3 research outputs found

    Integrasi Discrete Wavelet Transform dan Singular Value Decomposition pada Watermarking Citra untuk Perlindungan Hak Cipta

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    Tren masalah watermarking pada sekarang ini adalah bagaimana mengoptimalkan trade-off antara imperceptibility (visibilitas) citra ter-watermark terhadap pengaruh distorsi dan robustness terhadap penyisipan watermark. Masalah menggunakan kekuatan penyisipan berdasarkan Single Scaling Factor (SSF) atau Multiple Scaling Factor (MSF) juga ditemukan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode penyisipan watermark untuk perlindungan hak cipta pada citra dan algoritma ekstraksi citra ter-watermark yang dioptimalkan dengan penggabungan Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) dan Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Nilai-nilai singular dari LL3 koefisien sub-band dari citra host dimodifikasi menggunakan nilai tunggal citra watermark biner menggunakan MSFs. Kontribusi utama dari skema yang diusulkan adalah aplikasi DWT-SVD untuk mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor skala yang optimal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skema yang diusulkan menghasilkan nilai Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) yang tinggi, yang menunjukkan bahwa kualitas visual gambar yang baik pada masalah citra watermarking telah mengoptimalkan trade-off. Trade-off antara imperceptibility (visibilitas) citra ter-watermark terhadap pengaruh distorsi dan robustness citra ter-watermark terhadap operasi pengolahan citra. Nilai PSNR yang didapat pada citra yang diujikan: baboon=53,184; boat=53,328; cameraman=53,700; lena=53,668; man=53,328; dan pepper sebesar 52,662. Delapan perlakuan khusus pada hasil citra ter-watermark diujikan dan diekstraksi kembali yaitu JPEG 5%, Noise 5%, Gaussian filter 3x3, Sharpening, Histogram Equalization, Scaling 512-256, Gray Quantitation 1bit, dan Cropping 1/8. Hasil dari perlakuan khusus kemudian diukur nilai Normalized Cross-Correlation (NC) yang menghasilkan rata-rata semua citra diperoleh sebesar 0,999 dari satu. Hasil penelitian dari metode yang diusulkan lebih unggul nilai PSNR dan NC dari penelitian sebelumnya. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan dengan metode DWT-SVD ini mampu menghasilkan citra yang robust namun memiliki tingkat imperceptibility yang cukup tinggi

    Powering The Archipelago: Accelerating Rural Electrification in Indonesia with Community-based Renewable Energy

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    Large portion of the population in Indonesia lack access to electrical power, and 85% of these portion live in rural areas. This lack of access to electrical power means also lack of access to people's fundamental needs. In addition, local industry cannot flourish without universal access of electricity among the population. Therefore, increasing access of electricity regardless where the population live is crucial to distribute wealth throughout the archipelago. The lack of access to electrical power in remote areas is primarily due to sparse population all over the country and limited power infrastructure. Additionally, most are generated by centralized power plants and therefore making it difficult to be distributed evenly to the entire country due to its archipelagic nature. Consequently, diesel fuel is used to generate power in remote areas, raising the cost of generation of electricity significantly while hindering the local community to get equitable and reliable access of electricity. Our solution to this particular problem is to develop distributed power generation system where each small areas will be provided with their own electrical power generator. This distributed power generation system is not only powered by local renewable energy source but it will also enhance the economic activities in the area. Distributed power generation will also contribute to a more equitable, reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity in remote areas. By promoting distributed renewable energy in Indonesia, we believe that it will bring about the transition to the use of renewable energy source to generate electrical power in the entire country

    Bamboo as an Alternative Bioenergy Crop and Powerful Ally for Land Restoration in Indonesia

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    The energy demand in Indonesia has increased significantly with its population growth, urbanization, and economic development. The growing concern of meeting energy demand while reducing dependency on fossil fuels has resulted in an increasing demand for renewable energy. As a country with a rich biomass base, bioenergy is now an important component of Indonesia’s energy agenda. However, a crucial problem in bioenergy production is the selection of species that can provide a sustainable supply of feedstock without having an impact on food security and the environment. In this context, we discuss the characteristics and benefits of using bamboo, a perennial grass, as a potential species for bioenergy feedstock in Indonesia. We describe the fuel characteristics of bamboo along with the possibility to align its cultivation, production, and usage with environmental and developmental agendas which makes it a suitable bioenergy crop in the country. In addition, its ability to grow on degraded lands, fast growth, long root system, and easy maintenance prove it as a powerful ally for the restoration of degraded land. We recommend in-depth research on the social, ecological, and economic feasibility of using this species for bioenergy production