760 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Pemberdayaan Desa (Ppd) melalui Usaha Ekonomi Kelurahan Simpan Pinjam (Uek-sp) di Kelurahan Bukit Kayu Kapur Kota Dumai Tahun 2012

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    The research given title Evaluation Impplementation of The Program economic Enterprises Village saving and Loans (UEK/SP) at Bukit Raya Kapur Village, Dumai City in 2012. Its behind of this research is srill a using funds loans not used according to plan the proposal loan lack of aweareness of the public in paying the mortgage in adition its still a lot of people who do not in the criteria for low-icome communities also enjoy this program and number of delinquent loans is higher as well the list of loans that are pilling up.The aim of research is evaluation implementation of the program economic enterprises village saving and loans (UEK-SP) at Bukit Raya Kapur Village Dumai City in 2012. The usefulness of this research is as input agencies in an effort to take out policy in the future. Types and method of research is descriptive research, which can be defined as program solving or describe investigated by describing the state of the subject and object of research based on the facts that seem or how their. While the method used qualitative research method to describe the actual situation and the actual detail by looking at the problem and research objectives determined purposive based withdrawal nonprobability sample properties. Data was collected by interview and documentation.The research that concludes evaluation implementation of program economic enterprises village saving and loans (UEK/SP) at Bukit Raya Kapur Village Dumai City in 2012 its Not Good. Where implementation of the TUPOKSI by UEK/SP has not been done well, so that people who received benefits from this program is not accuarate and this is also due to the implementation of the verification that is not in accordance with existing guidelines so that the level of arrears communities become higher. Arrears by using so the roll can not be done every single month and also resulted in the list of loans the are pilling up. Futhermore, the absorption of funds which have not been up to touch the law-income communities that lack of venture capital.The Key Word : Evaluation, Program, PPD, UEK/S

    Integrating Renewable Energy in Agriculture: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Approach

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    This article investigates the use of Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) to optimize decision-making for photovoltaic (PV) systems installations in the agriculture sector. The study develops a DQN framework to assist agricultural investors in making informed decisions considering factors such as installation budget, government incentives, energy requirements, system cost, and long-term benefits. By implementing a reward mechanism, the DQN learns to make data-driven decisions on PV integration. The analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of how DQNs can support investors in making decisions about PV installations in agriculture. This research has significant implications for promoting sustainable and efficient farming practices while also paving the way for future advancements in this field. By leveraging DQNs, agricultural investors can make optimized decisions that improve energy efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and enhance profitability. This study contributes to the advancement of PV integration in agriculture and encourages further innovation in this promising area.Comment: This paper has been accepted at the 2023 Deep Learning for Precision Agriculture (DLSPA) Workshop, at The 2023 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD


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    Persediaan merupakan bagian penting untuk melaksanakan kegiatan operasional dalam rangka pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Persediaan adalah aset lancar berupa barang atau perlengkapan yang digunakan untuk menunjang kegiatan operasional, seperti barang habis pakai, barang tidak habis pakai, dan barang bekas. Tanpa adanya persediaan, instansi pemerintah akan kesulitan dalam melakukan pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang secara populasi memiliki jumlah yang besar dan dari segi wilayah yang begitu luas. Aktifitas di lingkungan instansi pemerintahan juga terganggu tanpa adanya persediaan, karena persediaan juga meliputi barang-barang yang mendukung kegiatan administrasi dan kantor di instansi pemerintahan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan pernyataan standar akuntansi pemerintah 05 tentang akuntansi persediaan pada kantor wilayah kementerian agama di provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pernyataan standar akuntansi 05 tentang akuntansi persediaan pada Kanwil Kementerian Agama Provinsi Sulawesi Utara telah sesuai dengan penerapannya dan aturan yang berlaku


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    The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of phytohormone and its concentration on germination of 1-week storage G. versteegii’s seeds. Factorial Completely Randomize Design was used with two factors: type of phytohormone (J1:Atonik, J2:gibberellic acid) and phytohormone concentration (K1:200ppm, K2:400ppm). ANOVA shows that phytohormone concentration was the only factor that has a significant difference at α=0.05. Four hundred ppm was an ideal concentration that supports G. versteegii’s seed's better germination rate on atonic and gibberellic acid. However, gibberellic acid has supported a better germination rate than atonic at 400 ppm concentration. It is concluded that gibberellic acid at 400 ppm concentration is the best treatment for G. versteegii germination

    Urban Rainfall-Runoff Study To Validate The Design Chart In The Malaysian Urban Storm Water Management Manual (MSMA).

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    Knowledge on rainfall-runoff response is vital in engineering practices for developing area in the humid tropics. This paper will discuss the runoff response due to varying rainfall within small Malaysian urban catchment

    Pengaruh Kejelasan Sasaran Anggaran, Pengendalian Akuntansi, Kompetensi Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah, Sistem Pelaporan, Dan Ketaatan Pada Peraturan Perundangan Terhadap Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (Studi Empiris Pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Dae

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of budget goal clarity, accounting control, local government official competence, reporting system, and obedience to the laws and regulations on the performance accountability of government institution in Agam district. The population in this study is 27 government agencies. The sample use were are 51 respondents. The type of data used is primary data by using questionnaire. The analysis tool is using multiple regression with software SPSS version 21. The result show that: 1) budget goal clarity has significant effect on the performance accountability of government institution, 2) accounting control has not significant effect on the performance accountability of government institution, 3) local government official competence has significant effect on the performance accountability of government institution, 4) reporting system has significant effect on the performance accountability of government institution, and 5) obedience to the laws and regulation has significant effect on the performance accountability of government institution. All of the independent variables are influence the dependent variables as much as 52,1%, while 47,9% is influenced by other unclear variables

    Populasi Aedes SP. dan Karakteristik Breeding Site pada Daerah Endemik di Kec. Bantimurung Kab. Maros dengan Aplikasi Sig

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    Dengue fever up to now still be a problem in many countries mainly in developed coun-try and so is in Bantimurung district in Indonesia which is one of the endemic areas in South of Sulawesi. This study was aimed to find out the population of Aedes sp. and breeding site characteristics in endemic regions of Bantimurung Subdistrict Maros Regency with the appli-cation of Geographic Information System (GIS). This study was conducted in Ban-timurung Subdistrict involving 182 households with total 447 breeding sites. This study was an explo-rative study. Samples were drawn using random sampling method. Study results indicated that larva density of Aedes in Bantimurung subdistrict included House Index (HI) = 81%, Container Index (CI) = 75%, Breteau Index (BI) = 184 and Density Figure (DF) = 8, and high larva density was observed in all villages, in which HI > 5%. Aedes sp. larva-positive breeding sites out of 182 houses were 335 and two Aedes species were identified: Ae. Aegypti (63/18.8%) and Ae. Albopictus (271/81%). The identified breeding sites included 15% natural sites, the most common was banana trees (73.1%), and 85% artificial breeding sites with the most common final disposal site was barrel (38.7%) and non final disposal site was tire (59.6%). Larva-positive breeding sites were primarily found outside the houses com-pared inside the houses with lighting conditions protected from the sun (52%) and not protected (48%), and average water temperature of 28 C and average water pH of 7.2. There is such a trend breeding site distribution of larva Aedes positively in the area with high dengue fever affair. It is necessary to the environment around the home which has potency to be a breeding site. Key Words ; Aedes sp., Breeding Site, Artificial TP