6 research outputs found

    Power to X: En fallstudie med avseende på lönsamheten i Sverige

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    Power to X, hereinafter PtX, is a conversion of electricity into some kind of energy carrier, such as gas or liquid. The purpose of the technique is often to store “excess” energy from renewable energy sources, usually wind power, in order to use it later. One aspect ofPtX is Power to Gas, hereinafter PtG, which involves the conversion of electricity often by the use of an electrolyser into a gaseous energy carrier, such as hydrogen or methane. The technology is a promising strategy for balancing the electricity supply in countries that striveto have near zero carbon dioxide emissions and have to rely on renewable energy sources. Another part of PtX that has received more attention lately and that may be important in the future, with more fluctuating electricity prices due to a larger share of renewableenergy in the energy systems, is the technique Power to gas to power, PtGtP. In PtGtP electrical energy, often with the help of anelectrolyser, is converted and stored in a gaseous energy carrier and later on when there is an electricity shortage it is converted backinto electrical energy through fuel cells. PtGtP can therefore be seenas a further development of PtG. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate the potential forPtX, more specifically PtG and PtGtP in Sweden in terms ofprofitability. PtG was investigated considering production of hydrogenand methane where the hydrogen was sold as fuel for vehicles and the methane was injected into the gas distribution network in Stockholm.The methane production also results in surplus heat which was injected into the district heating network. To investigate this, a qualitativecase study was carried out on two hypothetical facilities. One fromthe Swedish company Euromekanik, that produces hydrogen and one from the German company Electrochaea that produces methane. Euromekanik’s facility was also used for the PtGtP application. The results weremainly based on the electricity prices of 2019. However, electricityprices for 2017, 2018 as well as more volatile electricity prices havebeen examined. Simulations of the input- and output flows in thefacilities have been performed in MATLAB and profitabilitycalculations have been performed using the net present value methodand the profitability index. A sensitivity analysis was conducted inwhich the values of the most important parameters were varied. The results regarding PtG in this study show that the idea ofproduction should take place when the electricity prices are low canbe rejected. The results also show that the conversion of hydrogeninto methane decreases the profitability. Running the PtG plant allhours of the year and producing hydrogen is therefore the mostprofitable design of the plant, even though this set-up still resultsin a negative net present value of approximately 24 MSEK after 20years. The result from the investigation of PtGtP shows that due tothe low system efficiency, the electricity sold back to the grid needsto have a price of 5000-6000 SEK/MWh for the plant to break-even when purchasing electricity a fourth of the hours of the year with thelowest electricity price. With the pattern and prices on the Swedish electricity market today this technique will not be profitable.However, both PtG and PtGtP will most likely have another value than solely the economic profitability in terms of energy storage andsystem balancing functions, though that has not been examined in this thesis

    Ekoprenörskap : ett sätt att skapa värde för kunder

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    Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera affärsmodeller hos ekoprenöriella företag, det vill säga företag grundade och baserade på hållbara principer, för att utveckla en större förståelse för hur dess delar kan leda till värdeskapande för kunder. Halla Halla har valts som fallföretag för att de har kunder som köpt från dem flera gånger, och kan därmed anses skapa värde för dessa, samt för att grundarna är ekoprenörer som bedriver produktion av badkläder gjorda av återvunnet material. Företaget verkar inom modebranschen där ​fast fashion​ är ett vanligt fenomen som innebär att mode och trender bidrar till snabb konsumtion, i många fall på bekostnad av miljön. I teoriavsnittet kombineras nio underkategorier ifrån Osterwalders et al. (2010) Business model canvas, översatt kanvasmodellen, tillsammans med Jung Choos et al. (2012) fyra faktorer för värdeskapande för kund, i en framtagen analysmodell. De fyra faktorerna för värdeskapande utgörs av pris, kvalitet, fördelar kontra kostnader och subjektivt värde. Analysmodellen används som ett verktyg för undersökning av fallföretagets affärsmodell och därigenom skapande av kundvärde. Det empiriska materialet i uppsatsen har främst baserats på två mailintervjuer med Halla Hallas grundare samt kundintervjuer med tio av deras kunder. Resultatet tyder på att affärsmodellen hos ekoprenöriella företag leder till värdeskapande för kunder på olika sätt. För företag vars målgrupp är unga kvinnor kan Instagram vara en lämplig plattform för att sprida sitt budskap. Det kan också vara av betydelse för företag att ha fungerande samarbeten med nyckelpartners, med vilka man tillsammans kan se till att produkter håller hög kvalitet. I dagens samhälle, där fast fashion är ett växande problem, är det även viktigt för företag att ha god förståelse för hållbarhetsproblemen vi står inför och skapa unika produktidéer motiverade av detta

    Power to X: En fallstudie med avseende på lönsamheten i Sverige

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    Power to X, hereinafter PtX, is a conversion of electricity into some kind of energy carrier, such as gas or liquid. The purpose of the technique is often to store “excess” energy from renewable energy sources, usually wind power, in order to use it later. One aspect ofPtX is Power to Gas, hereinafter PtG, which involves the conversion of electricity often by the use of an electrolyser into a gaseous energy carrier, such as hydrogen or methane. The technology is a promising strategy for balancing the electricity supply in countries that striveto have near zero carbon dioxide emissions and have to rely on renewable energy sources. Another part of PtX that has received more attention lately and that may be important in the future, with more fluctuating electricity prices due to a larger share of renewableenergy in the energy systems, is the technique Power to gas to power, PtGtP. In PtGtP electrical energy, often with the help of anelectrolyser, is converted and stored in a gaseous energy carrier and later on when there is an electricity shortage it is converted backinto electrical energy through fuel cells. PtGtP can therefore be seenas a further development of PtG. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate the potential forPtX, more specifically PtG and PtGtP in Sweden in terms ofprofitability. PtG was investigated considering production of hydrogenand methane where the hydrogen was sold as fuel for vehicles and the methane was injected into the gas distribution network in Stockholm.The methane production also results in surplus heat which was injected into the district heating network. To investigate this, a qualitativecase study was carried out on two hypothetical facilities. One fromthe Swedish company Euromekanik, that produces hydrogen and one from the German company Electrochaea that produces methane. Euromekanik’s facility was also used for the PtGtP application. The results weremainly based on the electricity prices of 2019. However, electricityprices for 2017, 2018 as well as more volatile electricity prices havebeen examined. Simulations of the input- and output flows in thefacilities have been performed in MATLAB and profitabilitycalculations have been performed using the net present value methodand the profitability index. A sensitivity analysis was conducted inwhich the values of the most important parameters were varied. The results regarding PtG in this study show that the idea ofproduction should take place when the electricity prices are low canbe rejected. The results also show that the conversion of hydrogeninto methane decreases the profitability. Running the PtG plant allhours of the year and producing hydrogen is therefore the mostprofitable design of the plant, even though this set-up still resultsin a negative net present value of approximately 24 MSEK after 20years. The result from the investigation of PtGtP shows that due tothe low system efficiency, the electricity sold back to the grid needsto have a price of 5000-6000 SEK/MWh for the plant to break-even when purchasing electricity a fourth of the hours of the year with thelowest electricity price. With the pattern and prices on the Swedish electricity market today this technique will not be profitable.However, both PtG and PtGtP will most likely have another value than solely the economic profitability in terms of energy storage andsystem balancing functions, though that has not been examined in this thesis

    Ekoprenörskap : ett sätt att skapa värde för kunder

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    Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera affärsmodeller hos ekoprenöriella företag, det vill säga företag grundade och baserade på hållbara principer, för att utveckla en större förståelse för hur dess delar kan leda till värdeskapande för kunder. Halla Halla har valts som fallföretag för att de har kunder som köpt från dem flera gånger, och kan därmed anses skapa värde för dessa, samt för att grundarna är ekoprenörer som bedriver produktion av badkläder gjorda av återvunnet material. Företaget verkar inom modebranschen där ​fast fashion​ är ett vanligt fenomen som innebär att mode och trender bidrar till snabb konsumtion, i många fall på bekostnad av miljön. I teoriavsnittet kombineras nio underkategorier ifrån Osterwalders et al. (2010) Business model canvas, översatt kanvasmodellen, tillsammans med Jung Choos et al. (2012) fyra faktorer för värdeskapande för kund, i en framtagen analysmodell. De fyra faktorerna för värdeskapande utgörs av pris, kvalitet, fördelar kontra kostnader och subjektivt värde. Analysmodellen används som ett verktyg för undersökning av fallföretagets affärsmodell och därigenom skapande av kundvärde. Det empiriska materialet i uppsatsen har främst baserats på två mailintervjuer med Halla Hallas grundare samt kundintervjuer med tio av deras kunder. Resultatet tyder på att affärsmodellen hos ekoprenöriella företag leder till värdeskapande för kunder på olika sätt. För företag vars målgrupp är unga kvinnor kan Instagram vara en lämplig plattform för att sprida sitt budskap. Det kan också vara av betydelse för företag att ha fungerande samarbeten med nyckelpartners, med vilka man tillsammans kan se till att produkter håller hög kvalitet. I dagens samhälle, där fast fashion är ett växande problem, är det även viktigt för företag att ha god förståelse för hållbarhetsproblemen vi står inför och skapa unika produktidéer motiverade av detta

    Electric vehicle charging in parking lots of multi-family houses

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    This bachelor thesis examines the possibility for electric vehicle charging in parking lots of multi-family houses. A case study is performed on two different housing areas located in Uppsala,Sweden. The capacity of the electric cables supplying the housing areas with power and the installation costs for the charging points is studied. The thesis is written in collaboration with Uppsalahem, which owns and maintains the housing areas. The areas have different parking possibilities. The investigated alternatives for charging are modifying internal  combustion engine pre-heating stations to charging points and building new charging points. The investigation is performed using a model made in MATLAB. The results show that for the first housing area, Sala Hage, it is possible to supply the parking lots, 60 in total, belonging to the area with charging points with the power of 2.3 kW or 11 kW. For installing 22 kW chargers, the capacity of the cable is sufficient for only 30 parking lots. For the other housing area Kastanjen, the required capacity of the cable for installing charging points on the 60 parking lots in the garage is 106.6 kW for the charging power 2.3 kW, 266.3 kW for the power 11 kW, and 460.2 kW for the power 22 kW. A sensitivity analysis on the results of the MATLAB model is made by changing the input parameters. The cost for upgrading the 43 parking lots in Sala Hage from the already installed internal combustion engine pre-heating stations to charging points is 292 400 SEK. To install 60 new charging points, the cost would be 4 920 000 SEK, a cost which is valid for both the housing areas

    Electric vehicle charging in parking lots of multi-family houses

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    This bachelor thesis examines the possibility for electric vehicle charging in parking lots of multi-family houses. A case study is performed on two different housing areas located in Uppsala,Sweden. The capacity of the electric cables supplying the housing areas with power and the installation costs for the charging points is studied. The thesis is written in collaboration with Uppsalahem, which owns and maintains the housing areas. The areas have different parking possibilities. The investigated alternatives for charging are modifying internal  combustion engine pre-heating stations to charging points and building new charging points. The investigation is performed using a model made in MATLAB. The results show that for the first housing area, Sala Hage, it is possible to supply the parking lots, 60 in total, belonging to the area with charging points with the power of 2.3 kW or 11 kW. For installing 22 kW chargers, the capacity of the cable is sufficient for only 30 parking lots. For the other housing area Kastanjen, the required capacity of the cable for installing charging points on the 60 parking lots in the garage is 106.6 kW for the charging power 2.3 kW, 266.3 kW for the power 11 kW, and 460.2 kW for the power 22 kW. A sensitivity analysis on the results of the MATLAB model is made by changing the input parameters. The cost for upgrading the 43 parking lots in Sala Hage from the already installed internal combustion engine pre-heating stations to charging points is 292 400 SEK. To install 60 new charging points, the cost would be 4 920 000 SEK, a cost which is valid for both the housing areas