7 research outputs found

    Konsep Tanggap terhadap Penghematan Energi pada Perancangan Museum Batik Jakarta

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    Jakarta Batik Museum is a place to visually present the art and culture of batik as well as provide information about the development history of batik. Activities are Education & Information, Convention, Recreation, Retail, Museums & Convention (showrooms, convention, Library & Study, Workshop, Conservation & Preservation) and supporting facilities (Cafe, Gallery / batik store, gift shop, Amphitheater) . As a place of batik works in the present era (modern / digital) with the activities of collecting, conserving, researching, communicating and exhibiting, involving technology as a tool to deliver information which is using large resources. The concept of Energy Efficient Buildings is a response to energy savings and utilization of the available energy in the environment. Strategies includes a combination of natural & artificial lighting, a combination of natural & artificial air-conditioning, implementation of building automation system, solar panels, the application of a secondary skin

    Dual Faces Architecture of Nias

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    Many Indonesian people built a traditional house based on beliefs of their ancestors for generations, without knowing the scientific reason. Meanwhile, indirectly, ancestors already thinking about housing that adapts the environmental conditions such as in Nias Island. Nias is an island that has two different forms of traditional houses which are affected by the differences geographic, highland and lowland. Geographic factors and beliefs not only affect the shape of the house but also the structure of the house. Located on the earthquake fault lines, Nias traditional houses was designed to withstand earthquakes that often befall. A study using description and analysis methods about design and structure which used in traditional houses in Nias Island, would develop a good sense of the idea to apply these materials on modern building to preserve the culture of Indonesia

    Kajian Desain Gedung Grha Wiksa Praniti terhadap Tata Kelola Air Berkelanjutan

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    Bandung is a city with a poor drainage system , which often results floods in some areas of the city called ' banjir cileuncang ' . Grha Wiksa Praniti PuslitbangKim built and designed based on the concept which solves problems surface water runoff by utilizing rainwater as a source of clean water reserve in addition to the PDAM and Drilling taps water . This concept would be a good example to support a sustainable environment concept and should be considered by planners since the early stages of planning . A study on Grha Wiksa Praniti conducted to find out aspects which needed to be considered in designing a building with the concept of sustainable use of water . Find outs through a descriptive analysis method which compares theory and application on designing a multi-purpose building , rain water treatment , sewage treatment , and placement of tools in the design of buildings and site analysis, indicates that building with the concept of sustainable water treatment design will affect the arrangement of inside out space zonning in the building design

    Pengolahan dan Pemanfaatan Elemen Air sebagai Kearifan Lokal pada Arsitektur Kampung Naga

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    When modernization offers convenience and comfort of life that impact on enviromental destruction, Kampung Naga people choose to maintain enviromental sustainability. Values that lead to enviromental sustainability is the preservation of local wisdom in Kampung Naga and architecture to be studied as a valuable input in planning for the life of modern society. Analysis of the descriptive analysis method in this study indicate that local wisdom that separates the arrangement of the inside area the highest contour and the outside area the lowest contour, placement system equipment clean water sources on site affect the zoning arrangement of the village and the architecture of the building, while water treatment and disposal systems dirty, as well as channeling rain water that conserve nature. This study is expected to be input on the application of the concept of processing and utilization of sustainable urban water element

    Application of Digital Structure Simulation as A Tool for the Exploration of Wide Span Structure Ideas

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    Review on structure behaviour and visual appearance of a building is needed in generating creativity in the making of an architectural design. The use of any specific structure software will facilitate this in the process. This research aims to prove the effectiveness with which designers can compose alternative forms of architectural appearance through the use of the software. One of the tools in the creative process used in the exploration of 2-dimensional frame structures is DR FRAME. The observations were carried in the Structure and Construction IV Studio at Itenas Architecture Study Program Bandung through a digital simulation using DR. FRAME software demo version. Several students are invited to explore various forms of wide-span truss structures at the level of unified integration. The results through the program execution show various diagrams which can be implemented in the design of the form and the type of structural components. DR.FRAME software enriches ideas in the wide-span structure design which provides an understanding of the relationship between structural behaviour and the appearance of architectural design. The use of other supporting software is supposed to be applied as an alternative search for various structural design ideas for architecture student