27 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Geometri Menggunakan Teori Set Kabur [QA445. F252 2008 f rb].

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    Pemodelan geometri dan teori set kabur telah dikembangkan dan diguna dengan meluasnya dalam berbagai cabang matematik, termasuk juga sains dan kejuruteraan. Geometric modelling and fuzzy set theory have been developed and widely used in various branches of mathematics, as well as in sciences and engineering

    3-tuple Bézier surface interpolation model for data visualization

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    In this paper, the 3-tuple Bézier surface interpolation model is introduced. The 3-tuple control net relation is defined through intuitionistic fuzzy concept. Later, the control net is blended with Bernstein basis function to obtain surface blending function and to produce 3-tuple Bézier surface. The 3-tuple Bézier surface model is illustrated through the interpolation method by using data point with intuitionistic features. Some numerical example is shown. Lastly, the 3-tuple Bézier surface properties is also discussed

    Penggredan pada ruang topologi kabur

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    Hazra et al. introduced a new definition of fuzzy topology via the gradation of openness (closedness) for fuzzy subset of X and studied the gradation preserving map. In this paper, we further study the concepts of induced gradation, gradation contraction map, gradation expansion map, gradation fixing map and the gradation preserving map on a fuzzy topological space

    Perfectly normal type-2 fuzzy interpolation B-spline curve

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    In this paper, we proposed another new form of type-2 fuzzy data points(T2FDPs) that is perfectly normal type-2 data points(PNT2FDPs). These kinds of brand-new data were defined by using the existing type-2 fuzzy set theory(T2FST) and type-2 fuzzy number(T2FN) concept since we dealt with the problem of defining complex uncertainty data. Along with this restructuring, we included the fuzzification(alpha-cut operation), type-reduction and defuzzification processes against PNT2FDPs. In addition, we used interpolation B-soline curve function to demonstrate the PNT2FDPs.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.786

    B-spline curve interpolation model by using intuitionistic fuzzy approach

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    In this paper, B-spline curve interpolation model by using intuitionistic fuzzy set approach is introduced. Firstly, intuitionistic fuzzy control point relation is defined based on the intuitionistic fuzzy concept. Later, the intuitionistic fuzzy control point relation is blended with B-spline basis function. Through interpolation method, intuitionistic fuzzy B-spline curve model is visualized. Finally, some numerical examples and an algorithm to generate the desired curve is shown

    B-spline curve interpolation model by using intuitionistic fuzzy approach

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    In this paper, B-spline curve interpolation model by using intuitionistic fuzzy set approach is introduced. Firstly, intuitionistic fuzzy control point relation is defined based on the intuitionistic fuzzy concept. Later, the intuitionistic fuzzy control point relation is blended with B-spline basis function. Through interpolation method, intuitionistic fuzzy B-spline curve model is visualized. Finally, some numerical examples and an algorithm to generate the desired curve is shown

    Fuzzy interpolation rational bicubic bezier surface

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    This paper introduces fuzzy interpolation rational bicubic Bezier surface (later known as FIRBBS) which can be used to model the fuzzy data forms after defining uncertainty data by using fuzzy set theory. The construction of FIRBBS is based on the definition of fuzzy number concept since we dealing with the real uncertainty data form and interpolation rational bicubic Bezier surface model. Then, in order to obtain the crisp fuzzy solution, we applied the alpha-cut operation of triangular fuzzy number to reduce the fuzzy interval among those fuzzy data points(FDPs). After that, we applied defuzzification method to give us the final solution of getting single surface which also knows as crisp fuzzy solution surface. The practical example also is given which represented by figures for each processes. This practical example take the fuzzy data of lakebed modeling based on uncertainty at z-axis(depth)

    An Android Attendance Solution for Eco-Campus Life.

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    In UMS, signing attendance is very inefficient. Usually the signing of attendance starts when the lecturer gives out the attendance sheet in the lecture hall. If class is huge, it will take almost the whole lecture time to complete the process. The method used in UMS for signing attendance is basically passing the attendance sheet around. This will not only distract the class, it will also cause someone to miss the attendance sheet because of the passing process is not consistent. There is also potential of data loss due to human’s mistake such as misplacing the attendance sheet. In order to solve these problems, this project proposed an Android-based application integrated with a web application to make the process of recording attendance more efficient. The objectives for this project are to develop Android-based application with interface for students to record attendance as well as another interface, which allows lecturers to track the students’ attendance. The database for the content management system was developed to integrate with the Android Attendance Solution (AAS). The expected outcome for this project would be a fully functional attendance recording application. With this application, the whole process of recording attendance can be made easier and thus saves time as well as resources such as pen and paper

    Pemodelan titik data kabur teritlak

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    Di dalam kertas ini, pendekatan dalam mentakrifkan ketakpastian titik data melalui pendekatan konsep nombor kabur yang sedia ada dapat diitlakkan. Pengitlakan ini termasuk pentakrifan ketakpastian data yang akan menjadi titik data kabur (titik kawalan kabur) selepas ditakrifkan oleh konsep nombor kabur. Kemudian, kajian ini juga membincangkan tentang proses pengkaburan (operasi potongan-alfa) terhadap titik data kabur tersebut dalam bentuk segitiga nombor kabur diiringi dengan beberapa teorem dan juga pembuktiannya. Selain itu, kami juga turut memodelkan titik data kabur tersebut melalui fungsi lengkung yang sedia ada iaitu fungsi lengkung Bezier. Selepas itu, turut dicadangkan juga ialah proses penyahkaburan terhadap titik data kabur selepas operasi potongan-alfa diimplementasikan bagi memperoleh penyelesaian titik data kabur rangup sebagai keputusan akhir yang turut dimodelkan melalui fungsi lengkung Bezier dengan disertai beberapa teorem bagi memahami bentuk data tersebut