18 research outputs found

    A wide variety of Clostridium perfringens type A food-borne isolates that carry a chromosomal cpe gene belong to one multilocus sequence typing cluster

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    Of 98 suspected food-borne Clostridium perfringens isolates obtained from a nationwide survey by the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority in The Netherlands, 59 strains were identified as C. perfringens type A. Using PCR-based techniques, the cpe gene encoding enterotoxin was detected in eight isolates, showing a chromosomal location for seven isolates and a plasmid location for one isolate. Further characterization of these strains by using (GTG)5 fingerprint repetitive sequence-based PCR analysis distinguished C. perfringens from other sulfite-reducing clostridia but did not allow for differentiation between various types of C. perfringens strains. To characterize the C. perfringens strains further, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis was performed on eight housekeeping genes of both enterotoxic and non-cpe isolates, and the data were combined with a previous global survey covering strains associated with food poisoning, gas gangrene, and isolates from food or healthy individuals. This revealed that the chromosomal cpe strains (food strains and isolates from food poisoning cases) belong to a distinct cluster that is significantly distant from all the other cpe plasmid-carrying and cpe-negative strains. These results suggest that different groups of C. perfringens have undergone niche specialization and that a distinct group of food isolates has specific core genome sequences. Such findings have epidemiological and evolutionary significance. Better understanding of the origin and reservoir of enterotoxic C. perfringens may allow for improved control of this organism in foods

    Differential outgrowth potential of Clostridium perfringens food-borne isolates with various cpe-genotypes in vacuum-packed ground beef during storage at 12°C

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    In the current study, the outgrowth of spores of 15 different food isolates of Clostridium perfringens was evaluated in vacuum-packed ground beef during storage at 12 °C and 25 °C. This included enterotoxic strains carrying the gene encoding the CPE enterotoxin on the chromosome (C-cpe), on a plasmid (P-cpe) and cpe-negative strains. The 15 strains were selected from a larger group of strains that were first evaluated for their ability to sporulate in modified Duncan–Strong sporulating medium. Sporulation ability varied greatly between strains but was not associated with a particular cpe genotype. In line with previous studies, the tested C-cpe strains produced spores with significantly higher heat resistance than the cpe-negative and P-cpe strains (both IS1151 and IS1470-like) with the exception of strain VWA009. Following inoculation of vacuum-packed cooked ground beef with spores, the heat-resistant C-cpe strains showed lower outgrowth potential in this model food stored at 12 °C than the P-cpe and cpe-negative strains, while no significant differences were observed at 25 °C. These results suggest that the latter strains may have a competitive advantage over C-cpe strains at reduced temperatures during storage of foods that support the growth of C. perfringens. While spores of P-cpe strains are readily inactivated by heat processing, post-processing contamination by food handlers who may carry P-cpe strains that have a better growth potential at lower temperatures must be avoided. The varying responses of C. perfringens spores to heat and the differences in outgrowth capacity at different temperatures are factors to be considered in strain selection for challenge tests, and for predictive modelling of C. perfringens

    Diversity Assessment of Heat Resistance of Listeria monocytogenes Strains in a Continuous-Flow Heating System

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen that has the ability to survive relatively high temperatures compared with other nonsporulating foodborne pathogens. This study was performed to determine whether L. monocytogenes strains with relatively high heat resistances are adequately inactivated in a high-temperature, short-time pasteurization process (72°C for 15 s). To obtain heat-resistant strains, 48 strains were exposed to 55°C for up to 3 h. The energy of activation constant and inactivation constant of strains that survived best (strains 1E and NV8) were subsequently determined in a continuous-flow-through system. Strain Scott A was taken along as a reference. The 3 strains were cultured in whole milk and in brain heart infusion broth at 30 and 7°C. Strains 1E and NV8 were significantly more heat resistant than was strain Scott A after growth in brain heart infusion broth at 30°C and after growth in milk at 7°C. From the inactivation parameters, it was calculated that exposure to high-temperature, short-time pasteurization (72°C for 15 s) will result in 12.1-, 14.2-, and 87.5-log reductions for the strains 1E, NV8, and Scott A, respectively. These results demonstrate that industrial pasteurization conditions suffice to inactivate the most heat-resistant L. monocytogenes strains tested in this stud

    Identification of chicken cathelicidin-2 core elements involved in antibacterial and immunomodulatory activities

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    The biological functions of avian cathelicidins are poorly defined. Inmammals,cathelicidins have shownto possess potent broad-range antimicrobial activity aswell as immunomodulatory activities. Therefore,we investigated the microbicidal activities and localization of Cathelicidin-2 in non-infected and Salmonellachallenged broiler chickens. Using immunohistochemistry, Cathelicidin-2 was shown to be abundantly present in heterophils, localized in the large rod-shaped granules, but absent in other peripheral blood cells and intestinal epithelial cells. Cathelicidin-2 synthesis was observed to be initiated at the early promyelocyte stage. Considerable infiltration of Cathelicidin-2 containing heterophilswas observed in the jejunum of Salmonella enteritidis-challenged broilers within 8 h post-infection. Heterophilswere shownto release mature Cathelicidin-2 peptide upon stimulation with Salmonella-derived LPS in a time-dependent way. Processing of the Cathelicidin-2 precursor was mediated by serine proteases with a divalent cation dependency. Cathelicidin-2 peptide showed potent bactericidal and fungicidal activity against all tested microorganisms, including chicken-specific Salmonella isolates. These results underscore the importance of avian heterophils as a first line of defence against invading pathogens and implicate that via heterophilmediated release, cathelicidins may greatly contribute to avian innate immunity