1,313 research outputs found

    Active Learning: An Integrative Learning Approach for Adult Learners

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    In order to appeal to adult learners, the Analytics in Medicine course utilizes active learning methodology to foster self-directed learning, critical thinking, communication skills, and acquisition of knowledge. The modified flipped classroom model requires weekly assigned reading and a written reflection exercise completed several days before face-to-face class time. The reflections are used to better inform course instructors regarding areas needing further explanation in person. In the weekly 2-hour class, students explore topics in-depth by incorporating active learning methods. Examples include think-pair-share or small group activities requiring movement, discussion, and reflection focusing on question prompts or application of principles (e.g., carousel method). The instructor continuously circulates to ensure student engagement and grasp of the material, allowing for areas of clarification to be immediately identified. Instructors often involve peers to coach one another as a method of continued active learning without going into “lecture mode.”https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1092/thumbnail.jp

    Patterns and bifurcations in low-Prandtl number Rayleigh-Benard convection

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    We present a detailed bifurcation structure and associated flow patterns for low-Prandtl number (P=0.0002,0.002,0.005,0.02P=0.0002, 0.002, 0.005, 0.02) Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection near its onset. We use both direct numerical simulations and a 30-mode low-dimensional model for this study. We observe that low-Prandtl number (low-P) convection exhibits similar patterns and chaos as zero-P convection \cite{pal:2009}, namely squares, asymmetric squares, oscillating asymmetric squares, relaxation oscillations, and chaos. At the onset of convection, low-P convective flows have stationary 2D rolls and associated stationary and oscillatory asymmetric squares in contrast to zero-P convection where chaos appears at the onset itself. The range of Rayleigh number for which stationary 2D rolls exist decreases rapidly with decreasing Prandtl number. Our results are in qualitative agreement with results reported earlier

    Research and development of HgZnTe as an infrared material

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    Interfacial morphology and Fermi level pinning behavior at the interfaces of Al, Ag, and Pt with UHV-cleaved CdTe and ZnTe have been studied using X-ray and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopies. Results are compared to metal/HgCdTe interface formation, where the weak HgTe bond and consequent ease of Hg loss strongly influence semiconductor disruption and metal-semiconductor intermising. For Al/CdTe, the strong Al-Te reaction yields a significantly more extensive Al-Te reacted region than has been observed for HgCdTe. The Al/ZnTe interface is observed to be more abrupt than Al/CdTe. The final Fermi level pinning positions, Ef-Evbm for Al, Ag, and Pt on p-type CdTe and p-ZnTe have been determined. Efi is found to be roughly the same for both CdTe and ZnTe, with the value for ZnTe lying approximately 0.2 eV closer to the VBM for all three metals. From these results, one would expect Schottky barriers of about the same height for these metals on p-CdTe and p-ZnTe; and also that, in principle, metal interfaces with the two alloys HgCdTe and HgZnTe would have the same properties. Comparisons and implications for electrical behavior of metal contacts to the alloys are discussed

    Study on Combustions Characteristics of Diesel-Vegetable Oil Blended using Industrial Fuel Burner

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    Combustion characteristics of diesel-vegetable oil using industrial dual fuel burner at different ratio have been experimentally investigated. Diesel was blended with vegetable oil at 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% volume ratios. Initially, diesel-vegetable oil blends properties which included kinematic viscosity, density and calorific value, were analyzed

    Design of Input Sequence to Capture Adequate Non Linearity for Empirical Modeling Purposes

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    The objective of this report is to discuss the preliminary research done and basic understanding of the chosen topic, which is Design of Input Sequence to Capture Adequate Non Linearity. The ultimate aim of the project is to find the best input sequence that can capture adequate non linearity and give the best predictive empirical model of Continuous Stir Tank Reactor. The challenge in this project is to find the available input sequence, which has been available in other people research project, applied them in MATLAB Simulink and further tested in various types of Neural Network. Simulation model will be design to test for the best input sequence that will give the best result for prediction of output. Once the result from the simulation has been get, the best input sequence will be test on the real system to prove that the result obtain in the real cases is similar with simulation that had been carried out

    The Effects of British Colonialism in India on Indo-Caribbean Communities

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard College
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