to be done. Hybrid power plants are one of the options to meet the electrical energy needs of geographically difficult areas to connect to the on-grid electricity network. The hybrid system with 72% of electricity from the diesel power plant and 28% of electricity from photovoltaic is very economical. The economic analysis shows that with this modeling, the cost of providing primary fuel is lower by 1228 rupiah/kWh if only using diesel power plant

    Monitoring of Photovoltaic Performance as an Alternative Energy Source in Campus Buildings

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    Universitas Bangka Belitung is currently supplied by electricity from the State Electric Company in 690 kVA. Concerning utilizing renewable energy at Universitas Bangka Belitung, the solar power plant is an alternative energy source that will implement. Therefore it is necessary to design a solar power plant with a monitoring system to be known at any time the performance of the solar power plant. Monitoring is conducted in real-time via a website displaying several photovoltaic parameters, including voltage, current, humidity, temperature, and solar irradiation. From the measurement results obtained environmental parameters for temperature between 26°- 56.4°C, humidity 23.6% RH - 85.6% RH and solar irradiation 4.4 W/m2 - 1281.4 W/m2. The measured voltage of 11.41 - 18.95 volts with the rated current from the load used is 0.05 - 1.5 amperes

    Monitoring for Photovoltaic in Outer Island

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    Photovoltaic is a renewable energy source that can optimally be used on outer islands and areas that are difficult to reach by the main electrical system network. With good solar energy intensity on a daily, it adds to the advantages of using photovoltaics. In this regard, it is necessary to make a prototype for monitoring the photovoltaic output parameters to measure photovoltaic performance. The parameters that will be monitored on 50 Wp photovoltaic used in this research are voltage using a voltage sensor, current using an ACS712 sensor, and the real power generated. The monitoring results are stored in a database and monitored in realtime based on the website's setting. So that this prototype can be used in several outer islands in Bangka Belitung, which is geographically an archipelag

    Utilization of Electrical Energy in Lecture Building at Universitas Bangka Belitung

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    Electrical energy has become necessary in supporting human life activities, one of which is in higher education institutions. Universitas Bangka Belitung, as one of the public universities in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands, currently has 12 lecture buildings to provide the best academic services in the 20 available undergraduate programs. Through measurements carried out during lecture activity hours in a few weeks at the main panel in 12 lecture buildings, also obtained the average current, average voltage, and average real power in the R phase, S phase, and T phase. lecture building with sampling data every 15 minutes. Based on measurements, the entire lecture building's electrical energy consumption is in the range 2-5 kWh with electronic equipment used, including air conditioning, LCD computer projectors, and room lightin

    Desain sistem grid connected photovoltaic pada kawasan perumahan di Kota Pangkalpinang dan peluang penghematan ekonominya

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    Energi listrik merupakan salahsatu kebutuhan penting bagi masyarakat sejalan dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan kegiatan pembangunan di segala bidang. Penggunaan listrik PLN yang dipadukan dengan sistem fotovoltaik dapat membantu pemenuhan energi listrik terutama apabila diterapkan pada rumah tangga yang merupakan konsumen energi listrik terbesar. Kaitannya dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh rancangan sistem fotovoltaik terhubung jaringan listrik PLN pada rumah tangga di kota Pangkalpinang serta mengetahui peluang penghematan ekonomi dari pemasangan sistem fotovoltaik tersebut. Sistem yang dirancang terdiri dari sistem fotovoltaik tanpa baterai dan sistem fotovoltaik dengan baterai. Dari data konsumsi listrik rumah tangga dengan daya terpasang 1300 VA dan 2200 VA di kota Pangkalpinang selama 1 tahun, ditentukan beban harian sistem fotovoltaik dengan tiga variasi yaitu 40%, 30% dan 20% dari nilai rata-rata konsumsi listrik harian rumah tangga. Setelah memperoleh konfigurasi sistem, dilakukan perhitungan biaya investasi, biaya penggantian komponen selama lifetime sistem (25 tahun) dan biaya konsumsi listrik yang masih harus dibayar ke PLN selama lifetime sistem. Selanjutnya total biaya-biaya tersebut dibandingkan dengan biaya konsumsi listrik rumah tanpa fotovoltaik selama 25 tahun. Diperoleh bahwa belum ada peluang penghematan ekonomi untuk sistem fotovoltaik terhubung jaringan listrik PLN baik tanpa baterai maupun dengan baterai pada rumah dengan daya terpasang 1300 VA dan 2200 VA di kota Pangkalpinang. Dari beberapa variasi sistem fotovoltaik yang telah dirancang, yang paling ekonomis ialah sistem fotovoltaik tanpa baterai dengan beban harian sebesar 20% dari rata-rata konsumsi listrik harian rumah tangga. Biaya konsumsi listrik untuk sistem tersebut lebih mahal Rp 21.814 - Rp 35.885 per bulan bila dibandingkan dengan biaya konsumsi listrik per bulan untuk rumah tanpa fotovoltaik