18 research outputs found

    Effects of infrequent dried distillers grain supplementation on spring-calving cow performance

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    Feed and supplement costs and the expenses associated with delivery of winter supplements account for a large proportion of the total operating expenditures for cow-calf producers. Cattle grazing low-quality dormant native range (<6% crude protein) typically are unable to consume sufficient protein from the forage base, which limits microbial activity and forage digestion. Supplemental protein often is required to maintain cow body weight and body condition score during the last trimester of pregnancy. Low cow body condition scores at calving are common and may negatively affect lactation, rebreeding rates, and calf weaning weight. Failure to maintain proper nutritional status during this period severely affects short-term cow performance, reduces overall herd productivity, and limits profit potential. The most effective means of supplying supplemental protein to cows consuming dormant native range is to provide a small amount of high-protein feedstuff (>30% crude protein). Dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) are a by-product of the ethanol refining process. Distillers grains supply the recommended 30% crude protein level, are readily available, and often are favorably priced compared with more traditional feedstuffs. With the rising costs of inputs in today鈥檚 cow-calf sector, reducing cost is necessary to maintain viability of the national cowherd. Reducing the frequency of supplementation results in less labor and fuel use, effectively reducing input costs; however, this is viable only as long as cow performance is maintained at acceptable levels. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the effects of infrequent supplementation of dried distillers grains with solubles on cow body weight and body condition score

    Calf health and performance during receiving is not changed by fence-line preconditioning on flint hills range vs. drylot preconditioning

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    Ranch-of-origin preconditioning can improve the welfare and performance of beef calves by decreasing the stress associated with weaning, transport, diet change, and commingling with other calves. Preconditioning methods that involve pasture weaning coupled with maternal contact (i.e., fence-line weaning) have been promoted as possible best management practices for minimizing stress. Prior studies focused on performance and behavior during preconditioning on the ranch of origin. Little information has been published relating to carryover effects of fence-line preconditioning compared with conventional drylot preconditioning on performance and behavior during feedlot receiving. Our objectives were to measure growth and health during a 28-day ranch-of-origin preconditioning phase and during a 60-day feedlot receiving phase among beef calves subjected to 1 of 3 ranch-of-origin preconditioning programs: (1) drylot preconditioning + dam separation, (2) pasture preconditioning + fence-line contact with dams, and (3) pasture preconditioning + fence-line contact with dams + supplemental feed delivered in a bunk. In addition, we recorded incidences of behavioral distress among these treatments during first 7 days of feedlot receiving

    Effect of Exercise on Health and Performance by Long-Haul, High-Stress Steers During the Receiving Period

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    Morbidity and mortality associated with the bovine respiratory disease (BRD) complex continue to be a significant challenge to the United States beef industry. Stress associ颅ated with maternal separation, environment change, transportation, diet changes, and commingling are common to beef industry marketing channels and have been linked to depressed growth and health of recently weaned calves. Cattle originating from the Southeastern U.S. tend to exhibit high rates of BRD after transportation to Great Plains feedlots. Previous research has utilized exercise one time per day or three times per week for the receiving period. In those studies, health performance of cattle was not different from non-exercised cattle and differences in gain performance were minimal. The objective of this research was to examine the effect of exercise four times daily for the first 14 days after arrival on incidence of BRD and animal growth and performance

    Efficiency of early weaned beef calves is not improved by restricting feed intake during 84-day growing phase

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    Early weaning can be used by cow-calf producers to reduce stocking rates by 20% to 30% during drought. Ranchers may be reluctant to wean early because of reduced calf weights and reduced revenue compared with weaning calves at conventional ages. To avoid revenue shortfalls, calves can be retained and grown before selling; however, grain prices are currently at unprecedented levels. Feeding grain-based diets to calves less than 125 days of age has been associated with excessive fat accumulation early in the feeding period and decreased carcass weights. Conversely, several researchers have noted marked improvements in feed efficiency when grain-based finishing diets were limit-fed. High feed costs and early fat deposition may be attenuated by limit-feeding a grainbased diet to early weaned calves. Our goal was to measure performance and efficiency of lightweight, early weaned beef calves during an 84-day postweaning growing phase when feed intakes were varied to achieve targeted gains of 1, 2, or 3 lb/day

    Current factors affecting feeder cattle pricing in Kansas and Missouri cattle markets

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    Today鈥檚 tough economic environment for cattle producers makes each decision critically important, and increased knowledge of the link between pricing and genetic, management, and marketing decisions can increase an operation鈥檚 sustainability and profitability. Cow-calf producers and cattle feeders have long been interested in the impact of various physical and market characteristics on feeder cattle and calf prices. As demonstrated in many previous studies, significant relationships exist between feeder cattle prices and their physical and market characteristics. Weight, lot size, health, condition, fill, muscling, frame size, breed, time of sale, and horn status significantly affect feeder cattle auction prices. Historically, significant premiums and discounts have been associated with these particular feeder cattle physical characteristics. The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge of the current link between market pricing and genetic, management, and marketing decisions. Findings from this research will provide updated information regarding how the myriad of industry changes since the 1980s and 1990s has affected the characteristics that influence feeder cattle and calf prices

    Precutting round alfalfa and cornstalk bales decreases time and fuel required for bale breakup in a vertical mixer

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    Properly mixing and distributing nutrients throughout a ration can be equally as important as including them in the formulation. Many factors, including forage type, particle length, and mixer type, affect the homogeneity of total mixed rations. Particle size plays an important role in digestion and animal performance and, therefore, is an important consideration from harvest through feeding. An increase in particle size results in a less uniform distribution of nutrients throughout the total mixed ration. Typically, diets with a high proportion of forages have the lowest uniformity of nutrients in individual batches of complete feed

    Round bale alfalfa processing method does not influence feeding or mixing characteristics in a total mixed ration

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    Nutritionists and producers often assume that ingredients in a total mixed ration are uniformly mixed. However, many factors may affect ration homogeneity, including particle size, shape, and density and mixer discharge location. Forages are often ground prior to mixing in a total mixed ration to reduce variation in forage particle length. However, preprocessing forages while baling may facilitate particle length reduction and eliminate the need to grind forages prior to mixing. Objectives of this study were to determine the effects of forage processing method on uniformity and particle length of the total mixed ration at different discharge locations throughout mixing

    Cornstalk round bale processing method does not influence feeding characteristics or feed refusals

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    Nutritionists and producers often assume that ingredients in a total mixed ration are uniformly mixed. However, many factors can affect ration homogeneity, including particle size, particle shape, differences in density of feed ingredients, and relative point at which the mixture is discharged from a mixer batch. Forages often are ground prior to mixing in a total mixed ration to reduce variation in forage particle length. Preprocessing forages during baling may facilitate particle length reduction, eliminating the need to grind forages prior to mixing. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of forage processing on (1) uniformity of the ration discharged from the mixer at different points, (2) particle length throughout the mixing process by bale type, and (3) difference in feed refusals of mixed rations based on forages processed by different methods

    Relationships between feedlot health, average daily gain, and carcass traits of Angus steers

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    Morbidity reduces performance and quality grade, but the effects of morbidity on quality grade independent of its effect on carcass fatness are rarely documented. As feedlot cattle fatten, a greater proportion of their daily carcass gain goes to fat deposition, and greater carcass fat is consistent with greater marbling score. Higher-grading cattle are often assumed to have reduced feedlot performance. Objectives of this research were to document the impacts of various animal and non-animal factors on feedlot average daily gain, health, and carcass traits in Angus steers and to correlate quality and yield grade components of carcass with live performance

    Influencia del sistema de cultivo en la morfologia y productividad de Ulva ohnoi: Cultivo de fragmentos de talo en tanques, bioreactores y cuerdas de cultivo.

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    The existence and consumption of macroalgae currently represents an important part of the marine resources of greater exploitation. They main applications are in the use of these as biofilters, cosmetics and food products, since they contain high nutritional values in bioactive compounds, they act as antioxidants and antitumor agents. Also, they are emulsifiers and contain few calories, allowing almost no caloric intake in food. Given the great amount of natural resources and the possible uses that contain the algae, the objective of this work is based on the assessment of the morphology, the growth rate and the productivity of Ulva ohnoi, cultivating: circular and irregular fragments in photobioreactors, fragments of talus in tanks and integration of cultivation ropes without previous seeding in an IMTA system (Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture). To carry out this assessment, a thickness, biomass and image treatment were performed on random samples of each type of crop, providing the subsequent analysis of the aspect ratio and circularity. The results showed a maximum growth rate of &#956;_M脕X = 0.93d-1 on the 4th day, in photobioreactors for irregular fragments. What induces to think that, a good production of Ulva ohnoi would be a previous crop of irregular fragments in photobioreactors and a later one in tanks. On the other hand, regardless of the initial morphology of the alga culture, there is a remarkable increase in the elongation of the talus and a high loss of circularity in the three types of culture, so that every sample tends to obtain irregular morphologies. It should also be noted that the greater the handling received by the samples, the greater the thickness values obtained. Finally, it is possible to obtain biomass in ropes of culture without an initial seeding, although it is important to consider the necessary previous time and make a good selection of the ropes according to their composition.L'exist猫ncia i el consum de macroalgues, actualment representa una part important dels recursos marins de major explotaci贸. Les seves principals aplicacions s贸n l'煤s d'aquestes com biofiltres, productes cosm猫tics i alimentaris, ja que contenen alts valors nutricionals en compostos bioactius, actuen com antioxidants i antitumorals. Tamb茅, s贸n emulsionants i contenen baixes calories, permetent una aportaci贸 cal貌rica gaireb茅 nul路la en els aliments. Donada la gran quantitat de recursos naturals i els possibles usos que contenen les algues, l'objectiu d'aquest treball es basa en la valoraci贸 de la morfologia, la taxa de creixement i la productivitat de Ulva ohnoi, cultivant: fragments circulars i irregulars en fotobiorreactors, fragments de tal路lus en tancs i integraci贸 de cordes de cultiu sense sembrat previ en un sistema IMTA (Aq眉icultura Multitr贸fica Integrada). Per dur a terme aquesta valoraci贸, es va realitzar un mesurament del gruix, de la biomassa i un tractament d'imatges en mostres aleat貌ries de cada tipus de cultiu, proporcionant el posterior an脿lisi de la relaci贸 d'aspecte i circularitat. Els resultats van mostrar una taxa de creixement m脿xima de &#956;_M脕X = 0.93d-1 al 4t dia, en fotobiorreactors per fragments irregulars. El que indueix a pensar que, una bona producci贸 de Ulva ohnoi seria un cultiu previ de fragments irregulars en fotobiorreactors i un de posterior en tancs. D'altra banda, indiferentment de la morfologia inicial de cultiu de l'alga, hi ha un augment destacable de l'elongaci贸 dels tal路lus i una elevada p猫rdua de circularitat en els tres tipus de cultiu, de manera que tota mostra tendeix a obtenir morfologies irregulars. Cal destacar tamb茅 que, com m茅s gran 茅s la manipulaci贸 que reben les mostres, majors s贸n els valors de gruix obtinguts. Finalment, 茅s possible obtenir biomassa amb cordes de cultiu sense un sembrat inicial, tot i que 茅s important tenir en compte el temps previ necessari i fer una bona selecci贸 dels caps segons la seva composici贸.La existencia y el consumo de macroalgues, actualmente representa una parte importante de los recursos marinos de mayor explotaci贸n. Sus principales aplicaciones est谩n en el uso de estas como biofiltros, productos cosm茅ticos y alimenticios, ya que contienen altos valores nutricionales en compuestos bioactivos, act煤an como antioxidantes y antitumorales. Tambi茅n, son emulsionantes y contienen pocas calor铆as, permitiendo un aporte cal贸rico casi nulo en los alimentos. Dada la gran cantidad de recursos naturales y los posibles usos que contienen las algas, el objetivo de este trabajo se basa en la valoraci贸n de la morfolog铆a, la tasa de crecimiento y la productividad de Ulva ohnoi, cultivando: fragmentos circulares e irregulares en fotobiorreactores, fragmentos de talo en tanques e integraci贸n de cuerdas de cultivo sin sembrado previo en un sistema IMTA (Acuicultura Multitr贸fica Integrada). Para llevar a cabo esta valoraci贸n, se realiz贸 una medici贸n del grosor, de la biomasa y un tratamiento de im谩genes en muestras aleatorias de cada tipo de cultivo, proporcionando el posterior an谩lisis de la relaci贸n de aspecto y circularidad. Los resultados mostraron una tasa de crecimiento m谩xima de &#956;_M脕X= 0.93d-1 en el 4o d铆a, en fotobiorreactores para fragmentos irregulares. Lo que induce a pensar que, una buena producci贸n de Ulva ohnoi seria un cultivo previo de fragmentos irregulares en fotobiorreactores y uno posterior en tanques. Por otro lado, indistintamente de la morfolog铆a inicial de cultivo del alga, existe un aumento destacable de la elongaci贸n de los talos y una elevada perdida de circularidad en los tres tipos de cultivo, por lo que toda muestra tiende a obtener morfolog铆as irregulares. Cabe destacar tambi茅n que, cuanto mayor es la manipulaci贸n que reciben las muestras, mayores son los valores de grosor obtenidos. Finalmente, es posible obtener biomasa en cuerdas de cultivo sin un sembrado inicial, aunque es importante tener en cuenta el tiempo previo necesario y hacer una buena selecci贸n de los cabos seg煤n su composici贸n