5 research outputs found

    Covid-19: The Newest Black Swan Crisis and Its Effect toward Banking Stocks

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    Abstract. The outbreak of Covid-19 has changed the condition of stock markets around the world, including Indonesia. The bad news regarding this latest pandemic is forming negative sentiment in the market. Banking companies are one of the industries that have been shaken by the virus. The decline in performance and losses that occurred in many companies due to Covid-19 increased the risk of bad bank loans. This study aims to identify the effect of Covid-19 on the reaction of the banking market in Indonesia. Here, the market reaction is measured by changes in stock prices and stock trading volumes before and after the presidential announcement regarding the Covid-19 case. This study uses the efficient market hypothesis and signal theory to explain the reaction. Data analysis was tested using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The results showed that there was a change in the price of banking shares and trading volume of banking shares after the entry of Covid-19 in Indonesia

    KUALITAS KOMITE AUDIT, INDEPENDENSI AUDITOR, DAN KELEMAHAN PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Indonesia yang Listing di New York Stock Exchange)

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    The research was conducted by replicating the study of Yan Zhang (2007) who examined the disclosureof internall control weaknesess in the U.S. this study examined the relation between audit committee quality, auditor independence, and the disclosure of internal control weaknesess after the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Company which used as sample was Indonesian companies listing on New York Stock Exchange, during 2003 untill 2010. The sample used was company listed on the NYSE because internal control weakness disclosure required of companies listed on NYSE. Pearson and Spearman korelation test indicated that there was no relationship between audit committee quality and the disclosure of internal control weaknesess. This study also used logistic regression analysis. The result of logistic regression analysis consistent with Pearson and Spearman test result. The result of this research was not consistent with previous studies done by Zhang Yan because because there was no obligation to make disclosure of internal control weakness in Indonesia. In addition , independence auditor did not have a relationship with the disclosure of internal control weakness

    Model Pengembangan Industri Halal Food di Indonesia

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    AbstractThe development of the halal industry will become more competitive with the involvement of the financial industry and sharia banking sectors. This study aims to explore the role of sharia banking in the development of halal food industry in Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method with literature review. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the role of sharia banking is not only limited to shariah-based financing which is riba (interest), maysir (uncertainty), and gharar (gambling), but also at all stages of production process (halal value chain management). Sharia banks play important role that can use to develop and improve the halal food industry. First on the halal control stage, the second on the logistics process and the last stage of halal verification.AbstrakPengembangan industri halal akan menjadi lebih kompetitif dengan keterlibatan dari sektor industri keuangan dan perbankan syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran perbankan syariah dalam pengembangan industri makanan halal di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan telaah literatur. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran perbankan syariah tidak hanya terbatas pada pembiayaan berbasis syariah yang bebas riba (bunga), maysir (ketidakpastian), dan gharar (perjudian). Akan tetapi juga pada seluruh tahapan proses produksi (halal value chain management). Peran penting yang dapat dilakukan perbankan syariah guna mengembangkan dan meningkatkan industri makanan halal, diantaranya dalam tiga proses halal integrity. Pertama pada tahap pengendalian halal, kedua pada proses logistik dan terkahir tahap halal verification

    Indonesian Consumers’ Intention of Adopting Islamic Financial Technology Services

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    With the rise of Halal Lifestyle in the digital era, Islamic Financial Technology (henceforth FinTech) has increasingly become impactful to economic growth. Islamic FinTech companies are in a dire need to figure out factors that influence the adoption and acceptance of the technology to promote their business. Addressing the issue, this study examines consumers’ intention of using Islamic Fintech services. An online survey was employed to elicit the required data from 75 Indonesian consumers of Islamic FinTech services. The results of data analysis by means of SEM-PLS depicted that perceived usefulness and interpersonal influence were two key factors driving the consumers to use Islamic FinTech services. The results further revealed that compatibility positively influenced perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, which in turn, affected the consumers’ attitude. Moreover, it was also noted that attitude and internet self-efficacy as perceived behavioral control in decomposition of theory of planned behavior had no significant impact on consumers’ intention. The results of this study theoretically provide a basic model of consumers’ intention in the context of Islamic FinTech. At the same time, FinTech industry users can use the results of the present study as references to come up with appropriate strategy to deal with the market needs


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    Literasi keuangan dan teknologi informasi dapat membantu Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) meningkatkan kinerja serta mempertahankan keberlangsungan usaha. Literasi keuangan membantu pemilik UMKM melakukan monitoring kinerja keuangan setiap periode, sedangkan teknologi informasi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menjalankan fungsi pemasaran supaya dapat menjangkau konsumen yang lebih luas. Kampung Trunan adalah salah satu sentra penghasil tahu di Kota Magelang. Sayangnya, pemasaran yang dilakukan masih sebatas pada toko-toko yang ada di Magelang, baik kota maupun kabupaten. Selain itu pembukuan yang dilakukan juga belum maksimal sehingga belum ada laporan yang menggambarkan kondisi keuangan UMKM dengan tepat. Program Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Terpadu (PPMT) dilakukan di Kampung Trunan dalam beberapa tahapan kegiatan, yaitu sosialisai, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Setelah kegiatan ini, para pemilik UMKM di Kampung Trunan lebih memahami tentang metode pemasaran yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan teknologi informasi melalui media sosial. Selain itu, para pemilik UMKM juga mampu memahami tentang pembuatan pembukuan sehingga dapat digunakan untuk memantau kinerja keuangan usaha mereka.